########################################################################################## ## Configuration Template For GRP261x/2x/3x/5x/7x Firmware Version ## ########################################################################################## #################################################################### # Account Settings ## #################################################################### #################################################################### # Account 1 ## #################################################################### ############################################################### # Account 1/General Settings ############################################################### # Account Active. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P271 = 0 # Account Name # String P270 = # SIP Server # String P47 = # Secondary SIP Server # String P2312 = # Outbound Proxy # String P48 = # Backup Outbound Proxy # String P2333 = # BLF Server # String P2375 = # SIP User ID # String P35 = # Authenticate ID # String P36 = # Authenticate Password # String P34 = # Name # String P3 = # Voice Mail Access Number # String P33 = # Monitored Voicemail Access Number # String P60076 = # Account Display # Number: 0, 1. 0 - User Name, 1 - User ID. Default is 0 # Mandatory P2380 = 0 ############################################################### # Account 1/Network Settings ############################################################### # DNS Mode. 0 - A Record, 1 - SRV, 2 - NAPTR/SRV, 3 - Use Configured IP. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P103 = 0 # Maximum Number of SIP Request Retries. Default is 2. # Number: 1-10 # Mandatory P60055 = 2 # DNS SRV Fail-over Mode. 0 - Default, 1 - Saved one until DNS TTL, 2 - Saved one until no response, 3 - Failback follows failback expiration timer. Default is 0 # Number: 0-3 # Mandatory P26040 = 0 # Failback Expiration(m). Default is 60. # Number: 1-64800 # Mandatory P60056 = 60 # Register Before DNS SRV Failover. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P29095 = 0 # Primary IP. Maximum 15 characters # String P2308 = # Backup IP 1 # String P2309 = # Backup IP 2 # String P2310 = # NAT Traversal. 0 - No, 1 - STUN, 2 - keep alive, 3 - UPnP, 4 - Auto, 5 - VPN. Default is 4. # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P52 = 4 # Proxy-Require (A SIP extension to enable firewall penetration). Max length is 64 characters # String P197 = # Use SBC. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26090 = 0 ############################################################### # Account 1/SIP Settings/Basic Settings ############################################################### # TEL URI. 0 - Disabled, 1 - User=Phone, 2 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P63 = 0 # SIP Registration. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P31 = 1 # Unregister On Reboot. 0 - No, 1 - Yes, 2 - Instance. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P81 = 0 # Register Expiration (in minutes). Default is 60. Max about 45 days # Number: 1 - 64800 # Mandatory P32 = 60 # Subscribe Expiration (in minutes). Default is 60. Max about 45 days # Number: 1 - 64800 # Mandatory P26051 = 60 # Reregister Before Expiration (in seconds). Default is 0 seconds # Number: 0 - 64800 # Mandatory P2330 = 0 # Enable OPTIONS Keep Alive. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P2397 = 0 # OPTIONS Keep Alive Interval. Default is 30 # Number # Mandatory P2398 = 30 # OPTIONS Keep Alive Max Lost. Default is 3 # Number # Mandatory P2399 = 3 # Local SIP Port. Default is 5060 # Number # Mandatory P40 = 5060 # SIP Registration Failure Retry Wait Time (in seconds). Default is 20 # Number: 1 - 3600 # Mandatory P138 = 20 # SIP Subscribe Failure Retry Wait Time (in seconds). Default is 20 # Number: 1 - 3600 # Mandatory P29091 = 20 # SIP T1 Timeout. RFC 3261 T1 value (RTT estimate) # 50 - 0.5 sec, 100 - 1 sec, 200 - 2 sec. Default is 50 # Number: 50, 100, 200 # Mandatory P209 = 50 # SIP T2 Timeout. RFC 3261 T2 value. The maximum retransmit interval for non-INVITE requests and INVITE responses # 200 - 2 sec, 400 - 4 sec, 800 - 8 sec. Default is 400 # Number: 200, 400, 800 # Mandatory P250 = 400 # SIP Transport. 0 - UDP, 1 - TCP, 2 - TLS/TCP. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P130 = 0 # SIP Listening Mode. # 0 - Transport Only, 1 - Dual, 2 - Dual (BLF Enforced), 3 - Dual (Secured). Default is 0 # Number: 0,1,2,3 # Mandatory P26024 = 0 # SIP URI Scheme when using TLS. 0 - sip, 1 - sips. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2329 = 1 # Use Actual Ephemeral Port in Contact with TCP/TLS. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2331 = 0 # Outbound Proxy Mode. 0 - in route, 1 - not in route, 2 - always send to # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2305 = 0 # Support SIP Instance ID. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P288 = 1 # SUBSCRIBE for MWI. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P99 = 0 # SUBSCRIBE for Registration. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2319 = 0 # Enable 100rel. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P272 = 0 # Callee ID Display. 0 - Auto, 1 - Disabled, 2 - To Header. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26025 = 0 # Caller ID Display. 0 - Auto, 1 - Disabled, 2 - From Header. Default is 2 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2324 = 2 # Add Auth Header On Initial REGISTER # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2359 = 0 # Allow SIP Reset # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26015 = 0 # Ignore Alert-Info header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26018 = 0 # Use Route Set In NOTIFY # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P60059 = 1 ############################################################### # Account 1/SIP Settings/Custom SIP Headers ############################################################### # Use Privacy Header # 0 - Default, 1 - No, 2 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2338 = 0 # Use P-Preferred-Identity Header # 0 - Default, 1 - No, 2 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2339 = 0 # Use X-Grandstream-PBX Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26054 = 1 # Use P-Access-Network-Info Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26058 = 1 # Use P-Emergency-Info Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26059 = 1 # Use P-Asserted-Identity Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P29098 = 0 # Use MAC Header # 0 - No, 1 - Only for REGISTER, 2 - Yes to all SIP. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P29090 = 0 # Add MAC in User-Agent # 0 - No, 1 - Yes except REGISTER, 2 - Yes to all SIP. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26061 = 0 # Use X-switch-info Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 P60070 = 0 ############################################################### # Account 1/SIP Settings/Advanced Features ############################################################### # Line-Seize Timeout (in seconds). Default is 15 # Number: 15 - 60 # Mandatory P2313 = 15 # Presence Eventlist URI # String P26084 = # Eventlist BLF URI # String P134 = # Auto Provision Eventlists. 0 - Disabled, 1 - BLF Eventlist, 2 - Presence Eventlist. Default is 0 # Number:0,1,2 # Mandatory P2389 = 0 # Conference URI # String P2318 = # Music On Hold URI # String P2350 = # BLF Call-pickup. 0 - Auto, 1 - Force BLF Call-pickup by prefix, 2 - Disabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P6752 = 0 # BLF Call-pickup Prefix. Default is ** # String # Mandatory P1347 = ** # Call Pickup Barge-In Code # String P26046 = # Call Park Feature Code # String P60069 = # Call Park Retrieve Feature Code # String P2336 = # PUBLISH for Presence. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P188 = 0 # Omit charset=UTF-8 in MESSAGE. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2355 = 0 # Allow Unsolicited REFER. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled, 2 - Enabled/Force Auth. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26023 = 0 # Feature Key Synchronization. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2325 = 0 # Special Feature. 100 - Standard, 101 - Nortel MCS, 102- Broadsoft, 108 - CBCOM, # 109 - RNK, 110 - Sylantro, 117 - Huawei IMS, 119 - Phonepower, 120 - UCM Call Center, 137 - Zoom # Default is 100 # Number: 100, 101, 102, 108, 109, 110, 117, 119, 120, 137 # Mandatory P198 = 100 # Broadsoft # Broadsoft Call Center. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2341 = 0 # Hoteling Event. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2342 = 0 # Call Center Status. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2343 = 0 # Broadsoft Executive Assistant. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2364 = 0 # Broadsoft Call Park. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2388 = 0 # VQ RTCP-XR # VQ RTCP-XR Collector Name. # String P26093 = # VQ RTCP-XR Collector Address. # String P26094 = # VQ RTCP-XR Collector Port # String P26095 = 5060 # Enable RTCP. 0 - Disable, 1 - RTCP, 2 - RTCP-XR # Number: 0-2 # Mandatory P2392 = 2 # Collector Address Selection. 0 - Manual, 1 - Auto # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P60087 = 0 ############################################################### # Account 1/SIP Settings/Session Timer ############################################################### # Enable Session Timer. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2395 = 0 # Session Expiration (in seconds). Default is 180 # Number: 90 - 64800 # Mandatory P260 = 180 # Minimum SE (in seconds). Default is 90. This value must be lower than or equal to P260 # Number: 90 - 64800 # Mandatory P261 = 90 # Caller Request Timer (Request for timer when calling). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P262 = 0 # Callee Request Timer (Request for timer when called. i.e. if remote party supports timer but did not request for one) # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P263 = 0 # Force Timer (Still use timer when remote party does not support timer). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P264 = 0 # UAC Specify Refresher. 0 - Omit, 1 - UAC, 2 - UAS. Default is 1 # Number: 0 - 2 # Mandatory P266 = 1 # UAS Specify Refresher. 1 - UAC, 2 - UAS. Default is 1 # Number: 1, 2 # Mandatory P267 = 1 # Force INVITE (Always refresh with INVITE instead of UPDATE even when remote party supports UPDATE). # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P265 = 0 ############################################################### # Account 1/SIP Settings/Security Settings ############################################################### # Check Domain Certificates. When set to Yes/Enabled, domain certificate will be checked as defined in RFC5922 # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2311 = 0 # Trusted Domain Name List # String P60082 = # Validate Certification Chain. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2367 = 0 # Validate Incoming Messages. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2306 = 0 # Check SIP User ID for incoming INVITE. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P258 = 0 # Accept Incoming SIP from Proxy Only. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2347 = 0 # Authenticate Incoming INVITE. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2346 = 0 ############################################################### # Account 1/Audio Settings ############################################################### # Preferred Vocoder # 0 - PCMU, 2 - G.726-32, 4 - G.723.1, 8 - PCMA, 9 - G.722, 18 - G.729A/B, 98 - iLBC, 123 - OPUS # choice 1. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P57 = 0 # choice 2. Default is 8 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P58 = 8 # choice 3. Default is 4 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P59 = 4 # choice 4. Default is 18 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P60 = 18 # choice 5. Default is 9 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P61 = 9 # choice 6. Default is 98 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P62 = 98 # choice 7. Default is 2 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P46 = 2 # choice 8. Default is 125 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P98 = 125 # Use First Matching Vocoder in 200OK SDP. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2348 = 0 # Codec Negotiation Priority. 0 - Caller, 1 - Callee. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P29061 = 1 # Hide Vocoder. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Default is 0 # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P26047 = 0 # Disable Multiple m line in SDP # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P137 = 0 # RTCP Port Selection # 0 - Default, 1 - Negotiated. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P60060 = 0 # SRTP Mode. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled but not forced, 2 - Enabled and forced, 3 - Optional. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P183 = 0 # SRTP Key Length. 0 - AES 128&256 bit, 1 - AES 128 bit, 2 - AES 256 bit. Default is 0 # Default is 0 # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P2383 = 0 # Crypto Life Time # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2363 = 1 # Symmetric RTP. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P291 = 0 # Silence Suppression. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P50 = 0 # Jitter Buffer Type. 0 - Fixed, 1 - Adaptive. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P133 = 1 # Jitter Buffer Length. 0 - 100ms, 1 - 200ms, 2 - 300ms, 3 - 400ms, 4 - 500ms, 5 - 600ms, 6 - 700ms, 7 - 800ms # Default is 2 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 # Mandatory P132 = 2 # Voice Frames per TX (up to 10/20/32/64 frames for G711/G726/G723/other codecs respectively). Default is 2 # Number: 1 - 64 # Mandatory P37 = 2 # G723 Rate. 0 - 6.3kbps encoding rate, 1 - 5.3kbps encoding rate. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P49 = 1 # G.726-32 Packing Mode. 0 - ITU, 1 - IETF. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2323 = 0 # iLBC Frame Size. 0 - 20ms, 1 - 30ms. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P97 = 1 # iLBC Payload Type. Default is 97 # Number: 96 - 127 # Mandatory P96 = 97 # OPUS Payload Type. Default is 123 # Number: 96 - 127 # Mandatory P2385 = 123 # DTMF Payload Type. Default is 101 # Number: 96 - 127 # Mandatory P79 = 101 # Send DTMF: In-audio. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2301 = 0 # Send DTMF: Via RTP (RFC2833). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2302 = 1 # Send DTMF: Via SIP INFO. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2303 = 0 # DTMF Delay. Default is 250 # Number: 100 - 250 # Mandatory P26060 = 250 ############################################################### # Account 1/Call Settings ############################################################### # Early Dial (use "Yes" only if proxy supports 484 response). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P29 = 0 # Dial Plan Prefix # String P66 = # Dial Plan. Default value is { x+ | \+x+ | *x+ | *xx*x+ } # String # Mandatory P290 = { x+ | \+x+ | *x+ | *xx*x+ } # Bypass Dial Plan # String: contact,incoming,outgoing,dialing,mpk,api. Default is mpk P2382 = mpk # Call Log. 0 - Log All Calls, 1 - Log Incoming/Outgoing only (missed calls NOT recorded), 2 - Disable Call Log. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P182 = 0 # Send Anonymous (caller ID will be blocked if set to Yes). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P65 = 0 # Anonymous Call Rejection. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P129 = 0 # Auto Answer. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P90 = 0 # Auto Answer Numbers. # String P29064 = # Refer-To Use Target Contact. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P135 = 0 # Transfer on Conference Hangup. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2304 = 0 # Disable Recovery on Blind Transfer. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2384 = 0 # Blind Transfer Wait Timeout. Default is 30 # Number: 30 - 300 # Mandatory P26070 = 30 # No Key Entry Timeout (in seconds). Default is 4 # Number: 1 - 15 # Mandatory P85 = 4 # Key As Send. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Pound (#), 2 - Star (*). Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P72 = 1 # On Hold Reminder Tone. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enable. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26006 = 1 # RFC2543 Hold. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26062= 0 # Hide Dialing Password # Prefix for dialing password # String P26049 = # Password length. Default is 0 # Number # Mandatory P26050 = 0 # Disable Call Waiting. 0 - Default, 1 - No, 2 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26063 = 0 # Account Ring Tone. 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: 0-12 # Mandatory P104 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 1 # String P1488 = # Matching Rule 1 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P1489 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 2 # String P1490 = # Matching Rule 2 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P1491 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 3 # String P1492 = # Matching Rule 3 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P1493 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 4 # String P6716 = # Matching Rule 4 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P6717 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 5 # String P6718 = # Matching Rule 5 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P6719 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 6 # String P6720 = # Matching Rule 6 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P6721 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 7 # String P26064 = # Matching Rule 7 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26065 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 8 # String P26066 = # Matching Rule 8 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26067 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 9 # String P26068 = # Matching Rule 9 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26069 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 10 # String P26096 = # Matching Rule 10 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26097 = 5 # Ring Timeout (in seconds). Default is 60 # Number: 30 - 3600 # Mandatory P1328 = 60 ############################################################### # Account 1/Intercom Settings ############################################################### # Allow Auto Answer by Call-Info/Alert-Info. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P298 = 1 # Allow Barging by Call-Info/Alert-Info. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26019 = 0 # Mute on answer Intercom call. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26071 = 0 # Play warning tone for Auto Answer Intercom. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26072 = 1 # Custom Alert-Info for Auto Answer. # String P2356 = ############################################################### # Account 1/Feature Codes ############################################################### #Enable Local Call Features. 0 - No, 1 - Yes, 2 - Call Forward & DND only, 3 - Yes without Feature Codes. Default is 1 #Number: 0-3 #Mandatory P191 = 1 #Do Not Disturb (DND) - On # String P2344 = #Do Not Disturb (DND) - Off # String P2345 = #Call Forward Unconditionally (All) - On # String P26013 = #Call Forward Unconditionally (All) - Off # String P26014 = #Call Forward Unconditionally (All) - Target # String P29092 = #Call Forward Busy - On # String P26009 = #Call Forward Busy - Off # String P26010 = #Call Forward Busy - Target # String P29093 = #Call Forward Delayed (No Answer) - On #String P26011 = #Call Forward Delayed (No Answer) - Off #String P26012 = #Call Forward Delayed (No Answer) - Target #String P29094 = #Delayed Call Forward Wait Time (in seconds). Default is 12 #Number: 1 - 120 #Mandatory P139 = 12 #################################################################### # Account 2 #################################################################### ############################################################### # Account 2/General Settings ############################################################### # Account Active. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P401 = 0 # Account Name # String P417 = # SIP Server # String P402 = # Secondary SIP Server # String P2412 = # Outbound Proxy # String P403 = # Backup Outbound Proxy # String P2433 = # BLF Server # String P2475 = # SIP User ID # String P404 = # Authenticate ID # String P405 = # Authenticate password # String P406 = # Name # String P407 = # Voice Mail UserID # String P426 = # Monitored Voicemail Access Number # String P60176 = # Account Display # Number: 0, 1. 0 - User Name, 1 - User ID. Default is 0 # Mandatory P2480 = 0 ############################################################### # Account 2/Network Settings ############################################################### # DNS Mode. 0 - A Record, 1 - SRV, 2 - NAPTR/SRV, 3 - Use Configured IP. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P408 = 0 # Maximum Number of SIP Request Retries. Default is 2. # Number: 1-10 # Mandatory P60155 = 2 # DNS SRV Fail-over Mode. 0 - Default, 1 - Saved one until DNS TTL, 2 - Saved one until no response, 3 - Failback follows failback expiration timer. Default is 0 # Number: 0-3 # Mandatory P26140 = 0 # Failback Expiration(m). Default is 60. # Number: 1-64800 # Mandatory P60156 = 60 # Register Before DNS SRV Failover. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P29195 = 0 # Primary IP. Maximum 15 characters # String P2408 = # Backup IP 1 # String P2409 = # Backup IP 2 # String P2410 = # NAT Traversal. 0 - No, 1 - STUN, 2 - keep alive, 3 - UPnP, 4 - Auto, 5 - VPN. Default is 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P414 = 4 # Proxy-Require (A SIP extension to enable firewall penetration). Max length is 64 characters # String P418 = # Use SBC. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26190 = 0 ############################################################### # Account 2/SIP Settings/Basic Settings ############################################################### # TEL URI. 0 - Disabled, 1 - User=Phone, 2 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P409 = 0 # SIP Registration. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P410 = 1 # Unregister On Reboot. 0 - No, 1 - Yes, 2 - Instance. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P411 = 0 # Register Expiration (in minutes). Default is 60. Max is 45 days # Number: 1 - 64800 # Mandatory P412 = 60 # Subscribe Expiration. Default is 60. Max about 45 days # Number: 1 - 64800 # Mandatory P26151 = 60 # Reregister before Expiration (in seconds). Default is 0 seconds # Number: 0 - 64800 # Mandatory P2430 = 0 # Enable OPTIONS Keep Alive. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P2497 = 0 # OPTIONS Keep Alive Interval. Default is 30 # Number # Mandatory P2498 = 30 # OPTIONS Keep Alive Max Lost. Default is 3 # Number # Mandatory P2499 = 3 # Local SIP port. Default is 5062 # Number # Mandatory P413 = 5062 # SIP Registration Failure Retry Wait Time (in seconds). Default is 20 # Number: 1 - 3600 # Mandatory P471 = 20 # SIP Subscribe Failure Retry Wait Time (in seconds). Default is 20 # Number: 1 - 3600 # Mandatory P29191 = 20 # SIP T1 Timeout. RFC 3261 T1 value (RTT estimate) # 50 - 0.5 sec, 100 - 1 sec, 200 - 2 sec. Default is 100 # Number: 50, 100, 200 # Mandatory P440 = 50 # SIP T2 Timeout. RFC 3261 T2 value. The maximum retransmit interval for non-INVITE requests and INVITE responses # 200 - 2 sec, 400 - 4 sec, 800 - 8 sec. Default is 400 # Number: 200, 400, 800 # Mandatory P441 = 400 # SIP Transport. 0 - UDP, 1 - TCP, 2 - TCP/TLS. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P448 = 0 # SIP Listening Mode. # 0 - Transport Only, 1 - Dual, 2 - Dual (BLF Enforced), 3 - Dual (Secured). Default is 0 # Number: 0,1,2,3 # Mandatory P26124 = 0 # SIP URI Scheme when using TLS. 0 - sip, 1 - sips. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2429 = 1 # Use Actual Ephemeral Port in Contact with TCP/TLS. 0 - No, 1- Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2431 = 0 # Outbound Proxy Mode. 0 - in route, 1 - not in route, 2 - always send to # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2405 = 0 # Support SIP Instance ID. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P489 = 1 # SUBSCRIBE for MWI (Whether or not send SUBSCRIBE for Message Waiting Indication). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P415 = 0 # SUBSCRIBE for Registration. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2419 = 0 # Enable 100rel. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P435 = 0 # Callee ID Display. 0 - Auto, 1 - Disabled, 2 - To Header. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26125 = 0 # Caller ID Display. 0 - Auto, 1 - Disabled, 2 - From Header. Default is 2 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2424 = 2 # Add Auth Header On Initial REGISTER # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2459 = 0 #Allow SIP Reset # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 #Mandatory P26115 = 0 # Ignore Alert-Info header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26118 = 0 # Use Route Set In NOTIFY # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P60159 = 1 ############################################################### # Account 2/SIP Settings/Custom SIP Headers ############################################################### # Use Privacy Header # 0 - Default, 1 - No, 2 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2438 = 0 # Use P-Preferred-Identity Header # 0 - Default, 1 - No, 2 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2439 = 0 # Use X-Grandstream-PBX Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26154 = 1 # Use P-Access-Network-Info Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26158 = 1 # Use P-Emergency-Info Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26159 = 1 # Use P-Asserted-Identity Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P29198 = 0 # Use MAC Header # 0 - No, 1 - Only for REGISTER, 2 - Yes to all SIP. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P29190 = 0 # Add MAC in User-Agent # 0 - No, 1 - Yes except REGISTER, 2 - Yes to all SIP. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26161 = 0 # Use X-switch-info Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 P60170 = 0 ############################################################### # Account 2/SIP Settings/Advanced Features ############################################################### # Line-Seize Timeout (in seconds). Default is 15 # Number: 15 - 60 # Mandatory P2413 = 15 # Presence Eventlist URI # String P26184 = # Eventlist BLF URI # String P444 = # Auto Provision Eventlists. 0 - Disabled, 1 - BLF Eventlist, 2 - Presence Eventlist. Default is 0 # Number:0,1,2 # Mandatory P2489 = 0 # Conference URI # String P2418 = # Music On Hold URI # String P2450 = # BLF Call-pickup. 0 - Auto, 1 - Force BLF Call-pickup by prefix, 2 - Disabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P6753 = 0 # BLF Call-pickup Prefix. Default is ** # String # Mandatory P481 = ** # Call Pickup Barge-In Code # String P26146 = # Call Park Feature Code # String P60169 = # Call Park Retrieve Feature Code # String P2436 = # PUBLISH for Presence. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P488 = 0 # Omit charset=UTF-8 in MESSAGE. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2455 = 0 # Allow Unsolicited REFER. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled, 2 - Enabled/Force Auth. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26123 = 0 # Feature Key Synchronization. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0. # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2425 = 0 # Special Feature. 100 - Standard, 101 - Nortel MCS, 102- Broadsoft, 108 - CBCOM, # 109 - RNK, 110 - Sylantro, 117 - Huawei IMS, 119 - Phonepower, 120 - UCM Call Center, 137 - Zoom # Default is 100 # Number: 100, 101, 102, 108, 109, 110, 117, 119, 120, 137 # Mandatory P424 = 100 # Broadsoft # Broadsoft Call Center. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2441 = 0 # Hoteling Event. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2442 = 0 # Call Center Status. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2443 = 0 # Broadsoft Executive Assistant. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2464 = 0 # Broadsoft Call Park. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0. # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2488 = 0 # VQ RTCP-XR # VQ RTCP-XR Collector Name. # String P26193 = # VQ RTCP-XR Collector Address. # String P26194 = # VQ RTCP-XR Collector Port.Default is 5060 # String P26195 = 5060 # Enable RTCP. 0 - Disable, 1 - RTCP, 2 - RTCP-XR # Number: 0-2 # Mandatory P2492 = 2 # Collector Address Selection. 0 - Manual, 1 - Auto # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P60187 = 0 ############################################################### # Account 2/SIP Settings/Session Timer ############################################################### # Enable Session Timer. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2495 = 0 # Session Expiration (in seconds). Default is 180 # Number: 90 - 64800 # Mandatory P434 = 180 # Minimum SE (in seconds). Default is 90. This value must be lower than or equal to P434 # Number: 90 - 64800 # Mandatory P427 = 90 # Caller Request Timer (Request for timer when calling). 0 - No, 1 - Yes # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P428 = 0 # Callee Request Timer (Request for timer when called. i.e. if remote party supports timer but did not request for one) # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P429 = 0 # Force Timer (Still use timer when remote party does not support timer). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P430 = 0 # UAC Specify Refresher. 0 - Omit, 1 - UAC, 2 - UAS. Default is 1 # Number: 0 - 2 # Mandatory P432 = 1 # UAS Specify Refresher. 1 - UAC, 2 - UAS. Default is 1 # Number: 1, 2 # Mandatory P433 = 1 # Force INVITE (Always refresh with INVITE instead of UPDATE even when remote party supports UPDATE) # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P431 = 0 ############################################################### # Account 2/SIP Settings/Security Settings ############################################################### # Check Domain Certificates. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. When set to Yes/Enabled, the domain certificate will be checked as defined in RFC5922 # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2411 = 0 # Trusted Domain Name List # String P60182 = # Validate Certification Chain. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2467 = 0 # Validate Incoming Messages. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2406 = 0 # Check SIP User ID for incoming INVITE. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P449 = 0 # Accept Incoming SIP from Proxy Only. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2447 = 0 # Authenticate Incoming INVITE. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2446 = 0 ############################################################### # Account 2/Audio Settings ############################################################### # Preferred Vocoder # 0 - PCMU, 2 - G.726-32, 4 - G.723.1, 8 - PCMA, 9 - G.722, 18 - G.729A/B, 98 - iLBC, 123 - OPUS # choice 1. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P451 = 0 # choice 2. Default is 8 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P452 = 8 # choice 3. Default is 4 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P453 = 4 # choice 4. Default is 18 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P454 = 18 # choice 5. Default is 9 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P455 = 9 # choice 6. Default is 98 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P456 = 98 # choice 7. Default is 2 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P457 = 2 # choice 8. Default is 125 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P458 = 125 # Use First Matching Vocoder in 200OK SDP. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2448 = 0 # Codec Negotiation Priority. 0 - Caller, 1 - Callee. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P29161 = 1 # Hide Vocoder. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Default is 0 # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P26147 = 0 #Disable Multiple m line in SDP #0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P487 = 0 # RTCP Port Selection # 0 - Default, 1 - Negotiated. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P60160 = 0 # SRTP Mode # 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled but not forced, 2 - Enabled and forced, 3 - Optional. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P443 = 0 # SRTP Key Length. 0 - AES 128&256 bit, 1 - AES 128 bit, 2 - AES 256 bit. Default is 0 # Default is 0 # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P2483 = 0 #Crypto Life Time #0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2463 = 0 # Symmetric RTP. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P460 = 0 # Silence Suppression 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P485 = 0 # Jitter Buffer Type. 0 - Fixed, 1 - Adaptive. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P498 = 1 # Jitter Buffer Length. # 0 - 100ms, 1 - 200ms, 2 - 300ms, 3 - 400ms, 4 - 500ms, 5 - 600ms, 6 - 700ms, 7 - 800ms. Default is 2 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 # Mandatory P497 = 2 # Voice Frames per TX (up to 10/20/32/64 frames for G711/G726/G723/other codecs respectively). Default is 2 # Number: 1 - 64 # Mandatory P486 = 2 # G723 Rate. 0 - 6.3kbps encoding rate, 1 - 5.3kbps encoding rate. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P493 = 1 # G.726-32 Packing Mode. 0 - ITU, 1 - IETF. default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2423 = 0 # iLBC Frame Size. 0 - 20ms, 1 - 30ms. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P495 = 1 # iLBC Payload Type. Default is 97 # Number: 96 - 127 # Mandatory P494 = 97 # OPUS Payload Type. Default is 123 # Number: 96 - 127 # Mandatory P2485 = 123 # DTMF Payload Type. Default is 101 # Number: 96 - 127 # Mandatory P496 = 101 # Send DTMF: In-audio. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2401 = 0 # Send DTMF: Via RTP (RFC2833). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2402 = 1 # Send DTMF: Via SIP INFO. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2403 = 0 # DTMF Delay. Default is 250 # Number: 100 - 250 # Mandatory P26160 = 250 ############################################################### # Account 2/Call Settings ############################################################### # Early Dial (use "Yes" only if proxy supports 484 response). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P422 = 0 # Dial Plan Prefix # String P419 = # Dial Plan. Default is { x+ | \+x+ | *x+ | *xx*x+ } # String # Mandatory P459= { x+ | \+x+ | *x+ | *xx*x+ } # Bypass Dial Plan # String: contact,incoming,outgoing,dialing,mpk,api. Default is mpk P2482 = mpk # Call Log. 0 - Log All Calls, 1 - Log Incoming/Outgoing only (missed calls NOT recorded), 2 - Disable Call Log. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P442 = 0 # Send Anonymous (caller ID will be blocked if set to Yes). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P421 = 0 # Anonymous Call Rejection. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P446 = 0 # Auto Answer. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P425 = 0 # Auto Answer Numbers. # String P29164 = # Refer-To Use Target Contact. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P469 = 0 # Transfer on Conference Hangup. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2404 = 0 # Disable Recovery on Blind Transfer. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2484 = 0 # Blind Transfer Wait Timeout. Default is 30 # Number: 30 - 300 # Mandatory P26170 = 30 # No Key Entry Timeout (in seconds). Default is 4 # Number: 1 - 15 # Mandatory P491 = 4 # Key As Send. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Pound (#), 2 - Star (*). Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P492 = 1 # On Hold Reminder Tone. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enable. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26106 = 1 # RFC2543 Hold. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26162= 0 # Hide Dialing Password # Prefix for dialing password # String P26149 = # Password length. Default is 0 # Number # Mandatory P26150 = 0 # Disable Call Waiting. 0 - Default, 1 - No, 2 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26163 = 0 # Account Ring Tone. 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: 0-12 # Mandatory P423 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 1 # String P1494 = # Matching Rule 1 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P1495 = 0 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 2. # String P1496 = # Matching Rule 2 Distinctive Ringtone. # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P1497 = 0 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 3. # String P1498 = # Matching Rule 3 Distinctive Ringtone. # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P1499 = 0 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 4 # String P6722 = # Matching Rule 4 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P6723 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 5 # String P6724 = # Matching Rule 5 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P6725 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 6 # String P6726 = # Matching Rule 6 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P6727 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 7 # String P26164 = # Matching Rule 7 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26165 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 8 # String P26166 = # Matching Rule 8 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26167= 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 9 # String P26168 = # Matching Rule 9 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26169 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 10 # String P26196 = # Matching Rule 10 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26197 = 5 # Ring Timeout (in seconds) Default is 60 # Number: 30 - 3600 # Mandatory P476 = 60 ############################################################### # Account 2/Intercom Settings ############################################################### # Allow Auto Answer by Call-Info/Alert-Info. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P438 = 1 # Allow Barging by Call-Info/Alert-Info. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26119 = 0 # Mute on answer Intercom call. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26171 = 0 # Play warning tone for Auto Answer Intercom. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26172 = 1 # Custom Alert-Info for Auto Answer. # String P2456 = ############################################################### # Account 2/Feature Codes ############################################################### #Enable Local Call Features. 0 - No, 1 - Yes, 2 - Call Forward & DND only, 3 - Yes without Feature Codes. Default is 1 #Number: 0-3 #Mandatory P420 = 1 #Do Not Disturb (DND) - On # String P2444 = #Do Not Disturb (DND) - Off # String P2445 = #Call Forward Unconditionally (All) - On # String P26113 = #Call Forward Unconditionally (All) - Off # String P26114 = #Call Forward Unconditionally (All) - Target # String P29192 = #Call Forward Busy - On # String P26109 = #Call Forward Busy - Off # String P26110 = #Call Forward Busy - Target # String P29193 = #Call Forward Delayed (No Answer) - On #String P26111 = #Call Forward Delayed (No Answer) - Off #String P26112 = #Call Forward Delayed (No Answer) - Target #String P29194 = #Delayed Call Forward Wait Time (in seconds). Default is 12 #Number: 1 - 120 #Mandatory P470 = 12 #################################################################### # Account 3 GRP2613/GRP2614/GRP2615/GRP2616/GRP2624/GRP2634/GRP2670/GRP2650/GRP2636 #################################################################### ############################################################### # Account 3/General Settings ############################################################### # Account Active. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P501 = 0 # Account Name # String P517 = # SIP Server # String P502 = # Secondary SIP Server # String P2512 = # Outbound Proxy # String P503 = # Backup Outbound Proxy # String P2533 = # BLF Server # String P2575 = # SIP User ID # String P504 = # Authenticate ID # String P505 = # Authenticate Password # String P506 = # Name # String P507 = # Voice Mail UserID # String P526 = # Monitored Voicemail Access Number # String P60276 = # Account Display # Number: 0, 1. 0 - User Name, 1 - User ID. Default is 0 # Mandatory P2580 = 0 ############################################################### # Account 3/Network Settings ############################################################### # DNS Mode. 0 - A Record, 1 - SRV, 2 - NAPTR/SRV, 3 - Use Configured IP. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P508 = 0 # Maximum Number of SIP Request Retries. Default is 2. # Number: 1-10 # Mandatory P60255 = 2 # DNS SRV Fail-over Mode. 0 - Default, 1 - Saved one until DNS TTL, 2 - Saved one until no response, 3 - Failback follows failback expiration timer. Default is 0 # Number: 0-3 # Mandatory P26240 = 0 # Failback Expiration(m). Default is 60. # Number: 1-64800 # Mandatory P60256 = 60 # Register Before DNS SRV Failover. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P29295 = 0 # Primary IP. Maximum 15 characters # String P2508 = # Backup IP 1 # String P2509 = # Backup IP 2 # String P2510 = # NAT Traversal. 0 - No, 1 - STUN, 2 - keep alive, 3 - UPnP, 4 - Auto, 5 - VPN. Default is 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P514 = 4 # Proxy-Require (A SIP extension to enable firewall penetration). Max length is 64 characters # String P518 = # Use SBC. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26290 = 0 ############################################################### # Account 3/SIP Settings/Basic Settings ############################################################### # TEL URI. 0 - Disabled, 1 - User=Phone, 2 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P509 = 0 # SIP Registration. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P510 = 1 # Unregister On Reboot. 0 - No, 1 - Yes, 2 - Instance. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P511 = 0 # Register Expiration (in minutes). Default is 60. Max is 45 days # Number: 1 - 64800 # Mandatory P512 = 60 # Subscribe Expiration. Default is 60. Max about 45 days # Number: 1 - 64800 # Mandatory P26251 = 60 # Reregister before Expiration (in seconds). Default is 0 seconds # Number: 0 - 64800 # Mandatory P2530 = 0 # Enable OPTIONS Keep Alive. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P2597 = 0 # OPTIONS Keep Alive Interval. Default is 30 # Number # Mandatory P2598 = 30 # OPTIONS Keep Alive Max Lost. Default is 3 # Number # Mandatory P2599 = 3 # Local SIP Port. Default is 5064 # Number # Mandatory P513 = 5064 # SIP Registration Failure Retry Wait Time (in seconds). Default is 20 # Number: 1 - 3600 # Mandatory P571 = 20 # SIP Subscribe Failure Retry Wait Time (in seconds). Default is 20 # Number: 1 - 3600 # Mandatory P29291 = 20 # SIP T1 Timeout. RFC 3261 T1 value (RTT estimate) # 50 - 0.5 sec, 100 - 1 sec, 200 - 2 sec. Default is 100 # Number: 50, 100, 200 # Mandatory P540 = 50 # SIP T2 Timeout. RFC 3261 T2 value. The maximum retransmit interval for non-INVITE requests and INVITE responses. # 200 - 2 sec, 400 - 4 sec, 800 - 8 sec. Default is 400 # Number: 200, 400, 800 # Mandatory P541 = 400 # SIP Transport. 0 - UDP, 1 - TCP. 2- TCP/TLS. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P548 = 0 # SIP Listening Mode. # 0 - Transport Only, 1 - Dual, 2 - Dual (BLF Enforced), 3 - Dual (Secured). Default is 0 # Number: 0,1,2,3 # Mandatory P26224 = 0 # SIP URI Scheme When Using TLS. 0 - sip, 1 - sips. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2529 = 1 # Use Actual Ephemeral Port in Contact with TCP/TLS. 0 - No, 1- Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2531 = 0 # Outbound Proxy Mode. 0 - in route, 1 - not in route, 2 - always send to # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2505 = 0 # Support SIP Instace ID. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P589 = 1 # SUBSCRIBE for MWI (Whether or not send SUBSCRIBE for Message Waiting Indication). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P515 = 0 # SUBSCRIBE for Registration. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2519 = 0 # Enable 100rel. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P535 = 0 # Callee ID Display. 0 - Auto, 1 - Disabled, 2 - To Header. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26225 = 0 # Caller ID Display. 0 - Auto, 1 - Disabled, 2 - From Header. Default is 2 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2524 = 2 # Add Auth Header On Initial REGISTER # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2559 = 0 #Allow SIP Reset # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 #Mandatory P26215 = 0 # Ignore Alert-Info header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26218 = 0 # Use Route Set In NOTIFY # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P60259 = 1 ############################################################### # Account 3/SIP Settings/Custom SIP Headers ############################################################### # Use Privacy Header # 0 - Default, 1 - No, 2 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2538 = 0 # Use P-Preferred-Identity Header # 0 - Default, 1 - No, 2 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2539 = 0 # Use X-Grandstream-PBX Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26254 = 1 # Use P-Access-Network-Info Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26258 = 1 # Use P-Emergency-Info Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26259 = 1 # Use P-Asserted-Identity Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P29298 = 0 # Use MAC Header # 0 - No, 1 - Only for REGISTER, 2 - Yes to all SIP. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P29290 = 0 # Add MAC in User-Agent # 0 - No, 1 - Yes except REGISTER, 2 - Yes to all SIP. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26261 = 0 # Use X-switch-info Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 P60270 = 0 ########################################## # Account 3/SIP Settings/Advanced Features ########################################## # Line-Seize Timeout (in seconds). Default is 15 # Number: 15 - 60 # Mandatory P2513 = 15 # Presence Eventlist URI # String P26284 = # Eventlist BLF URI # String P544 = # Auto Provision Eventlists. 0 - Disabled, 1 - BLF Eventlist, 2 - Presence Eventlist. Default is 0 # Number:0,1,2 # Mandatory P2589 = 0 # Conference URI # String P2518 = # Music On Hold URI # String P2550 = # BLF Call-pickup. 0 - Auto, 1 - Force BLF Call-pickup by prefix, 2 - Disabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P6754 = 0 # BLF Call-pickup Prefix. Default is ** # String # Mandatory P581 = ** # Call Pickup Barge-In Code # String #P26246 = # Call Park Feature Code # String P60269 = # Call Park Retrieve Feature Code # String P2536 = # PUBLISH for Presence. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P588 = 0 # Omit charset=UTF-8 in MESSAGE. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2555 = 0 # Allow Unsolicited REFER. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled, 2 - Enabled/Force Auth. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26223 = 0 # Feature Key Synchronization. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2525 = 0 # Special Feature. 100 - Standard, 101 - Nortel MCS, 102- Broadsoft, 108 - CBCOM, # 109 - RNK, 110 - Sylantro, 117 - Huawei IMS, 119 - Phonepower, 120 - UCM Call Center, 137 - Zoom # Default is 100 # Number: 100, 101, 102, 108, 109, 110, 117, 119, 120, 137 # Mandatory P524 = 100 # Broadsoft # Broadsoft Call Center. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2541 = 0 # Hoteling Event. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2542 = 0 # Call Center Status. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2543 = 0 # Broadsoft Executive Assistant. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2564 = 0 # Broadsoft Call Park. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2588 = 0 # VQ RTCP-XR # VQ RTCP-XR Collector Name. # String P26293 = # VQ RTCP-XR Collector Address. # String P26294 = # VQ RTCP-XR Collector Port. Default is 5060 # String P26295 = 5060 # Enable RTCP. 0 - Disable, 1 - RTCP, 2 - RTCP-XR # Number: 0-2 # Mandatory P2592 = 2 # Collector Address Selection. 0 - Manual, 1 - Auto # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P60287 = 0 ########################################## # Account 3/SIP Settings/Session Timer ########################################## # Enable Session Timer. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2595 = 0 # Session Expiration (in seconds). Default is 180 # Number: 90 - 64800 # Mandatory P534 = 180 # Minimum SE (in seconds). Default is 90. This value must be lower than or equal to P534 # Number: 90 - 64800 # Mandatory P527 = 90 # Caller Request Timer (Request for timer when calling) 0 - No, 1 - Yes # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P528 = 0 # Callee Request Timer (Request for timer when called. i.e. if remote party supports timer but did not request for one) # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P529 = 0 # Force Timer (Still use timer when remote party does not support timer). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P530 = 0 # UAC Specify Refresher. 0 - Omit, 1 - UAC, 2 - UAS. Default is 1 # Number: 0 - 2 # Mandatory P532 = 1 # UAS Specify Refresher. 1 - UAC, 2 - UAS. Default is 1 # Number: 1, 2 # Mandatory P533 = 1 # Force INVITE (Always refresh with INVITE instead of UPDATE even when remote party supports UPDATE). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P531 = 0 ########################################## # Account 3/SIP Settings/Security Settings ########################################## # Check Domain Certificates. When set to Yes/Enabled, the domain certificate will be checked as defined in RFC5922 # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2511 = 0 # Trusted Domain Name List # String P60282 = # Validate Certification Chain. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2567 = 0 # Validate Incoming Messages. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2506 = 0 # Check SIP User ID for incoming INVITE. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P549 = 0 # Accept Incoming SIP from Proxy Only. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2547 = 0 # Authenticate Incoming INVITE. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2546 = 0 ########################################## # Account 3/Audio Settings ########################################## # Preferred Vocoder # 0 - PCMU, 2 - G.726-32, 4 - G.723.1, 8 - PCMA, 9 - G.722, 18 - G.729A/B, 98 - iLBC, 123 - OPUS # choice 1. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P551 = 0 # choice 2. Default is 8 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P552 = 8 # choice 3. Default is 4 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P553 = 4 # choice 4. Default is 18 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P554 = 18 # choice 5. Default is 9 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P555 = 9 # choice 6. Default is 98 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P556 = 98 # choice 7. Default is 2 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P557 = 2 # choice 8. Default is 125 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P558 = 125 # Use First Matching Vocoder in 200OK SDP. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2548 = 0 # Codec Negotiation Priority. 0 - Caller, 1 - Callee. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P29261 = 1 # Hide Vocoder. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Default is 0 # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P26247 = 0 # Disable Multiple m line in SDP #0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P587 = 0 # RTCP Port Selection # 0 - Default, 1 - Negotiated. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P60260 = 0 # SRTP Mode # 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled but not forced, 2 - Enabled and forced, 3 - Optional. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P543 = 0 # SRTP Key Length. 0 - AES 128&256 bit, 1 - AES 128 bit, 2 - AES 256 bit. Default is 0 # Default is 0 # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P2583 = 0 # Crypto Life Time # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2563 = 0 # Symmetric RTP. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P560 = 0 # Silence Suppression 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P585 = 0 # Jitter Buffer Type. 0 - Fixed, 1 - Adaptive. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P598 = 1 # Jitter Buffer Length. 0 - 100ms, 1 - 200ms, 2 - 300ms, 3 - 400ms, 4 - 500ms, 5 - 600ms, 6 - 700ms, 7 - 800ms. Default is 2 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 # Mandatory P597 = 2 # Voice Frames per TX (up to 10/20/32/64 frames for G711/G726/G723/other codecs respectively). Default is 2 # Number: 1 - 64 # Mandatory P586 = 2 # G723 Rate. 0 - 6.3kbps encoding rate, 1 - 5.3kbps encoding rate. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P593 = 1 # G.726-32 Packing Mode. 0 - ITU, 1 - IETF. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2523 = 0 # iLBC Frame Size. 0 - 20ms, 1 - 30ms. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P595 = 1 # iLBC Payload Type. Default is 97 # Number: 96 - 127 # Mandatory P594 = 97 # OPUS Payload Type. Default is 123 # Number: 96 - 127 # Mandatory P2585 = 123 # DTMF Payload Type. Default is 101 # Number: 96 - 127 # Mandatory P596 = 101 # Send DTMF: In-audio. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2501 = 0 # Send DTMF: Via RTP (RFC2833). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2502 = 1 # Send DTMF: Via SIP INFO. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2503 = 0 # DTMF Delay. Default is 250 # Number: 100 - 250 # Mandatory P26260 = 250 ########################################## # Account 3/Call Settings ########################################## # Early Dial (use "Yes" only if proxy supports 484 response). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P522 = 0 # Dial Plan Prefix # String P519 = # Dial Plan. Default is { x+ | \+x+ | *x+ | *xx*x+ } # String # Mandatory P559= { x+ | \+x+ | *x+ | *xx*x+ } # Bypass Dial Plan # String: contact,incoming,outgoing,dialing,mpk,api. Default is mpk P2582 = mpk # Call Log. 0 - Log All Calls, 1 - Log Incoming/Outgoing only (Missed calls NOT recorded), 2 - Disable Call Log. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P542 = 0 # Send Anonymous (caller ID will be blocked if set to Yes). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P521 = 0 # Anonymous Call Rejection. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P546 = 0 # Auto Answer. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P525 = 0 # Auto Answer Numbers. # String P29264 = # Refer-To Use Target Contact. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P569 = 0 # Transfer on conference Hang-Up. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2504 = 0 #Disable Recovery on Blind Transfer. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2584 = 0 # Blind Transfer Wait Timeout. Default is 30 # Number: 30 - 300 # Mandatory P26270 = 30 # No Key Entry Timeout. Default is 4 # Number: 1 - 15 # Mandatory P591 = 4 # Key As Send. 0 - No, 1 - Yes # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P592 = 1 #On Hold Reminder Tone. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enable. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26206 = 1 # RFC2543 Hold. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26262= 0 # Hide Dialing Password # Prefix for dialing password # String P26249 = # Password length. Default is 0 # Number # Mandatory P26250 = 0 # Disable Call Waiting. 0 - Default, 1 - No, 2 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26263 = 0 # Account Ring Tone. 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: 0-12 # Mandatory P523 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 1 # String P1500 = # Matching Rule 1 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P1501 = 0 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 2 # String P1502 = # Matching Rule 2 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P1503 = 0 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 3 # String P1504 = # Matching Rule 3 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P1505 = 0 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 4 # String P6728 = # Matching Rule 4 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P6729 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 5 # String P6730 = # Matching Rule 5 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P6731 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 6 # String P6732 = # Matching Rule 6 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P6733 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 7 # String P26264 = # Matching Rule 7 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26265 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 8 # String P26266 = # Matching Rule 8 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26267 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 9 # String P26268 = # Matching Rule 9 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26269 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 10 # String P26296 = # Matching Rule 10 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26297 = 5 # Ring Timeout (in seconds). Default is 60 # Number: 30 - 3600 # Mandatory P576 = 60 ############################################################### # Account 3/Intercom Settings ############################################################### # Allow Auto Answer by Call-Info/Alert-Info. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P538 = 1 # Allow Barging by Call-Info/Alert-Info. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26219 = 0 # Mute on answer Intercom call. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26271 = 0 # Play warning tone for Auto Answer Intercom. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26272 = 1 # Custom Alert-Info for Auto Answer. # String P2556 = ########################################## # Account 3/Feature Codes ########################################## #Enable Local Call Features. 0 - No, 1 - Yes, 2 - Call Forward & DND only, 3 - Yes without Feature Codes. Default is 1 #Number: 0-3 #Mandatory P520 = 1 #Do Not Disturb (DND) - On # String P2544 = #Do Not Disturb (DND) - Off # String P2545 = #Call Forward Unconditionally (All) - On # String P26213 = #Call Forward Unconditionally (All) - Off # String P26214 = #Call Forward Unconditionally (All) - Target # String P29292 = #Call Forward Busy - On # String P26209 = #Call Forward Busy - Off # String P26210 = #Call Forward Busy - Target # String P29293 = #Call Forward Delayed (No Answer) - On #String P26211 = #Call Forward Delayed (No Answer) - Off #String P26212 = #Call Forward Delayed (No Answer) - Target #String P29294 = #Delayed Call Forward Wait Time (in seconds). Default is 12 #Number: 1 - 120 #Mandatory P570 = 12 #################################################################### # Account 4 GRP2614/GRP2615/GRP2616/GRP2624/GRP2634/GRP2670/GRP2650/GRP2636 only #################################################################### ########################################## # Account 4/General Settings ########################################## # Account Active. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P601 = 0 # Account Name # String P617 = # SIP Server # String P602 = # Secondary SIP Server # String P2612 = # Outbound Proxy # String P603 = # Backup Outbound Proxy # String P2633 = # BLF Server # String P2675 = # SIP User ID # String P604 = # Authenticate ID # String P605 = # Authenticate password # String P606 = # Name # String P607 = # Voice Mail UserID # String P626 = # Monitored Voicemail Access Number # String P60376 = # Account Display # Number: 0, 1. 0 - User Name, 1 - User ID. Default is 0 # Mandatory P2680 = 0 ########################################## # Account 4/Network Settings ########################################## # DNS Mode. 0 - A Record, 1 - SRV, 2 - NAPTR/SRV, 3 - Use Configured IP. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P608 = 0 # Maximum Number of SIP Request Retries. Default is 2. # Number: 1-10 # Mandatory P60355 = 2 # DNS SRV Fail-over Mode. 0 - Default, 1 - Saved one until DNS TTL, 2 - Saved one until no response, 3 - Failback follows failback expiration timer. Default is 0 # Number: 0-3 # Mandatory P26340 = 0 # Failback Expiration(m). Default is 60. # Number: 1-64800 # Mandatory P60356 = 60 # Register Before DNS SRV Failover. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P29395 = 0 # Primary IP. Maximum 15 characters # String P2608 = # Backup IP 1 # String P2609 = # Backup IP 2 # String P2610 = # NAT Traversal. 0 - No, 1 - STUN, 2 - keep alive, 3 - UPnP, 4 - Auto, 5 - VPN. Default is 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P614 = 4 # Proxy-Require (A SIP extension to enable firewall penetration). Max length is 64 characters # String P618 = # Use SBC. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26390 = 0 ########################################## # Account 4/SIP Settings/Basic Settings ########################################## # TEL URI. 0 - Disabled, 1 - User=Phone, 2 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P609 = 0 # SIP Registration. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P610 = 1 # Unregister On Reboot. 0 - No, 1 - Yes, 2 - Instance. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P611 = 0 # Register Expiration (in minutes). Default is 60. Max is 45 days # Number: 1 - 64800 # Mandatory P612 = 60 # Subscribe Expiration. Default is 60. Max about 45 days # Number: 1 - 64800 # Mandatory P26351 = 60 # Reregister before Expiration (in seconds). Default is 0 seconds # Number: 0 - 64800 # Mandatory P2630 = 0 # Enable OPTIONS Keep Alive. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P2697 = 0 # OPTIONS Keep Alive Interval. Default is 30 # Number # Mandatory P2698 = 30 # OPTIONS Keep Alive Max Lost. Default is 3 # Number # Mandatory P2699 = 3 # Local SIP port. Default is 5066 # Number # Mandatory P613 = 5066 # SIP Registration Failure Retry Wait Time (in seconds). Default is 20 # Number: 1 - 3600 # Mandatory P671 = 20 # SIP Subscribe Failure Retry Wait Time (in seconds). Default is 20 # Number: 1 - 3600 # Mandatory P29391 = 20 # SIP T1 Timeout. RFC 3261 T1 value (RTT estimate) # 50 - 0.5 sec, 100 - 1 sec, 200 - 2 sec. Default is 100 # Number: 50, 100, 200 # Mandatory P640 = 50 # SIP T2 Timeout. RFC 3261 T2 value. The maximum retransmit interval for non-INVITE requests and INVITE responses # 200 - 2 sec, 400 - 4 sec, 800 - 8 sec. Default is 400 # Number: 200, 400, 800 # Mandatory P641 = 400 # SIP Transport. 0 - UDP, 1 - TCP. 2 - TCP/TLS. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P648 = 0 # SIP Listening Mode. # 0 - Transport Only, 1 - Dual, 2 - Dual (BLF Enforced), 3 - Dual (Secured). Default is 0 # Number: 0,1,2,3 # Mandatory P26324 = 0 # SIP URI Scheme When Using TLS. 0 - sip, 1 - sips. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2629 = 1 # Use Actual Ephemeral Port in Contact with TCP/TLS. 0 - No, 1- Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2631 = 0 # Outbound Proxy Mode. 0 - in route, 1 - not in route, 2 - always send to # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2605 = 0 # Support SIP Instance ID. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P689 = 1 # SUBSCRIBE for MWI (Whether or not send SUBSCRIBE for Message Waiting Indication). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P615 = 0 # SUBSCRIBE for Registration. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2619 = 0 # Enable 100rel. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P635 = 0 # Callee ID Display. 0 - Auto, 1 - Disabled, 2 - To Header. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26325 = 0 # Caller ID Display. 0 - Auto, 1 - Disabled, 2 - From Header. Default is 2 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2624 = 2 # Add Auth Header On Initial REGISTER # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2659 = 0 #Allow SIP Reset # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 #Mandatory P26315 = 0 # Ignore Alert-Info header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26318 = 0 # Use Route Set In NOTIFY # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P60359 = 1 ############################################################### # Account 4/SIP Settings/Custom SIP Headers ############################################################### # Use Privacy Header # 0 - Default, 1 - No, 2 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2638 = 0 # Use P-Preferred-Identity Header # 0 - Default, 1 - No, 2 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2639 = 0 # Use X-Grandstream-PBX Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26354 = 1 # Use P-Access-Network-Info Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26358 = 1 # Use P-Emergency-Info Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26359 = 1 # Use P-Asserted-Identity Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P29398 = 0 # Use MAC Header # 0 - No, 1 - Only for REGISTER, 2 - Yes to all SIP. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P29390 = 0 # Add MAC in User-Agent # 0 - No, 1 - Yes except REGISTER, 2 - Yes to all SIP. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26361 = 0 # Use X-switch-info Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 P60370 = 0 ########################################## # Account 4/SIP Settings/Advanced Features ########################################## # Line-Seize Timeout (in seconds). Default is 15 # Number: 15 - 60 # Mandatory P2613 = 15 # Presence Eventlist URI # String P26384 = # Eventlist BLF URI # String P644 = # Auto Provision Eventlists. 0 - Disabled, 1 - BLF Eventlist, 2 - Presence Eventlist. Default is 0 # Number:0,1,2 # Mandatory P2689 = 0 # Conference URI # String P2618 = # Music On Hold URI # String P2650 = # BLF Call-pickup. 0 - Auto, 1 - Force BLF Call-pickup by prefix, 2 - Disabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P6755 = 0 # BLF Call-pickup Prefix. Default is ** # String # Mandatory P681 = ** # Call Pickup Barge-In Code # String #P26346 = # Call Park Feature Code # String P60369 = # Call Park Retrieve Feature Code # String P2636 = # PUBLISH for Presence. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P688 = 0 # Omit charset=UTF-8 in MESSAGE. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2655 = 0 # Allow Unsolicited REFER. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled, 2 - Enabled/Force Auth. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26323 = 0 # Feature Key Synchronization. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2625 = 0 # Special Feature. 100 - Standard, 101 - Nortel MCS, 102- Broadsoft, 108 - CBCOM, # 109 - RNK, 110 - Sylantro, 117 - Huawei IMS, 119 - Phonepower, 120 - UCM Call Center, 137 - Zoom # Default is 100 # Number: 100, 101, 102, 108, 109, 110, 117, 119, 120, 137 # Mandatory P624 = 100 # Broadsoft # Broadsoft Call Center. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2641 = 0 # Hoteling Event. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2642 = 0 # Call Center Status. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2643 = 0 # Broadsoft Executive Assistant. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2664 = 0 # Broadsoft Call Park. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2688 = 0 # VQ RTCP-XR # VQ RTCP-XR Collector Name. # String P26393 = # VQ RTCP-XR Collector Address. # String P26394 = # VQ RTCP-XR Collector Port. Default is 5060 # String P26395 = 5060 # Enable RTCP. 0 - Disable, 1 - RTCP, 2 - RTCP-XR # Number: 0-2 # Mandatory P2692 = 2 # Collector Address Selection. 0 - Manual, 1 - Auto # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P60387 = 0 ########################################## # Account 4/SIP Settings/Session Timer ########################################## # Enable Session Timer. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2695 = 0 # Session Expiration (in seconds). Default is 180 # Number: 90 - 64800 # Mandatory P634 = 180 # Minimum SE (in seconds). Default is 90 seconds. This value must be lower than or equal to P634 # Number: 90 - 64800 # Mandatory P627 = 90 # Caller Request Timer (Request for timer when calling). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P628 = 0 # Callee Request Timer (Request for timer when called. i.e. if remote party supports timer but did not request for one) # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P629 = 0 # Force Timer (Still use timer when remote party does not support timer). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P630 = 0 # UAC Specify Refresher. 0 - Omit, 1 - UAC, 2 - UAS. Default is 1 # Number: 0 - 2 # Mandatory P632 = 1 # UAS Specify Refresher. 1 - UAC, 2 - UAS. Default is 1 # Number: 1, 2 # Mandatory P633 = 1 # Force INVITE (Always refresh with INVITE instead of UPDATE even when remote party supports UPDATE). # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P631 = 0 ########################################## # Account 4/SIP Settings/Security Settings ########################################## # Check Domain Certificates. When set to Yes/Enabled, the domain certificate will be checked as defined in RFC5922 # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2611 = 0 # Trusted Domain Name List # String P60382 = # Validate Certification Chain. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2667 = 0 # Validate Incoming Messages. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2606 = 0 # Check SIP User ID for incoming INVITE. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P649 = 0 # Accept Incoming SIP from Proxy Only. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2647 = 0 # Authenticate Incoming INVITE. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2646 = 0 ########################################## # Account 4/Audio Settings ########################################## # Preferred Vocoder # 0 - PCMU, 2 - G.726-32, 4 - G.723.1, 8 - PCMA, 9 - G.722, 18 - G.729A/B, 98 - iLBC, 123 - OPUS # choice 1. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P651 = 0 # choice 2. Default is 8 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P652 = 8 # choice 3. Default is 4 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P653 = 4 # choice 4. Default is 18 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P654 = 18 # choice 5. Default is 9 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P655 = 9 # choice 6. Default is 98 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P656 = 98 # choice 7. Default is 2 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P657 = 2 # choice 8. Default is 125 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P658 = 125 # Use First Matching Vocoder in 200OK SDP. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2648 = 0 # Codec Negotiation Priority. 0 - Caller, 1 - Callee. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P29361 = 1 # Hide Vocoder. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Default is 0 # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P26347 = 0 # Disable Multiple m line in SDP # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P687 = 0 # RTCP Port Selection # 0 - Default, 1 - Negotiated. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P60360 = 0 # SRTP Mode # 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled but not forced, 2 - Enabled and forced, 3 - Optional. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P643 = 0 # SRTP Key Length. 0 - AES 128&256 bit, 1 - AES 128 bit, 2 - AES 256 bit. Default is 0 # Default is 0 # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P2683 = 0 # Crypto Life Time #0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2663 = 0 # Symmetric RTP. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P660 = 0 # Silence Suppression 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P685 = 0 # Jitter Buffer Type. 0 - Fixed, 1 - Adaptive. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P698 = 1 # Jitter Buffer Length. # 0 - 100ms, 1 - 200ms, 2 - 300ms, 3 - 400ms, 4 - 500ms, 5 - 600ms, 6 - 700ms, 7 - 800ms. Default is 2 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 # Mandatory P697 = 2 # Voice Frames per TX (up to 10/20/32/64 frames for G711/G726/G723/other codecs respectively). Default is 2 # Number: 1 - 64 # Mandatory P686 = 2 # G723 Rate. 0 - 6.3kbps encoding rate, 1 - 5.3kbps encoding rate. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P693 = 1 # G.726-32 Packing Mode. 0 - ITU, 1 - IETF. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2623 = 0 # iLBC Frame Size. 0 - 20ms, 1 - 30ms. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P695 = 1 # iLBC Payload Type. Default is 97 # Number: 96 - 127 # Mandatory P694 = 97 # OPUS Payload Type. Default is 123 # Number: 96 - 127 # Mandatory P2685 = 123 # DTMF Payload Type. Default is 101 # Number: 96 - 127 # Mandatory P696 = 101 # Send DTMF: In-audio. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2601 = 0 # Send DTMF: Via RTP (RFC2833). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2602 = 1 # Send DTMF: Via SIP INFO. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2603 = 0 # DTMF Delay. Default is 250 # Number: 100 - 250 # Mandatory P26360 = 250 ########################################## # Account 4/Call Settings ########################################## # Early Dial (use "Yes" only if proxy supports 484 response). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P622 = 0 # Dial Plan Prefix # String P619 = # Dial Plan. Default is { x+ | \+x+ | *x+ | *xx*x+ } # String # Mandatory P659= { x+ | \+x+ | *x+ | *xx*x+ } # Bypass Dial Plan # String: contact,incoming,outgoing,dialing,mpk,api. Default is mpk P2682 = mpk # Call Log. 0 - Log All Calls, 1 - Log Incoming/Outgoing only (Missed calls NOT recorded), 2 - Disable Call Log. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P642 = 0 # Send Anonymous (caller ID will be blocked if set to Yes). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P621 = 0 # Anonymous Call Rejection. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P646 = 0 # Auto Answer. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P625 = 0 # Auto Answer Numbers. # String P29364 = # Refer-To Use Target Contact. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P669 = 0 # Transfer on conference Hang-Up. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2604 = 0 #Disable Recovery on Blind Transfer. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2684 = 0 # Blind Transfer Wait Timeout. Default is 30 # Number: 30 - 300 # Mandatory P26370 = 30 # No Key Entry Timeout. Default is 4 # Number: 1 - 15 # Mandatory P691 = 4 # Key As Send. 0 - No, 1 - Yes # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P692 = 1 #On Hold Reminder Tone. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enable. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26306 = 1 # RFC2543 Hold. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26362= 0 # Hide Dialing Password # Prefix for dialing password # String P26349 = # Password length. Default is 0 # Number # Mandatory P26350 = 0 # Disable Call Waiting. 0 - Default, 1 - No, 2 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26363 = 0 # Account Ring Tone. 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: 0-12 # Mandatory P623 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 1 # String P1506 = # Matching Rule 1 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P1507 = 0 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 2 # String P1508 = # Matching Rule 2 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P1509 = 0 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 3 # String P1510 = # Matching Rule 3 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P1511 = 0 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 4 # String P6734 = # Matching Rule 4 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P6735 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 5 # String P6736 = # Matching Rule 5 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P6737 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 6 # String P6738 = # Matching Rule 6 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P6739 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 7 # String P26364 = # Matching Rule 7 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26365 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 8 # String P26366 = # Matching Rule 8 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26367 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 9 # String P26368 = # Matching Rule 9 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26369 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 10 # String P26396 = # Matching Rule 10 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26397 = 5 # Ring Timeout (in seconds). Default is 60 # Number: 30 - 3600 # Mandatory P676 = 60 ############################################################### # Account 4/Intercom Settings ############################################################### # Allow Auto Answer by Call-Info/Alert-Info. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P638= 1 # Allow Barging by Call-Info/Alert-Info. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26319 = 0 # Mute on answer Intercom call. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26371 = 0 # Play warning tone for Auto Answer Intercom. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26372 = 1 # Custom Alert-Info for Auto Answer. # String P2656 = ########################################## # Account 4/Feature Codes ########################################## #Enable Local Call Features. 0 - No, 1 - Yes, 2 - Call Forward & DND only, 3 - Yes without Feature Codes. Default is 1 #Number: 0-3 #Mandatory P620 = 1 #Do Not Disturb (DND) - On # String P2644 = #Do Not Disturb (DND) - Off # String P2645 = #Call Forward Unconditionally (All) - On # String P26313 = #Call Forward Unconditionally (All) - Off # String P26314 = #Call Forward Unconditionally (All) - Target # String P29392 = #Call Forward Busy - On # String P26309 = #Call Forward Busy - Off # String P26310 = #Call Forward Busy - Target # String P29393 = #Call Forward Delayed (No Answer) - On #String P26311 = #Call Forward Delayed (No Answer) - Off #String P26312 = #Call Forward Delayed (No Answer) - Target #String P29394 = #Delayed Call Forward Wait Time (in seconds). Default is 12 #Number: 1 - 120 #Mandatory P670 = 12 #################################################################### # Account 5 GRP2615/GRP2616/GRP2670/GRP2650/GRP2636 only #################################################################### ########################################## # Account 5/General Settings ########################################## # Account Active. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1701 = 0 # Account Name # String P1717 = # SIP Server # String P1702 = # Secondary SIP Server # String P2712 = # Outbound Proxy # String P1703 = # Backup Outbound Proxy # String P2733 = # BLF Server # String P2775 = # SIP User ID # String P1704 = # Authenticate ID # String P1705 = # Authenticate password # String P1706 = # Name # String P1707 = # Voice Mail UserID # String P1726 = # Monitored Voicemail Access Number # String P60476 = # Account Display # Number: 0, 1. 0 - User Name, 1 - User ID. Default is 0 # Mandatory P2780 = 0 ########################################## # Account 5/Network Settings ########################################## # DNS Mode. 0 - A Record, 1 - SRV, 2 - NAPTR/SRV, 3 - Use Configured IP. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P1708 = 0 # Maximum Number of SIP Request Retries. Default is 2. # Number: 1-10 # Mandatory P60455 = 2 # DNS SRV Fail-over Mode. 0 - Default, 1 - Saved one until DNS TTL, 2 - Saved one until no response, 3 - Failback follows failback expiration timer. Default is 0 # Number: 0-3 # Mandatory P26440 = 0 # Failback Expiration(m). Default is 60. # Number: 1-64800 # Mandatory P60456 = 60 # Register Before DNS SRV Failover. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P29495 = 0 # Primary IP. Maximum 15 characters # String P2708 = # Backup IP 1 # String P2709 = # Backup IP 2 # String P2710 = # NAT Traversal. 0 - No, 1 - STUN, 2 - keep alive, 3 - UPnP, 4 - Auto, 5 - VPN. Default is 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P1714 = 4 # Proxy-Require (A SIP extension to enable firewall penetration). Max length is 64 characters # String P1718 = # Use SBC. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26490 = 0 ########################################## # Account 5/SIP Settings/Basic Settings ########################################## # TEL URI. 0 - Disabled, 1 - User=Phone, 2 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P1709 = 0 # SIP Registration. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1710 = 1 # Unregister On Reboot. 0 - No, 1 - Yes, 2 - Instance. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P1711 = 0 # Register Expiration (in minutes). Default is 60. Max is 45 days # Number: 1 - 64800 # Mandatory P1712 = 60 # Subscribe Expiration. Default is 60. Max about 45 days # Number: 1 - 64800 # Mandatory P26451 = 60 # Reregister before Expiration (in seconds). Default is 0 seconds # Number: 0 - 64800 # Mandatory P2730 = 0 # Enable OPTIONS Keep Alive. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P2797 = 0 # OPTIONS Keep Alive Interval. Default is 30 # Number # Mandatory P2798 = 30 # OPTIONS Keep Alive Max Lost. Default is 3 # Number # Mandatory P2799 = 3 # Local SIP port. Default is 5068 # Number # Mandatory P1713 = 5068 # SIP Registration Failure Retry Wait Time (in seconds). Default is 20 # Number: 1 - 3600 # Mandatory P1771 = 20 # SIP Subscribe Failure Retry Wait Time (in seconds). Default is 20 # Number: 1 - 3600 # Mandatory P29491 = 20 # SIP T1 Timeout. RFC 3261 T1 value (RTT estimate) # 50 - 0.5 sec, 100 - 1 sec, 200 - 2 sec. Default is 100 # Number: 50, 100, 200 # Mandatory P1740 = 50 # SIP T2 Timeout. RFC 3261 T2 value. The maximum retransmit interval for non-INVITE requests and INVITE responses # 200 - 2 sec, 400 - 4 sec, 800 - 8 sec. Default is 400 # Number: 200, 400, 800 # Mandatory P1741 = 400 # SIP Transport. 0 - UDP, 1 - TCP. 2 - TCP/TLS. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P1748 = 0 # SIP Listening Mode. # 0 - Transport Only, 1 - Dual, 2 - Dual (BLF Enforced), 3 - Dual (Secured). Default is 0 # Number: 0,1,2,3 # Mandatory P26424 = 0 # SIP URI Scheme When Using TLS. 0 - sip, 1 - sips. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2729 = 1 # Use Actual Ephemeral Port in Contact with TCP/TLS. 0 - No, 1- Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2731 = 0 # Outbound Proxy Mode. 0 - in route, 1 - not in route, 2 - always send to # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2705 = 0 # Support SIP Instance ID. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1789 = 1 # SUBSCRIBE for MWI (Whether or not send SUBSCRIBE for Message Waiting Indication). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1715 = 0 # SUBSCRIBE for Registration. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2719 = 0 # Enable 100rel. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1735 = 0 # Callee ID Display. 0 - Auto, 1 - Disabled, 2 - To Header. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26425 = 0 # Caller ID Display. 0 - Auto, 1 - Disabled, 2 - From Header. Default is 2 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2724 = 2 # Add Auth Header On Initial REGISTER # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2759 = 0 #Allow SIP Reset # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 #Mandatory P26415 = 0 # Ignore Alert-Info header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26418 = 0 # Use Route Set In NOTIFY # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P60459 = 1 ############################################################### # Account 5/SIP Settings/Custom SIP Headers ############################################################### # Use Privacy Header # 0 - Default, 1 - No, 2 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2738 = 0 # Use P-Preferred-Identity Header # 0 - Default, 1 - No, 2 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2739 = 0 # Use X-Grandstream-PBX Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26454 = 1 # Use P-Access-Network-Info Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26458 = 1 # Use P-Emergency-Info Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26459 = 1 # Use P-Asserted-Identity Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P29498 = 0 # Use MAC Header # 0 - No, 1 - Only for REGISTER, 2 - Yes to all SIP. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P29490 = 0 # Add MAC in User-Agent # 0 - No, 1 - Yes except REGISTER, 2 - Yes to all SIP. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26461 = 0 # Use X-switch-info Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 P60470 = 0 ########################################## # Account 5/SIP Settings/Advanced Features ########################################## # Line-Seize Timeout (in seconds). Default is 15 # Number: 15 - 60 # Mandatory P2713 = 15 # Presence Eventlist URI # String P26484 = # Eventlist BLF URI # String P1744 = # Auto Provision Eventlists. 0 - Disabled, 1 - BLF Eventlist, 2 - Presence Eventlist. Default is 0 # Number:0,1,2 # Mandatory P2789 = 0 # Conference URI # String P2718 = # Music On Hold URI # String P2750 = # BLF Call-pickup. 0 - Auto, 1 - Force BLF Call-pickup by prefix, 2 - Disabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P6756 = 0 # BLF Call-pickup Prefix. Default is ** # String # Mandatory P1781 = ** # Call Pickup Barge-In Code # String #P26446 = # Call Park Feature Code # String P60469 = # Call Park Retrieve Feature Code # String P2736 = # PUBLISH for Presence. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1788 = 0 # Omit charset=UTF-8 in MESSAGE. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2755 = 0 # Allow Unsolicited REFER. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled, 2 - Enabled/Force Auth. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26423 = 0 # Feature Key Synchronization. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2725 = 0 # Special Feature. 100 - Standard, 101 - Nortel MCS, 102- Broadsoft, 108 - CBCOM, # 109 - RNK, 110 - Sylantro, 117 - Huawei IMS, 119 - Phonepower, 120 - UCM Call Center, 137 - Zoom # Default is 100 # Number: 100, 101, 102, 108, 109, 110, 117, 119, 120, 137 # Mandatory P1724 = 100 # Broadsoft # Broadsoft Call Center. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2741 = 0 # Hoteling Event. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2742 = 0 # Call Center Status. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2743 = 0 # Broadsoft Executive Assistant. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2764 = 0 # Broadsoft Call Park. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2788 = 0 # VQ RTCP-XR # VQ RTCP-XR Collector Name. # String P26493 = # VQ RTCP-XR Collector Address. # String P26494 = # VQ RTCP-XR Collector Port. Default is 5060 # String P26495 = 5060 # Enable RTCP. 0 - Disable, 1 - RTCP, 2 - RTCP-XR # Number: 0-2 # Mandatory P2792 = 2 # Collector Address Selection. 0 - Manual, 1 - Auto # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P60487 = 0 ########################################## # Account 5/SIP Settings/Session Timer ########################################## # Enable Session Timer. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2795 = 0 # Session Expiration (in seconds). Default is 180 # Number: 90 - 64800 # Mandatory P1734 = 180 # Minimum SE (in seconds). Default is 90 seconds. This value must be lower than or equal to P634 # Number: 90 - 64800 # Mandatory P1727 = 90 # Caller Request Timer (Request for timer when calling). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1728 = 0 # Callee Request Timer (Request for timer when called. i.e. if remote party supports timer but did not request for one) # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1729 = 0 # Force Timer (Still use timer when remote party does not support timer). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1730 = 0 # UAC Specify Refresher. 0 - Omit, 1 - UAC, 2 - UAS. Default is 1 # Number: 0 - 2 # Mandatory P1732 = 1 # UAS Specify Refresher. 1 - UAC, 2 - UAS. Default is 1 # Number: 1, 2 # Mandatory P1733 = 1 # Force INVITE (Always refresh with INVITE instead of UPDATE even when remote party supports UPDATE). # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1731 = 0 ########################################## # Account 5/SIP Settings/Security Settings ########################################## # Check Domain Certificates. When set to Yes/Enabled, the domain certificate will be checked as defined in RFC5922 # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2711 = 0 # Trusted Domain Name List # String P60482 = # Validate Certification Chain. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2767 = 0 # Validate Incoming Messages. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2706 = 0 # Check SIP User ID for incoming INVITE. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1749 = 0 # Accept Incoming SIP from Proxy Only. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2747 = 0 # Authenticate Incoming INVITE. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2746 = 0 ########################################## # Account 5/Audio Settings ########################################## # Preferred Vocoder # 0 - PCMU, 2 - G.726-32, 4 - G.723.1, 8 - PCMA, 9 - G.722, 18 - G.729A/B, 98 - iLBC, 123 - OPUS # choice 1. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P1751 = 0 # choice 2. Default is 8 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P1752 = 8 # choice 3. Default is 4 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P1753 = 4 # choice 4. Default is 18 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P1754 = 18 # choice 5. Default is 9 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P1755 = 9 # choice 6. Default is 98 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P1756 = 98 # choice 7. Default is 2 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P1757 = 2 # choice 8. Default is 125 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P1758 = 125 # Use First Matching Vocoder in 200OK SDP. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2748 = 0 # Codec Negotiation Priority. 0 - Caller, 1 - Callee. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P29461 = 1 # Hide Vocoder. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Default is 0 # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P26447 = 0 # Disable Multiple m line in SDP # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1787 = 0 # RTCP Port Selection # 0 - Default, 1 - Negotiated. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P60460 = 0 # SRTP Mode # 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled but not forced, 2 - Enabled and forced, 3 - Optional. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P1743 = 0 # SRTP Key Length. 0 - AES 128&256 bit, 1 - AES 128 bit, 2 - AES 256 bit. Default is 0 # Default is 0 # Number: 0,1,2 # Mandatory P2783 = 0 # Crypto Life Time #0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2763 = 0 # Symmetric RTP. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1760 = 0 # Silence Suppression 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1785 = 0 # Jitter Buffer Type. 0 - Fixed, 1 - Adaptive. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1798 = 1 # Jitter Buffer Length. # 0 - 100ms, 1 - 200ms, 2 - 300ms, 3 - 400ms, 4 - 500ms, 5 - 600ms, 6 - 700ms, 7 - 800ms. Default is 2 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 # Mandatory P1797 = 2 # Voice Frames per TX (up to 10/20/32/64 frames for G711/G726/G723/other codecs respectively). Default is 2 # Number: 1 - 64 # Mandatory P1786 = 2 # G723 Rate. 0 - 6.3kbps encoding rate, 1 - 5.3kbps encoding rate. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1793 = 1 # G.726-32 Packing Mode. 0 - ITU, 1 - IETF. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2723 = 0 # iLBC Frame Size. 0 - 20ms, 1 - 30ms. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1795 = 1 # iLBC Payload Type. Default is 97 # Number: 96 - 127 # Mandatory P1794 = 97 # OPUS Payload Type. Default is 123 # Number: 96 - 127 # Mandatory P2785 = 123 # DTMF Payload Type. Default is 101 # Number: 96 - 127 # Mandatory P1796 = 101 # Send DTMF: In-audio. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2701 = 0 # Send DTMF: Via RTP (RFC2833). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2702 = 1 # Send DTMF: Via SIP INFO. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2703 = 0 # DTMF Delay. Default is 250 # Number: 100 - 250 # Mandatory P26460 = 250 ########################################## # Account 5/Call Settings ########################################## # Early Dial (use "Yes" only if proxy supports 484 response). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1722 = 0 # Dial Plan Prefix # String P1719 = # Dial Plan. Default is { x+ | \+x+ | *x+ | *xx*x+ } # String # Mandatory P1759= { x+ | \+x+ | *x+ | *xx*x+ } # Bypass Dial Plan # String: contact,incoming,outgoing,dialing,mpk,api. Default is mpk P2782 = mpk # Call Log. 0 - Log All Calls, 1 - Log Incoming/Outgoing only (Missed calls NOT recorded), 2 - Disable Call Log. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P1742 = 0 # Send Anonymous (caller ID will be blocked if set to Yes). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1721 = 0 # Anonymous Call Rejection. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1746 = 0 # Auto Answer. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1725 = 0 # Auto Answer Numbers. # String P29464 = # Refer-To Use Target Contact. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1769 = 0 # Transfer on conference Hang-Up. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2704 = 0 #Disable Recovery on Blind Transfer. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2784 = 0 # Blind Transfer Wait Timeout. Default is 30 # Number: 30 - 300 # Mandatory P26470 = 30 # No Key Entry Timeout. Default is 4 # Number: 1 - 15 # Mandatory P1791 = 4 # Key As Send. 0 - No, 1 - Yes # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1792 = 1 #On Hold Reminder Tone. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enable. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26406 = 1 # RFC2543 Hold. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26462= 0 # Hide Dialing Password # Prefix for dialing password # String P26449 = # Password length. Default is 0 # Number # Mandatory P26450 = 0 # Disable Call Waiting. 0 - Default, 1 - No, 2 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26463 = 0 # Account Ring Tone. 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: 0-12 # Mandatory P1723 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 1 # String P1512 = # Matching Rule 1 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P1513 = 0 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 2 # String P1514 = # Matching Rule 2 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P1515 = 0 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 3 # String P1516 = # Matching Rule 3 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P1517 = 0 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 4 # String P6740 = # Matching Rule 4 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P6741 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 5 # String P6742 = # Matching Rule 5 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P6743 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 6 # String P6744 = # Matching Rule 6 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P6745 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 7 # String P26464 = # Matching Rule 7 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26465 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 8 # String P26466 = # Matching Rule 8 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26467 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 9 # String P26468 = # Matching Rule 9 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26469 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 10 # String P26496 = # Matching Rule 10 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26497 = 5 # Ring Timeout (in seconds). Default is 60 # Number: 30 - 3600 # Mandatory P1776 = 60 ############################################################### # Account 5/Intercom Settings ############################################################### # Allow Auto Answer by Call-Info/Alert-Info. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1738= 1 # Allow Barging by Call-Info/Alert-Info. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26419 = 0 # Mute on answer Intercom call. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26471 = 0 # Play warning tone for Auto Answer Intercom. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26472 = 1 # Custom Alert-Info for Auto Answer. # String P2756 = ########################################## # Account 5/Feature Codes ########################################## #Enable Local Call Features. 0 - No, 1 - Yes, 2 - Call Forward & DND only, 3 - Yes without Feature Codes. Default is 1 #Number: 0-3 #Mandatory P1720 = 1 #Do Not Disturb (DND) - On # String P2744 = #Do Not Disturb (DND) - Off # String P2745 = #Call Forward Unconditionally (All) - On # String P26413 = #Call Forward Unconditionally (All) - Off # String P26414 = #Call Forward Unconditionally (All) - Target # String P29492 = #Call Forward Busy - On # String P26409 = #Call Forward Busy - Off # String P26410 = #Call Forward Busy - Target # String P29493 = #Call Forward Delayed (No Answer) - On #String P26411 = #Call Forward Delayed (No Answer) - Off #String P26412 = #Call Forward Delayed (No Answer) - Target #String P29494 = #Delayed Call Forward Wait Time (in seconds). Default is 12 #Number: 1 - 120 #Mandatory P1770 = 12 #################################################################### # Account 6 GRP2616/GRP2670/GRP2650/GRP2636 only #################################################################### ########################################## # Account 6/General Settings ########################################## # Account Active. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1801 = 0 # Account Name # String P1817 = # SIP Server # String P1802 = # Secondary SIP Server # String P2812 = # Outbound Proxy # String P1803 = # Backup Outbound Proxy # String P2833 = # BLF Server # String P2875 = # SIP User ID # String P1804 = # Authenticate ID # String P1805 = # Authenticate password # String P1806 = # Name # String P1807 = # Voice Mail UserID # String P1826 = # Monitored Voicemail Access Number # String P60576 = # Account Display # Number: 0, 1. 0 - User Name, 1 - User ID. Default is 0 # Mandatory P2880 = 0 ########################################## # Account 6/Network Settings ########################################## # DNS Mode. 0 - A Record, 1 - SRV, 2 - NAPTR/SRV, 3 - Use Configured IP. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P1808 = 0 # Maximum Number of SIP Request Retries. Default is 2. # Number: 1-10 # Mandatory P60555 = 2 # DNS SRV Fail-over Mode. 0 - Default, 1 - Saved one until DNS TTL, 2 - Saved one until no response, 3 - Failback follows failback expiration timer. Default is 0 # Number: 0-3 # Mandatory P26540 = 0 # Failback Expiration(m). Default is 60. # Number: 1-64800 # Mandatory P60556 = 60 # Register Before DNS SRV Failover. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P29595 = 0 # Primary IP. Maximum 15 characters # String P2808 = # Backup IP 1 # String P2809 = # Backup IP 2 # String P2810 = # NAT Traversal. 0 - No, 1 - STUN, 2 - keep alive, 3 - UPnP, 4 - Auto, 5 - VPN. Default is 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P1814 = 4 # Proxy-Require (A SIP extension to enable firewall penetration). Max length is 64 characters # String P1818 = # Use SBC. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26590 = 0 ########################################## # Account 6/SIP Settings/Basic Settings ########################################## # TEL URI. 0 - Disabled, 1 - User=Phone, 2 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P1809 = 0 # SIP Registration. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1810 = 1 # Unregister On Reboot. 0 - No, 1 - Yes, 2 - Instance. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P1811 = 0 # Register Expiration (in minutes). Default is 60. Max is 45 days # Number: 1 - 64800 # Mandatory P1812 = 60 # Subscribe Expiration. Default is 60. Max about 45 days # Number: 1 - 64800 # Mandatory P26551 = 60 # Reregister before Expiration (in seconds). Default is 0 seconds # Number: 0 - 64800 # Mandatory P2830 = 0 # Enable OPTIONS Keep Alive. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P2897 = 0 # OPTIONS Keep Alive Interval. Default is 30 # Number # Mandatory P2898 = 30 # OPTIONS Keep Alive Max Lost. Default is 3 # Number # Mandatory P2899 = 3 # Local SIP port. Default is 5070 # Number # Mandatory P1813 = 5070 # SIP Registration Failure Retry Wait Time (in seconds). Default is 20 # Number: 1 - 3600 # Mandatory P1871 = 20 # SIP Subscribe Failure Retry Wait Time (in seconds). Default is 20 # Number: 1 - 3600 # Mandatory P29591 = 20 # SIP T1 Timeout. RFC 3261 T1 value (RTT estimate) # 50 - 0.5 sec, 100 - 1 sec, 200 - 2 sec. Default is 100 # Number: 50, 100, 200 # Mandatory P1840 = 50 # SIP T2 Timeout. RFC 3261 T2 value. The maximum retransmit interval for non-INVITE requests and INVITE responses # 200 - 2 sec, 400 - 4 sec, 800 - 8 sec. Default is 400 # Number: 200, 400, 800 # Mandatory P1841 = 400 # SIP Transport. 0 - UDP, 1 - TCP. 2 - TCP/TLS. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P1848 = 0 # SIP Listening Mode. # 0 - Transport Only, 1 - Dual, 2 - Dual (BLF Enforced), 3 - Dual (Secured). Default is 0 # Number: 0,1,2,3 # Mandatory P26524 = 0 # SIP URI Scheme When Using TLS. 0 - sip, 1 - sips. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2829 = 1 # Use Actual Ephemeral Port in Contact with TCP/TLS. 0 - No, 1- Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2831 = 0 # Outbound Proxy Mode. 0 - in route, 1 - not in route, 2 - always send to # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2805 = 0 # Support SIP Instance ID. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1889 = 1 # SUBSCRIBE for MWI (Whether or not send SUBSCRIBE for Message Waiting Indication). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1815 = 0 # SUBSCRIBE for Registration. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2819 = 0 # Enable 100rel. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1835 = 0 # Callee ID Display. 0 - Auto, 1 - Disabled, 2 - To Header. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26525 = 0 # Caller ID Display. 0 - Auto, 1 - Disabled, 2 - From Header. Default is 2 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2824 = 2 # Add Auth Header On Initial REGISTER # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2859 = 0 #Allow SIP Reset # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 #Mandatory P26515 = 0 # Ignore Alert-Info header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26518 = 0 # Use Route Set In NOTIFY # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P60559 = 1 ############################################################### # Account 6/SIP Settings/Custom SIP Headers ############################################################### # Use Privacy Header # 0 - Default, 1 - No, 2 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2838 = 0 # Use P-Preferred-Identity Header # 0 - Default, 1 - No, 2 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2839 = 0 # Use X-Grandstream-PBX Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26554 = 1 # Use P-Access-Network-Info Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26558 = 1 # Use P-Emergency-Info Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26559 = 1 # Use P-Asserted-Identity Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P29598 = 0 # Use MAC Header # 0 - No, 1 - Only for REGISTER, 2 - Yes to all SIP. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P29590 = 0 # Add MAC in User-Agent # 0 - No, 1 - Yes except REGISTER, 2 - Yes to all SIP. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26561 = 0 # Use X-switch-info Header # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 P60570 = 0 ########################################## # Account 6/SIP Settings/Advanced Features ########################################## # Line-Seize Timeout (in seconds). Default is 15 # Number: 15 - 60 # Mandatory P2813 = 15 # Presence Eventlist URI # String P26584 = # Eventlist BLF URI # String P1844 = # Auto Provision Eventlists. 0 - Disabled, 1 - BLF Eventlist, 2 - Presence Eventlist. Default is 0 # Number:0,1,2 # Mandatory P2889 = 0 # Conference URI # String P2818 = # Music On Hold URI # String P2850 = # BLF Call-pickup. 0 - Auto, 1 - Force BLF Call-pickup by prefix, 2 - Disabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P6757 = 0 # BLF Call-pickup Prefix. Default is ** # String # Mandatory P1881 = ** # Call Pickup Barge-In Code # String #P26546 = # Call Park Feature Code # String P60569 = # Call Park Retrieve Feature Code # String P2836 = # PUBLISH for Presence. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1888 = 0 # Omit charset=UTF-8 in MESSAGE. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2855 = 0 # Allow Unsolicited REFER. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled, 2 - Enabled/Force Auth. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26523 = 0 # Feature Key Synchronization. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2825 = 0 # Special Feature. 100 - Standard, 101 - Nortel MCS, 102- Broadsoft, 108 - CBCOM, # 109 - RNK, 110 - Sylantro, 117 - Huawei IMS, 119 - Phonepower, 120 - UCM Call Center, 137 - Zoom # Default is 100 # Number: 100, 101, 102, 108, 109, 110, 117, 119, 120, 137 # Mandatory P1824 = 100 # Broadsoft # Broadsoft Call Center. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2841 = 0 # Hoteling Event. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2842 = 0 # Call Center Status. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2843 = 0 # Broadsoft Executive Assistant. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2864 = 0 # Broadsoft Call Park. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2888 = 0 # VQ RTCP-XR # VQ RTCP-XR Collector Name. # String P26593 = # VQ RTCP-XR Collector Address. # String P26594 = # VQ RTCP-XR Collector Port. Default is 5060 # String P26595 = 5060 # Enable RTCP. 0 - Disable, 1 - RTCP, 2 - RTCP-XR # Number: 0-2 # Mandatory P2892 = 2 # Collector Address Selection. 0 - Manual, 1 - Auto # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P60587 = 0 ########################################## # Account 6/SIP Settings/Session Timer ########################################## # Enable Session Timer. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2895 = 0 # Session Expiration (in seconds). Default is 180 # Number: 90 - 64800 # Mandatory P1834 = 180 # Minimum SE (in seconds). Default is 90 seconds. This value must be lower than or equal to P634 # Number: 90 - 64800 # Mandatory P1827 = 90 # Caller Request Timer (Request for timer when calling). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1828 = 0 # Callee Request Timer (Request for timer when called. i.e. if remote party supports timer but did not request for one) # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1829 = 0 # Force Timer (Still use timer when remote party does not support timer). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1830 = 0 # UAC Specify Refresher. 0 - Omit, 1 - UAC, 2 - UAS. Default is 1 # Number: 0 - 2 # Mandatory P1832 = 1 # UAS Specify Refresher. 1 - UAC, 2 - UAS. Default is 1 # Number: 1, 2 # Mandatory P1833 = 1 # Force INVITE (Always refresh with INVITE instead of UPDATE even when remote party supports UPDATE). # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1831 = 0 ########################################## # Account 6/SIP Settings/Security Settings ########################################## # Check Domain Certificates. When set to Yes/Enabled, the domain certificate will be checked as defined in RFC5922 # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2811 = 0 # Trusted Domain Name List # String P60582 = # Validate Certification Chain. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2867 = 0 # Validate Incoming Messages. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2806 = 0 # Check SIP User ID for incoming INVITE. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1849 = 0 # Accept Incoming SIP from Proxy Only. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2847 = 0 # Authenticate Incoming INVITE. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2846 = 0 ########################################## # Account 6/Audio Settings ########################################## # Preferred Vocoder # 0 - PCMU, 2 - G.726-32, 4 - G.723.1, 8 - PCMA, 9 - G.722, 18 - G.729A/B, 98 - iLBC, 123 - OPUS # choice 1. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P1851 = 0 # choice 2. Default is 8 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P1852 = 8 # choice 3. Default is 4 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P1853 = 4 # choice 4. Default is 18 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P1854 = 18 # choice 5. Default is 9 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P1855 = 9 # choice 6. Default is 98 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P1856 = 98 # choice 7. Default is 2 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P1857 = 2 # choice 8. Default is 125 # Number: 0, 2, 4, 8, 9, 18, 98, 123 # Mandatory P1858 = 125 # Use First Matching Vocoder in 200OK SDP. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2848 = 0 # Codec Negotiation Priority. 0 - Caller, 1 - Callee. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P29561 = 1 # Hide Vocoder. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Default is 0 # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P26547 = 0 # Disable Multiple m line in SDP # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1887 = 0 # RTCP Port Selection # 0 - Default, 1 - Negotiated. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P60560 = 0 # SRTP Mode # 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled but not forced, 2 - Enabled and forced, 3 - Optional. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P1843 = 0 # SRTP Key Length. 0 - AES 128&256 bit, 1 - AES 128 bit, 2 - AES 256 bit. Default is 0 # Default is 0 # Number: 0,1,2 # Mandatory P2883 = 0 # Crypto Life Time #0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2863 = 0 # Symmetric RTP. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1860 = 0 # Silence Suppression 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1885 = 0 # Jitter Buffer Type. 0 - Fixed, 1 - Adaptive. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1898 = 1 # Jitter Buffer Length. # 0 - 100ms, 1 - 200ms, 2 - 300ms, 3 - 400ms, 4 - 500ms, 5 - 600ms, 6 - 700ms, 7 - 800ms. Default is 2 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 # Mandatory P1897 = 2 # Voice Frames per TX (up to 10/20/32/64 frames for G711/G726/G723/other codecs respectively). Default is 2 # Number: 1 - 64 # Mandatory P1886 = 2 # G723 Rate. 0 - 6.3kbps encoding rate, 1 - 5.3kbps encoding rate. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1893 = 1 # G.726-32 Packing Mode. 0 - ITU, 1 - IETF. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2823 = 0 # iLBC Frame Size. 0 - 20ms, 1 - 30ms. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1895 = 1 # iLBC Payload Type. Default is 97 # Number: 96 - 127 # Mandatory P1894 = 97 # OPUS Payload Type. Default is 123 # Number: 96 - 127 # Mandatory P2885 = 123 # DTMF Payload Type. Default is 101 # Number: 96 - 127 # Mandatory P1896 = 101 # Send DTMF: In-audio. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2801 = 0 # Send DTMF: Via RTP (RFC2833). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2802 = 1 # Send DTMF: Via SIP INFO. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2803 = 0 # DTMF Delay. Default is 250 # Number: 100 - 250 # Mandatory P26560 = 250 ########################################## # Account 6/Call Settings ########################################## # Early Dial (use "Yes" only if proxy supports 484 response). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1822 = 0 # Dial Plan Prefix # String P1819 = # Dial Plan. Default is { x+ | \+x+ | *x+ | *xx*x+ } # String # Mandatory P1859= { x+ | \+x+ | *x+ | *xx*x+ } # Bypass Dial Plan # String: contact,incoming,outgoing,dialing,mpk,api. Default is mpk P2882 = mpk # Call Log. 0 - Log All Calls, 1 - Log Incoming/Outgoing only (Missed calls NOT recorded), 2 - Disable Call Log. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P1842 = 0 # Send Anonymous (caller ID will be blocked if set to Yes). 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1821 = 0 # Anonymous Call Rejection. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1846 = 0 # Auto Answer. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1825 = 0 # Auto Answer Numbers. # String P29564 = # Refer-To Use Target Contact. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1869 = 0 # Transfer on conference Hang-Up. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2804 = 0 #Disable Recovery on Blind Transfer. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2884 = 0 # Blind Transfer Wait Timeout. Default is 30 # Number: 30 - 300 # Mandatory P26570 = 30 # No Key Entry Timeout. Default is 4 # Number: 1 - 15 # Mandatory P1891 = 4 # Key As Send. 0 - No, 1 - Yes # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1892 = 1 #On Hold Reminder Tone. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enable. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26506 = 1 # RFC2543 Hold. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26562= 0 # Hide Dialing Password # Prefix for dialing password # String P26549 = # Password length. Default is 0 # Number # Mandatory P26550 = 0 # Disable Call Waiting. 0 - Default, 1 - No, 2 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P26563 = 0 # Account Ring Tone. 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: 0-12 # Mandatory P1823 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 1 # String P1518 = # Matching Rule 1 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P1519 = 0 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 2 # String P1520 = # Matching Rule 2 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P1521 = 0 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 3 # String P1522 = # Matching Rule 3 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P1523 = 0 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 4 # String P6746 = # Matching Rule 4 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P6747= 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 5 # String P6748 = # Matching Rule 5 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P6749 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 6 # String P6750 = # Matching Rule 6 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P6751 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 7 # String P26564 = # Matching Rule 7 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26565 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 8 # String P26566 = # Matching Rule 8 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26567 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 9 # String P26568 = # Matching Rule 9 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26569 = 5 # Matching Incoming Caller ID. Matching Rule 10 # String P26596 = # Matching Rule 10 Distinctive Ringtone # -1 - No Ringtone, 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 5 - Default Ringtone, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 5 # Number: (-1)-12 # Mandatory P26597 = 5 # Ring Timeout (in seconds). Default is 60 # Number: 30 - 3600 # Mandatory P1876 = 60 ############################################################### # Account 6/Intercom Settings ############################################################### # Allow Auto Answer by Call-Info/Alert-Info. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1838= 1 # Allow Barging by Call-Info/Alert-Info. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26519 = 0 # Mute on answer Intercom call. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26571 = 0 # Play warning tone for Auto Answer Intercom. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26572 = 1 # Custom Alert-Info for Auto Answer. # String P2856 = ########################################## # Account 6/Feature Codes ########################################## #Enable Local Call Features. 0 - No, 1 - Yes, 2 - Call Forward & DND only, 3 - Yes without Feature Codes. Default is 1 #Number: 0-3 #Mandatory P1820 = 1 #Do Not Disturb (DND) - On # String P2844 = #Do Not Disturb (DND) - Off # String P2845 = #Call Forward Unconditionally (All) - On # String P26513 = #Call Forward Unconditionally (All) - Off # String P26514 = #Call Forward Unconditionally (All) - Target # String P29592 = #Call Forward Busy - On # String P26509 = #Call Forward Busy - Off # String P26510 = #Call Forward Busy - Target # String P29593 = #Call Forward Delayed (No Answer) - On #String P26511 = #Call Forward Delayed (No Answer) - Off #String P26512 = #Call Forward Delayed (No Answer) - Target #String P29594 = #Delayed Call Forward Wait Time (in seconds). Default is 12 #Number: 1 - 120 #Mandatory P1870 = 12 ################################################################### ## Network/Basic Settings ## ################################################################### # Internet Protocol. 0 - Both, prefer IPv4, 1 - Both, prefer IPv6, 2 - IPv4 Only, 3 - IPv6 Only. Default is 2 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P1415 = 2 # IPv4 Address Type. 0 - DHCP, 1 - Static IP, 2 - PPPoE. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P8 = 0 ########################################## # DHCP ########################################## # Host name, DHCP option 12. Max length allowed is 64 characters # String P146 = # Vendor Class ID, DHCP option 60. Max length allowed is 64 characters # String # For GRP2612, Default value is Grandstream GRP2612. # P148 = Grandstream GRP2612 # For GRP2613, Default value is Grandstream GRP2613. # P148 = Grandstream GRP2613 # For GRP2614, Default value is Grandstream GRP2614. # P148 = Grandstream GRP2614 # For GRP2615, Default value is Grandstream GRP2615. # P148 = Grandstream GRP2615 # For GRP2616, Default value is Grandstream GRP2616. # P148 = Grandstream GRP2616 # For GRP2624, Default value is Grandstream GRP2624. # P148 = Grandstream GRP2624 # For GRP2634, Default value is Grandstream GRP2634. # P148 = Grandstream GRP2634 # For GRP2670, Default value is Grandstream GRP2670. # P148 = Grandstream GRP2670 # For GRP2650, Default value is Grandstream GRP2650. # P148 = Grandstream GRP2650 # For GRP2636, Default value is Grandstream GRP2636. # P148 = Grandstream GRP2636 ########################################## # PPPoE ########################################## # PPPoE Account ID # String P82 = # PPPoE Password # String # Cannot contain ` or " P83 = # PPPoE Service Name # String P269 = ########################################## # Statically Configured ########################################## # IP Address. Ignore if DHCP or PPPoE is used # Number: 0 - 255 P9 = 192 # Number: 0 - 255 P10 = 168 # Number: 0 - 255 P11 = 0 # Number: 0 - 255 P12 = 160 # Subnet mask. Ignore if DHCP or PPPoE is used # Number: 0 - 255 P13 = 255 # Number: 0 - 255 P14 = 255 # Number: 0 - 255 P15 = 0 # Number: 0 - 255 P16 = 0 # Gateway. Ignore if DHCP or PPPoE is used # Number: 0 - 255 P17 = 0 # Number: 0 - 255 P18 = 0 # Number: 0 - 255 P19 = 0 # Number: 0 - 255 P20 = 0 # DNS 1 Server. Ignore if DHCP or PPPoE is used # Number: 0 - 255 P21 = 0 # Number: 0 - 255 P22 = 0 # Number: 0 - 255 P23 = 0 # Number: 0 - 255 P24 = 0 # DNS 2 Server. Ignore if DHCP or PPPoE is used # Number: 0 - 255 P25 = 0 # Number: 0 - 255 P26 = 0 # Number: 0 - 255 P27 = 0 # Number: 0 - 255 P28 = 0 # Preferred DNS server. (if specified). # Number: 0 - 255 P92 = 0 # Number: 0 - 255 P93 = 0 # Number: 0 - 255 P94 = 0 # Number: 0 - 255 P95 = 0 # IPv6 Address Type. 0 - Auto Configured, 1 - Statically Configured. Default is 0. # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1419 = 0 # IPv6 Static Mode: Statically configured. 0 - Full Static, 1 - Prefix Static. Default is 0. # Number: 0, 1 P1426 = 0 # Full Static: Static IPv6 Address P1420 = # Full Static: IPv6 Prefix Length P1421 = # Prefix Static: IPv6 Prefix (64bits) P1422 = # DNS Server 1 for IPv6 Address # String: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ".", ":", "[", "]" P1424 = # DNS Server 2 for IPv6 Address # String: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ".", ":", "[", "]" P1425 = # Preferred DNS Server for IPv6 Address # String: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ".", ":", "[", "]" P1423 = ############################################################################## ## Network/Advanced Settings ## ############################################################################## # 802.1X Mode. 0 - Disable, 1 - EAP-MD5. 2 - EAP-TLS, 3 - EAP-PEAPv0/MSCHAPv2. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P7901 = 0 # 802.1X Identity. Max length allowed is 64 characters # String P7902 = # MD5 Password. Max length allowed is 64 characters # String P7903 = # 802.1X CA Certificate # String # P8439 = # 802.1X Client Certificate # String # P8440 = # HTTP Proxy # String P1552 = # HTTPS Proxy # String P1553 = # Bypass Proxy For # String P22011 = # Layer 3 QoS for SIP # Number:0 - 63 # Mandatory P1558 = 26 # Layer 3 QoS for RTP # Number:0 - 63 # Mandatory P1559 = 46 # Release DHCP On Reboot. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0. # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P22380 = 0 # Enable DHCP VLAN. 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable. Default is 0. # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P8300 = 0 # Enable Manual VLAN Configuration. 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable. Default is 1. # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P22174 = 1 # Layer 2 QoS. 802.1Q/VLAN Tag (VLAN classification for RTP). Default is 0 # Number: 0 - 4094 # Mandatory P51 = 0 # 802.1p Priority Value (0 - 7). Default is 0 # Number: 0 - 7 # Mandatory P87 = 0 # PC Port Mode. 0 - Enable, 1 - Disabled, 2 - Mirrored. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P1348 = 0 # PC Port VLAN Tag. Default is 0 # Number: 0 - 4094 #Mandatory P229 = 0 # PC Port Priority Value. Default is 0 # Number: 0 - 7 # Mandatory P230 = 0 # Enable CDP. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P22119 = 1 # Enable LLDP. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1684 = 1 # LLDP TX Interval. Default is 60 # Number: 1 - 3600 # Mandatory P22122 = 60 # Maximum Transmission Unit(MTU). Default is 1500 # Number: 576 - 1500 # Mandatory P244 = 1500 ############################################################################## ## Network/Remote Control ############################################################################## # Action URI Support. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled # Number: 0, 1. Default is 1 # Mandatory P32050 = 1 # Remote Control Pop up Window Support. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled # Number: 0, 1. Default is 1 # Mandatory P32051 = 1 # Action URI Allowed IP List # String P32052 = # CSTA Control. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled # Number: 0, 1. Default is 0 # Mandatory P32053 = 0 ##################################################################################### ## Network/Affinity Settings GRP2614/GRP2615/GRP2616/GRP2624/GRP2634/GRP2670/GRP2650/GRP2636 ##################################################################################### # Affinity Support. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled # Number: 0, 1. Default is 0 # Mandatory P8334 = 0 # Preferred Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5. Default is 0 # Mandatory P8335 = 0 ##################################################################################### ## Network/Advanced Settings/Static DNS Cache ##################################################################################### # NAPTR DNS Cache Name 1 # String P93000 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 1 # Number: 300-65535 P93001 = 300 # NAPTR DNS Cache Order 1 # Number: 0-65535 P93002 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Preference 1 # Number: 0-65535 P93003 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Replacement 1 # String P93007 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Service 1 # String P93005 = SIP+D2U # NAPTR DNS Cache Name 2 # String P93020 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 2 # Number: 300-65535 P93021 = 300 # NAPTR DNS Cache Order 2 # Number: 0-65535 P93022 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Preference 2 # Number: 0-65535 P93023 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Replacement 2 # String P93027 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Service 2 # String P93025 = SIP+D2U # NAPTR DNS Cache Name 3 # String P93040 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 3 # Number: 300-65535 P93041 = 300 # NAPTR DNS Cache Order 3 # Number: 0-65535 P93042 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Preference 3 # Number: 0-65535 P93043 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Replacement 3 # String P93047 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Service 3 # String P93045 = SIP+D2U # NAPTR DNS Cache Name 4 # String P93060 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 4 # Number: 300-65535 P93061 = 300 # NAPTR DNS Cache Order 4 # Number: 0-65535 P93062 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Preference 4 # Number: 0-65535 P93063 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Replacement 4 # String P93067 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Service 4 # String P93065 = SIP+D2U # NAPTR DNS Cache Name 5 # String P93080 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 5 # Number: 300-65535 P93081 = 300 # NAPTR DNS Cache Order 5 # Number: 0-65535 P93082 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Preference 5 # Number: 0-65535 P93083 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Replacement 5 # String P93087 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Service 5 # String P93085 = SIP+D2U # NAPTR DNS Cache Name 6 # String P93100 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 6 # Number: 300-65535 P93101 = 300 # NAPTR DNS Cache Order 6 # Number: 0-65535 P93102 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Preference 6 # Number: 0-65535 P93103 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Replacement 6 # String P93107 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Service 6 # String P93105 = SIP+D2U # NAPTR DNS Cache Name 7 # String P93120 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 7 # Number: 300-65535 P93121 = 300 # NAPTR DNS Cache Order 7 # Number: 0-65535 P93122 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Preference 7 # Number: 0-65535 P93123 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Replacement 7 # String P93127 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Service 7 # String P93125 = SIP+D2U # NAPTR DNS Cache Name 8 # String P93140 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 8 # Number: 300-65535 P93141 = 300 # NAPTR DNS Cache Order 8 # Number: 0-65535 P93142 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Preference 8 # Number: 0-65535 P93143 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Replacement 8 # String P93147 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Service 8 # String P93145 = SIP+D2U # NAPTR DNS Cache Name 9 # String P93160 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 9 # Number: 300-65535 P93161 = 300 # NAPTR DNS Cache Order 9 # Number: 0-65535 P93162 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Preference 9 # Number: 0-65535 P93163 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Replacement 9 # String P93167 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Service 9 # String P93165 = SIP+D2U # NAPTR DNS Cache Name 10 # String P93180 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 10 # Number: 300-65535 P93181 = 300 # NAPTR DNS Cache Order 10 # Number: 0-65535 P93182 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Preference 10 # Number: 0-65535 P93183 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Replacement 10 # String P93187 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Service 10 # String P93185 = SIP+D2U # NAPTR DNS Cache Name 11 # String P93200 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 11 # Number: 300-65535 P93201 = 300 # NAPTR DNS Cache Order 11 # Number: 0-65535 P93202 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Preference 11 # Number: 0-65535 P93203 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Replacement 11 # String P93207 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Service 11 # String P93205 = SIP+D2U # NAPTR DNS Cache Name 12 # String P93220 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 12 # Number: 300-65535 P93221 = 300 # NAPTR DNS Cache Order 12 # Number: 0-65535 P93222 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Preference 12 # Number: 0-65535 P93223 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Replacement 12 # String P93227 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Service 12 # String P93225 = SIP+D2U # NAPTR DNS Cache Name 13 # String P93240 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 13 # Number: 300-65535 P93241 = 300 # NAPTR DNS Cache Order 13 # Number: 0-65535 P93242 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Preference 13 # Number: 0-65535 P93243 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Replacement 13 # String P93247 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Service 13 # String P93245 = SIP+D2U # NAPTR DNS Cache Name 14 # String P93260 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 14 # Number: 300-65535 P93261 = 300 # NAPTR DNS Cache Order 14 # Number: 0-65535 P93262 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Preference 14 # Number: 0-65535 P93263 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Replacement 14 # String P93267 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Service 14 # String P93265 = SIP+D2U # NAPTR DNS Cache Name 15 # String P93280 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 15 # Number: 300-65535 P93281 = 300 # NAPTR DNS Cache Order 15 # Number: 0-65535 P93282 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Preference 15 # Number: 0-65535 P93283 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Replacement 15 # String P93287 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Service 15 # String P93285 = SIP+D2U # NAPTR DNS Cache Name 16 # String P93300 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 16 # Number: 300-65535 P93301 = 300 # NAPTR DNS Cache Order 16 # Number: 0-65535 P93302 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Preference 16 # Number: 0-65535 P93303 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Replacement 16 # String P93307 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Service 16 # String P93305 = SIP+D2U # NAPTR DNS Cache Name 17 # String P93320 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 17 # Number: 300-65535 P93321 = 300 # NAPTR DNS Cache Order 17 # Number: 0-65535 P93322 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Preference 17 # Number: 0-65535 P93323 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Replacement 17 # String P93327 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Service 17 # String P93325 = SIP+D2U # NAPTR DNS Cache Name 18 # String P93340 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 18 # Number: 300-65535 P93341 = 300 # NAPTR DNS Cache Order 18 # Number: 0-65535 P93342 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Preference 18 # Number: 0-65535 P93343 = 0 # NAPTR DNS Cache Replacement 18 # String P93347 = # NAPTR DNS Cache Service 18 # String P93345 = SIP+D2U # SRV DNS Cache Name 1 # String P93008 = # SRV DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 1 # Number: 300-65535 P93009 = 300 # SRV DNS Cache Priority 1 # Number: 0-65535 P93010 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Weight 1 # Number: 0-65535 P93011 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Target 1 # String P93013 = # SRV DNS Cache Port 1 # Number: 0-65535 P93012 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Name 2 # String P93028 = # SRV DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 2 # Number: 300-65535 P93029 = 300 # SRV DNS Cache Priority 2 # Number: 0-65535 P93030 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Weight 2 # Number: 0-65535 P93031 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Target 2 # String P93033 = # SRV DNS Cache Port 2 # Number: 0-65535 P93032 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Name 3 # String P93048 = # SRV DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 3 # Number: 300-65535 P93049 = 300 # SRV DNS Cache Priority 3 # Number: 0-65535 P93050 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Weight 3 # Number: 0-65535 P93051 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Target 3 # String P93053 = # SRV DNS Cache Port 3 # Number: 0-65535 P93052 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Name 4 # String P93068 = # SRV DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 4 # Number: 300-65535 P93069 = 300 # SRV DNS Cache Priority 4 # Number: 0-65535 P93070 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Weight 4 # Number: 0-65535 P93071 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Target 4 # String P93073 = # SRV DNS Cache Port 4 # Number: 0-65535 P93072 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Name 5 # String P93088 = # SRV DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 5 # Number: 300-65535 P93089 = 300 # SRV DNS Cache Priority 5 # Number: 0-65535 P93090 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Weight 5 # Number: 0-65535 P93091 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Target 5 # String P93093 = # SRV DNS Cache Port 5 # Number: 0-65535 P93092 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Name 6 # String P93108 = # SRV DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 6 # Number: 300-65535 P93109 = 300 # SRV DNS Cache Priority 6 # Number: 0-65535 P93110 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Weight 6 # Number: 0-65535 P93111 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Target 6 # String P93113 = # SRV DNS Cache Port 6 # Number: 0-65535 P93112 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Name 7 # String P93128 = # SRV DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 7 # Number: 300-65535 P93129 = 300 # SRV DNS Cache Priority 7 # Number: 0-65535 P93130 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Weight 7 # Number: 0-65535 P93131 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Target 7 # String P93133 = # SRV DNS Cache Port 7 # Number: 0-65535 P93132 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Name 8 # String P93148 = # SRV DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 8 # Number: 300-65535 P93149 = 300 # SRV DNS Cache Priority 8 # Number: 0-65535 P93150 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Weight 8 # Number: 0-65535 P93151 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Target 8 # String P93153 = # SRV DNS Cache Port 8 # Number: 0-65535 P93152 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Name 9 # String P93168 = # SRV DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 9 # Number: 300-65535 P93169 = 300 # SRV DNS Cache Priority 9 # Number: 0-65535 P93170 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Weight 9 # Number: 0-65535 P93171 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Target 9 # String P93173 = # SRV DNS Cache Port 9 # Number: 0-65535 P93172 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Name 10 # String P93188 = # SRV DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 10 # Number: 300-65535 P93189 = 300 # SRV DNS Cache Priority 10 # Number: 0-65535 P93190 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Weight 10 # Number: 0-65535 P93191 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Target 10 # String P93193 = # SRV DNS Cache Port 10 # Number: 0-65535 P93192 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Name 11 # String P93208 = # SRV DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 11 # Number: 300-65535 P93209 = 300 # SRV DNS Cache Priority 11 # Number: 0-65535 P93210 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Weight 11 # Number: 0-65535 P93211 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Target 11 # String P93213 = # SRV DNS Cache Port 11 # Number: 0-65535 P93212 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Name 12 # String P93228 = # SRV DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 12 # Number: 300-65535 P93229 = 300 # SRV DNS Cache Priority 12 # Number: 0-65535 P93230 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Weight 12 # Number: 0-65535 P93231 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Target 12 # String P93233 = # SRV DNS Cache Port 12 # Number: 0-65535 P93232 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Name 13 # String P93248 = # SRV DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 13 # Number: 300-65535 P93249 = 300 # SRV DNS Cache Priority 13 # Number: 0-65535 P93250 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Weight 13 # Number: 0-65535 P93251 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Target 13 # String P93253 = # SRV DNS Cache Port 13 # Number: 0-65535 P93252 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Name 14 # String P93268 = # SRV DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 14 # Number: 300-65535 P93269 = 300 # SRV DNS Cache Priority 14 # Number: 0-65535 P93270 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Weight 14 # Number: 0-65535 P93271 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Target 14 # String P93273 = # SRV DNS Cache Port 14 # Number: 0-65535 P93272 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Name 15 # String P93288 = # SRV DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 15 # Number: 300-65535 P93289 = 300 # SRV DNS Cache Priority 15 # Number: 0-65535 P93290 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Weight 15 # Number: 0-65535 P93291 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Target 15 # String P93293 = # SRV DNS Cache Port 15 # Number: 0-65535 P93292 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Name 16 # String P93308 = # SRV DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 16 # Number: 300-65535 P93309 = 300 # SRV DNS Cache Priority 16 # Number: 0-65535 P93310 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Weight 16 # Number: 0-65535 P93311 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Target 16 # String P93313 = # SRV DNS Cache Port 16 # Number: 0-65535 P93312 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Name 17 # String P93328 = # SRV DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 17 # Number: 300-65535 P93329 = 300 # SRV DNS Cache Priority 17 # Number: 0-65535 P93330 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Weight 17 # Number: 0-65535 P93331 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Target 17 # String P93333 = # SRV DNS Cache Port 17 # Number: 0-65535 P93332 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Name 18 # String P93348 = # SRV DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 18 # Number: 300-65535 P93349 = 300 # SRV DNS Cache Priority 18 # Number: 0-65535 P93350 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Weight 18 # Number: 0-65535 P93351 = 0 # SRV DNS Cache Target 18 # String P93353 = # SRV DNS Cache Port 18 # Number: 0-65535 P93352 = 0 # A DNS Cache Name 1 # String P93014 = # A DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 1 # Number: 300-65535 P93015 = 300 # A DNS Cache IP Address 1 # String P93016 = # A DNS Cache Name 2 # String P93034 = # A DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 2 # Number: 300-65535 P93035 = 300 # A DNS Cache IP Address 2 # String P93036 = # A DNS Cache Name 3 # String P93054 = # A DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 3 # Number: 300-65535 P93055 = 300 # A DNS Cache IP Address 3 # String P93056 = # A DNS Cache Name 4 # String P93074 = # A DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 4 # Number: 300-65535 P93075 = 300 # A DNS Cache IP Address 4 # String P93076 = # A DNS Cache Name 5 # String P93094 = # A DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 5 # Number: 300-65535 P93095 = 300 # A DNS Cache IP Address 5 # String P93096 = # A DNS Cache Name 6 # String P93114 = # A DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 6 # Number: 300-65535 P93115 = 300 # A DNS Cache IP Address 6 # String P93116 = # A DNS Cache Name 7 # String P93134 = # A DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 7 # Number: 300-65535 P93135 = 300 # A DNS Cache IP Address 7 # String P93136 = # A DNS Cache Name 8 # String P93154 = # A DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 8 # Number: 300-65535 P93155 = 300 # A DNS Cache IP Address 8 # String P93156 = # A DNS Cache Name 9 # String P93174 = # A DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 9 # Number: 300-65535 P93175 = 300 # A DNS Cache IP Address 9 # String P93176 = # A DNS Cache Name 10 # String P93194 = # A DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 10 # Number: 300-65535 P93195 = 300 # A DNS Cache IP Address 10 # String P93196 = # A DNS Cache Name 11 # String P93214 = # A DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 11 # Number: 300-65535 P93215 = 300 # A DNS Cache IP Address 11 # String P93216 = # A DNS Cache Name 12 # String P93234 = # A DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 12 # Number: 300-65535 P93235 = 300 # A DNS Cache IP Address 12 # String P93236 = # A DNS Cache Name 13 # String P93254 = # A DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 13 # Number: 300-65535 P93255 = 300 # A DNS Cache IP Address 13 # String P93256 = # A DNS Cache Name 14 # String P93274 = # A DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 14 # Number: 300-65535 P93275 = 300 # A DNS Cache IP Address 14 # String P93276 = # A DNS Cache Name 15 # String P93294 = # A DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 15 # Number: 300-65535 P93295 = 300 # A DNS Cache IP Address 15 # String P93296 = # A DNS Cache Name 16 # String P93314 = # A DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 16 # Number: 300-65535 P93315 = 300 # A DNS Cache IP Address 16 # String P93316 = # A DNS Cache Name 17 # String P93334 = # A DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 17 # Number: 300-65535 P93335 = 300 # A DNS Cache IP Address 17 # String P93336 = # A DNS Cache Name 18 # String P93354 = # A DNS Cache Time Interval(s) 18 # Number: 300-65535 P93355 = 300 # A DNS Cache IP Address 18 # String P93356 = ####################################################################################### ## Network /Bluetooth Settings GRP2614/GRP2615/GRP2616/GRP2624/GRP2634/GRP2670/GRP2650/GRP2636 ####################################################################################### # Bluetooth Power. Default is 1. # 0 - Off, 1 - On, 2 - Off & Hide Menu From LCD # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P2910 = 1 # Handsfree Mode. Default is 0. # Number: 0, 1. 0 - Off, 1 - On # Mandatory P2911 = 0 # Handsfree Disconnect Timer # Number P8485 = 0 # Bluetooth Name. # String P8364 = ############################################################################## ## Network/OpenVPN Settings ## ############################################################################## # OpenVPN Enable. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P7050 = 0 # OpenVPN mode. 0 - simple mode, 1 - expert mode. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P22292 = 0 # OpenVPN Server Address # String P7051 = # OpenVPN Port. Default is 1194 # Number # Mandatory P7052 = 1194 # OpenVPN Transport. 0 - UDP, 1 - TCP. Default is 0 #Number: 0, 1 #Mandatory P2912 = 0 # OpenVPN CA # String #P9902 = # OpenVPN Certificate # String #P9903 = # OpenVPN Client Key # String #P9904 = # OpenVPN Cipher Method. 0 - Blowfish, 1 - AES-128, 2 - AES-256, 3 - Triple-DES. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P8396 = 0 # OpenVPN Username # String P8394 = # OpenVPN Password # String P8395 = # Additional Options # String P8460 = ############################################################################## ## Network/SNMP Settings ## ############################################################################## # Enable SNMP. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P21896 = 0 # Version. 1 - Version 1, 2 - Version 2, 3 - Version 3. Default is 3 # Number: 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P21904 = 3 # Port # Number. Default is 161. # Mandatory P21903 = 161 # Community # String P21902 = # SNMP Trap Version # Number: 1, 2. 1 - Version 1, 2 - Version 2, 3 - Version 3. Default is 2 P21899 = 2 # SNMP Trap IP # String P21897 = # SNMP Trap Port # Number: 1025 - 65535. Default is 162 P21898 = 162 # SNMP Trap Interval # Number: 1 - 1440. Default is 5 P21901 = 5 # SNMP Trap Community # String P21900 = # SNMP Username # Strings P21905 = # Security Level # Number: 0 - noAuthUser, 1 - authUser, 2 - privUser. Default is 0 # Mandatory P21910 = 0 # Authentication Protocol # Number: 0 - None, 1 - MD5, 2 - SHA. Default is 0 # Mandatory P21906 = 0 # Privacy Protocol # Number: 0 - None, 1 - DES, 2 - AES. Default is 0 # Mandatory P21907 = 0 # Authentication Key # String P21908 = # Privacy Key # String P21909 = # SNMP Trap Username # String P21911 = # Trap Security Level # Number: 0 - noAuthUser, 1 - authUser, 2 - privUser. Default is 0 # Mandatory P21916 = 0 # Trap Authentication Protocol # Number: 0 - None, 1 - MD5, 2 - SHA. Default is 0 # Mandatory P21912 = 0 # Trap Privacy Protocol # Number: 0 - None, 1 - DES, 2 - AES. Default is 0 # Mandatory P21913 = 0 # Trap Authentication Key # String P21914 = # Trap Privacy Key # String P21915 = ################################################################################### ## Network/WiFi Settings GRP2614/GRP2615/GRP2616/GRP2624/GRP2634/GRP2670/GRP2650/GRP2636 ################################################################################### # Enable/Disable WiFi # Number: 0 - No, 2 - Off & Hide Menu From LCD, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 P7800 = 0 # Access Point 1 # SSID # String P8403 = # Access Point 1 # Password # String P8404 = # Access Point 1 # Security Type # Number: 0 - None, 1 - WEP, 4 - WPA/WPA2 PSK, 5 - WPA/WPA2 EAP, 8 - Auto. Default is 4 P8405 = 4 # Access Point 1 # EAP Method # Number: 0 - None, 25 - PEAP, 13 - TLS, 21 - TTLS, 52 - PWD, 18 - SIM, 23 - AKA, 50 - AKA'. Default is 0 P22020 = 0 # Access Point 1 # EAP Identity # String P22021 = # Access Point 1 # EAP Password # String P22022 = # Access Point 2 # SSID # String P8406 = # Access Point 2 # Password # String P8407 = # Access Point 2 # Security Type # Number: 0 - None, 1 - WEP, 4 - WPA/WPA2 PSK, 5 - WPA/WPA2 EAP, 8 - Auto. Default is 4 P8408 = 4 # Access Point 2 # EAP Method # Number: 0 - None, 25 - PEAP, 13 - TLS, 21 - TTLS, 52 - PWD, 18 - SIM, 23 - AKA, 50 - AKA'. Default is 0 P22135 = 0 # Access Point 2 # EAP Identity # String P22136 = # Access Point 2 # EAP Password # String P22137 = # Access Point 3 # SSID # String P8409 = # Access Point 3 # Password # String P8410 = # Access Point 3 # Security Type # Number: 0 - None, 1 - WEP, 4 - WPA/WPA2 PSK, 5 - WPA/WPA2 EAP, 8 - Auto. Default is 4 P8411 = 4 # Access Point 3 # EAP Method # Number: 0 - None, 25 - PEAP, 13 - TLS, 21 - TTLS, 52 - PWD, 18 - SIM, 23 - AKA, 50 - AKA'. Default is 0 P22138 = 0 # Access Point 3 # EAP Identity # String P22139 = # Access Point 3 # EAP Password # String P22140 = # Access Point 4 # SSID # String P8412 = # Access Point 4 # Password # String P8413 = # Access Point 4 # Security Type # Number: 0 - None, 1 - WEP, 4 - WPA/WPA2 PSK, 5 - WPA/WPA2 EAP, 8 - Auto. Default is 4 P8414 = 4 # Access Point 4 # EAP Method # Number: 0 - None, 25 - PEAP, 13 - TLS, 21 - TTLS, 52 - PWD, 18 - SIM, 23 - AKA, 50 - AKA'. Default is 0 P22141 = 0 # Access Point 4 # EAP Identity # String P22142 = # Access Point 4 # EAP Password # String P22143 = # Access Point 5 # SSID # String P8415 = # Access Point 5 # Password # String P8416 = # Access Point 5 # Security Type # Number: 0 - None, 1 - WEP, 4 - WPA/WPA2 PSK, 5 - WPA/WPA2 EAP, 8 - Auto. Default is 4 P8417 = 4 # Access Point 5 # EAP Method # Number: 0 - None, 25 - PEAP, 13 - TLS, 21 - TTLS, 52 - PWD, 18 - SIM, 23 - AKA, 50 - AKA'. Default is 0 P22144 = 0 # Access Point 5 # EAP Identity # String P22145 = # Access Point 5 # EAP Password # String P22146 = # Access Point 6 # SSID # String P8418 = # Access Point 6 # Password # String P8419 = # Access Point 6 # Security Type # Number: 0 - None, 1 - WEP, 4 - WPA/WPA2 PSK, 5 - WPA/WPA2 EAP, 8 - Auto. Default is 4 P8420 = 4 # Access Point 6 # EAP Method # Number: 0 - None, 25 - PEAP, 13 - TLS, 21 - TTLS, 52 - PWD, 18 - SIM, 23 - AKA, 50 - AKA'. Default is 0 P22147 = 0 # Access Point 6 # EAP Identity # String P22148 = # Access Point 6 # EAP Password # String P22149 = # Access Point 7 # SSID # String P8421 = # Access Point 7 # Password # String P8422 = # Access Point 7 # Security Type # Number: 0 - None, 1 - WEP, 4 - WPA/WPA2 PSK, 5 - WPA/WPA2 EAP, 8 - Auto. Default is 4 P8423 = 4 # Access Point 7 # EAP Method # Number: 0 - None, 25 - PEAP, 13 - TLS, 21 - TTLS, 52 - PWD, 18 - SIM, 23 - AKA, 50 - AKA'. Default is 0 P22150 = 0 # Access Point 7 # EAP Identity # String P22151 = # Access Point 7 # EAP Password # String P22152 = # Access Point 8 # SSID # String P8424 = # Access Point 8 # Password # String P8425 = # Access Point 8 # Security Type # Number: 0 - None, 1 - WEP, 4 - WPA/WPA2 PSK, 5 - WPA/WPA2 EAP, 8 - Auto. Default is 4 P8426 = 4 # Access Point 8 # EAP Method # Number: 0 - None, 25 - PEAP, 13 - TLS, 21 - TTLS, 52 - PWD, 18 - SIM, 23 - AKA, 50 - AKA'. Default is 0 P22153 = 0 # Access Point 8 # EAP Identity # String P22154 = # Access Point 8 # EAP Password # String P22155 = # Access Point 9 # SSID # String P8427 = # Access Point 9 # Password # String P8428 = # Access Point 9 # Security Type # Number: 0 - None, 1 - WEP, 4 - WPA/WPA2 PSK, 5 - WPA/WPA2 EAP, 8 - Auto. Default is 4 P8429 = 4 # Access Point 9 # EAP Method # Number: 0 - None, 25 - PEAP, 13 - TLS, 21 - TTLS, 52 - PWD, 18 - SIM, 23 - AKA, 50 - AKA'. Default is 0 P22156 = 0 # Access Point 9 # EAP Identity # String P22157 = # Access Point 9 # EAP Password # String P22158 = # Access Point 10 # SSID # String P8430 = # Access Point 10 # Password # String P8431 = # Access Point 10 # Security Type # Number: 0 - None, 1 - WEP, 4 - WPA/WPA2 PSK, 5 - WPA/WPA2 EAP, 8 - Auto. Default is 4 P8432 = 4 # Access Point 10 # EAP Method # Number: 0 - None, 25 - PEAP, 13 - TLS, 21 - TTLS, 52 - PWD, 18 - SIM, 23 - AKA, 50 - AKA'. Default is 0 P22159 = 0 # Access Point 10 # EAP Identity # String P22160 = # Access Point 10 # EAP Password # String P22161 = # VoWLAN Target Delay. 0 - Low, 1 - Medium, 2 - High. Default is 0 # Number: 0-2 # Mandatory P82281 = 0 ############################################################################## ## Maintenance/Upgrade and Provisioning ############################################################################## # Firmware Upgrade and Provisioning # 0 - Always Check For New Firmware # 1 - Check New Firmware only when F/W pre/suffix changes # 2 - Always Skip the Firmware Check # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P238 = 0 # Always Authenticate Before Challenge. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P20713 = 0 # Validate Hostname in Certificate. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 P22030 = 0 # Allow DHCP Option 43 and Option 66 to override server. 0 - No, 1 - Yes, 2 - Prefer, fallback when failed. Default is 1 # When set to Yes(1), it will override the configured provision path and method # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P145 = 1 # Allow DHCP Option 120 to Override SIP Server # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1411 = 0 # Enable DHCP Option 150 # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1007 = 1 # Enable DHCP Option 160 # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1008 = 1 # Enable DHCP Option 161 # 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1009 = 1 # 3CX Auto Provision. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is Yes # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1414 = 1 # Automatic Upgrade. # 0 - No, # 1 - Yes, check for upgrade based on minute(s) setting, # 2 - Yes, check for upgrade based on Hour of Day setting, # 3 - Yes, check for upgrade based on Day of Week setting, # Default is No # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P194 = 0 # Check for new firmware every () minutes. Default is 7 days. # Number: 60-86400 # Mandatory P193 = 10080 # Randomized Automatic Upgrade. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is No # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8458 = 0 # Hour of the Day-Start (0-23). Default is 1 # Number: 0 - 23 P285 = 1 # Hour of the Day-End (-1, 0-23). Default is 0 # Number: -1, 0 - 23 P8459 = 0 # Day of the Week (0-6). Default is 1 # Number: 0-6 P286 = 1 # Enable SIP NOTIFY Authentication. 0 - Yes, 1 - No. Default is 0 # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P4428 = 0 # Firmware Upgrade Confirmation. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P8375 = 1 # Config # Config Upgrade Via. 0 - TFTP, 1 - HTTP, 2 - HTTPS, 3 - FTP, 4 - FTPS. Default is 2 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 # Mandatory P212 = 2 # Config Server Path # String P237 = fm.grandstream.com/gs # Config HTTP/HTTPS User Name # String P1360 = # Config HTTP/HTTPS Password # String P1361 = # Config File Prefix # String P234 = # Config File Postfix # String P235 = # XML Config File Password # String P1359 = # Authenticate Conf File. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is No # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P240 = 0 # User Protection. 0 - Off, 1 - On. Default is Off # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P9996 = 0 # Download and Process ALL Available Config Files. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is No # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8467 = 0 # Firmware # Firmware Upgrade Via. 0 - TFTP, 1 - HTTP, 2 - HTTPS, 3 - FTP, 4 - FTPS. Default is 1. # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 # Mandatory P6767 = 1 # Firmware Server Path # String P192 = fm.grandstream.com/gs # Firmware HTTP/HTTPS Username # String P6768 = # Firmware HTTP/HTTPS Password # String P6769 = # Firmware File Prefix # String P232 = # Firmware File Postfix # String P233 = ############################################################################## ## Maintenance/Syslog ############################################################################## # Syslog Protocol. 0 - UDP, 1 - SSL/TLS. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8402 = 0 # Syslog Server (name of the server, max length is 64 characters) # String P207 = # Syslog Level. 0 - NONE, 1 - DEBUG, 2 - INFO, 3 - WARNING, 4 - ERROR. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 # Mandatory P208 = 0 # Syslog Keyword Filtering # String P22129 = # Send SIP Log. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1387 = 0 # Show Network Warning Message. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8370 = 0 # Auto Recover from Abnormality. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1438 = 1 # USB Console Log. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2922 = 0 # Preserve Syslog Through Reset. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # P82307 = 0 ############################################################################## ## Maintenance/TR-069 ############################################################################## # Enable TR-069 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1409 = 1 # ACS URL # String P4503 = https://acs.gdms.cloud # TR-069 Username # String P4504 = # TR-069 Password # String P4505 = # Periodic Inform Enable. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P4506 = 1 # Periodic Inform Interval. Default is 60. # Number P4507 = 60 # Connection Request Username # String: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 P4511 = # Connection Request Password # String: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 P4512 = # Connection Request Port. Default is 7547. # Number P4518 = 7547 # CPE SSL Certificate # String: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 P8220 = # CPE SSL Private Key # String: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 P8221 = # Randomized TR069 Startup. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8487 = 0 ############################################################################## ## System Settings/Security Settings/Web/SSH Access ## ############################################################################## # Enable SSH. 0 - Yes, 1 - No. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 P276 = 0 # SSH Port. Default is 22 # Number: 22 - 65535 P27006 = 22 # Configuration Via Keypad Menu. 0 - Unrestricted, 1 - Basic settings only, 2 - Constraint mode, 3 - Locked Mode. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P1357 = 0 # Factory Reset Security Level. 0 - Default, 1 - Always Require Password, 2 - No Password Required. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P22373 = 0 # HTTP Web Port. Default is 80 # Number # Mandatory P22120 = 80 # HTTPS Web Port. Default is 443 # Number # Mandatory P22121 = 443 # Web Access Mode. 0 - HTTPS, 1 - HTTP, 2 - Disabled, 3 - Both HTTP and HTTPS. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P1650 = 0 # Web Access Control. 0 - None, 1 - Whitelist, 2 - Blacklist. Default is 0. # Number # Mandatory P22374 = 0 # Web Access Control List. # String P22375 = # Web Session Timeout(in minutes) # Number: 2 - 60. Default is 10 P28116 = 10 # Enable User Web Access. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8469 = 1 # Validate Server Certificates. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8463 = 0 # Web/Keypad/Restrict mode Lockout Duration (0-60 minutes). Default is 5 # Number: 0-60 P1683 = 5 # Web Session Attempt Limit # Number: 1 - 10. Default is 5 P28117 = 5 # Allow Configure MPK through LCD. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 P8444 = 1 ############################################################################## ## System Settings/Security Settings/User Info Management ## ############################################################################## # End User Password # String: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 # P196 = # Admin Password for web interface # String: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 # P2 = ############################################################################## ## System Settings/Security Settings/Client Certificate ## ############################################################################## # Minimum TLS Version. 10 - TLS 1.0, 11 - TLS 1.1, 12 - TLS 1.2. Default is 11 # Number: 10, 11, 12 P22293 = 11 # Maximum TLS Version. 99 - Unlimited, 10 - TLS 1.0, 11 - TLS 1.1, 12 - TLS 1.2. Default is 99 # Number: 10, 11, 12, 99 P22294 = 99 # Enable/Disable Weak Cipher Suites. # 0 -Enable Weak TLS Ciphers Suites, 1 - Disable Symmetric Encryption RC4/DES/3DES, 2 - Disable Symmetric Encryption SEED, 3 - Disable All Weak Symmetric Encryption, 4 - Disable Symmetric Authentication MD5, 5 - Disable All Weak TLS Ciphers Suites # Number: 0 - 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory P8536 = 0 # SIP TLS Certificate # String: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 # P280 = # SIP TLS Private Key # String: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 # P279 = # SIP TLS Private Key Password # String: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 # P281 = # Custom Certificate # String (string length: min:0, max: 8192) # P8472 = ############################################################################## ## System Settings/Security Settings/Trusted CA Certificate ## ############################################################################## # Load CA Certificates. 0 - Default Certificates, 1 - Custom Certificates, 2 - All Certificates # Number: 0, 1, 2. Default is 0 P8502 = 0 ############################################################################## ## System Settings/Security Settings/Keypad Lock ## ############################################################################## # Enable Keypad Locking. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1382 = 0 # Keypad Lock Type. 0 - All Keys, 1 - Functional Keys. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8383 = 0 # Password to Lock/Unlock # String P1383 = # Keypad Lock Timer. Default is 0 # Number # Mandatory P8384 = 0 # Emergency # String P8385 = 112,911,110 ############################################################################## ## Maintenance/Packet Capture ## ############################################################################## # Capture Location. 0 - Internal Storage, 1 - USB. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2999 = 0 # With RTP Packets. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P6007 = 0 # USB Filename # String P6008 = 0 ############################################################################## ## Directory/Phonebook Management ############################################################################## # Enable Phonebook XML Download. # 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled, use HTTP, 2 - Enabled, use TFTP, 3 - Enabled, use HTTPS. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P330 = 0 # HTTP/HTTPS User Name # String P6713 = # HTTP/HTTPS Password # String P6714 = # Phonebook XML Server Path # This is a string of up to 256 characters that should contain a path to the XML file. It MUST be in the host/path format. # For example: directory.grandstream.com/engineering # String P331 = # Phonebook Download Interval (in minutes) # Valid value range is 5-720. Default is 0 for disabled # Number: 0, 5-720; P332 = 0 # Remove Manually-edited entries on Download. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P333 = 1 # Import Group Method. 0 - Replace, 1 - Append. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8462 = 0 # Sort Phonebook by. 0 - Last Name, 1 - First Name. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2914 = 0 # For GRP2614/GRP2616/GRP2636 only # Phonebook Key Function. 0 - Default, 1 - LDAP Search, 2 - Local Phonebook, 3 - Local Group, 4 - Broadsoft Phonebook, 5 - Blacklist, 6 - Whitelist # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. # Mandatory P1526 = 0 # Default search mode. 0 - Quick match, 1 - Exact match. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1. # Mandatory P2970 = 0 # Replace Duplicate Items. 0 - No, 1 - Replace by Name, 2 - Replace by Number. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2. # Mandatory P1436 = 0 ############################################################################## ## Directory/LDAP ############################################################################## # LDAP protocol. 0 - LDAP, 1 - LDAPS # Number: 0,1 # Mandatory P8037 = 0 # LDAP Server Address, up to 256 characters can be used. It can be IP address or Domain name # String P8020 = # LDAP Server Port. Default is 389. # Number: 1 - 65535 P8021 = 389 # Base. The LDAP search base refers to the location in the directory where the search is requested to begin # Example 1: dc=grandstream,dc=com # Example 2: ou=Boston, dc=grandstream,dc=com # String P8022 = # User name. The bind "Username" for querying LDAP servers. Some LDAP servers allow anonymous binds in which case the setting can be left blank # String P8023 = # Password. The bind "Password" for querying LDAP servers. And the field can be left blank if the LDAP server allows anonymous binds # String P8024 = # LDAP Number Filter # LDAP name filter is the filter used for name look ups. Please refer to user manual for examples # String P8025 = # LDAP Name Filter # LDAP name filter is the filter used for name look ups. Please refer to user manual for examples # String P8026 = # LDAP Version. Protocol version for the phone when send the bind requests # 2 - version 2, 3 - version 3. Default is 3 # Mandatory P8027 = 3 # LDAP Name Attributes. This setting specifies the "name" attributes of each record which are returned in the LDAP search result # The setting allows the users to configure multiple space separated name attributes # String P8028 = # LDAP Number Attributes. This setting specifies the "number" attributes of each record which are returned in the LDAP search result # The setting allows the users to configure multiple space separated number attributes # String P8029 = # LDAP Display Name. The entry information to be shown on phone LCD. Grandstream phones will display up to 3 fields # String P8030 = # Max Hits. The setting specifies the maximum number of results to be returned by the LDAP server # If the value is set to 0, server will return all search results. Default is 50 # Number: 0 - 32000 # Mandatory P8031 = 50 # Search Timeout (in seconds). Default is 30 # The setting specifies how long the server should process the request and client waits for server to return # Number: 0 - 180 # Mandatory P8032 = 30 # Sort Results. This setting is used for sorting searching result. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Mandatory P8033 = 0 # LDAP Lookup # Incoming calls. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 P8035 = 0 # Outgoing calls. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 P8034 = 0 # Lookup Display Name # String P8036 = # Exact Match Search. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8505 = 0 ############################################################################## ## Directory/Remote Phonebook ############################################################################## # Phonebook Download Interval. # Number: 0, 5-720 # Mandatory P22426 = 0 # Remote Phonebook 1 # Display Name # String P22427 = # HTTP/HTTPS Username # String P22429 = # HTTP/HTTPS Password # String P22430 = # Phonebook XML Server Path # String P22428 = # Remote Phonebook 2 # Display Name # String P22431 = # HTTP/HTTPS Username # String P22433 = # HTTP/HTTPS Password # String P22434 = # Phonebook XML Server Path # String P22432 = # Remote Phonebook 3 # Display Name # String P22435 = # HTTP/HTTPS Username # String P22437 = # HTTP/HTTPS Password # String P22438 = # Phonebook XML Server Path # String P22436 = ############################################################################## ## Settings/General Settings ############################################################################## # Local RTP Port. Default is 5004 # Number: 1024 - 65400. Must be even number # Mandatory P39 = 5004 # Local RTP Port Range. Default is 200 # Number: 48 - 10000 # Mandatory P29610 = 200 # Use Random Port. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P78 = 1 # Keep-Alive Interval (in seconds). Default is 20 # Number: 10 - 160 # Mandatory P84 = 20 # Use NAT IP. This will enable our SIP client to use this IP in the SIP/SDP message. Example # String: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ".", ":" P101 = # STUN server # String P76 = # Delay Registration. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 90 # Mandatory P8359 = 0 # Test Password Strength. Default is 0. # Number: 0, 1. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. P8468 = 0 # Enable Public Mode. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1345 = 0 # Allow Multiple Accounts. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory # P8564 = 0 # Enable Fix For RTP Timestamp Jump. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8389 = 0 # Public Mode Username Prefix # String P8470 = # Public Mode Username Suffix # String P8471 = # Enable Remote Synchronization. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 P8448 = 0 # Server Type. 0 - TFTP, 1 - FTP, 2 - HTTP. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 P8449 = 0 # Server Path # String P8450 = # FTP/HTTP User Name # String P8451 = # FTP/HTTP Password # String P8452 = # Login Timeout. Default is 10 # Number: 0, 10-1440 P2915 = 10 # Enable Outbound Notification. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 1. # Number: 0, 1 P32062 = 1 # Clean User Data When Different User Logs In. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0. # Number: 0, 1 P8628 = 1 # Enable UCM Call Center Fast Login/Logout. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0. # Number: 0, 1 P22456 = 0 ############################################################################## ## Settings/Broadsoft ############################################################################## ################################################################### # Broadsoft XSI ################################################################### # XSI # Server # String P1591 = # Port # Number P1592 = # XSI Actions Path # String P2937 = # Broadsoft Directory Update Interval(m). Default is 360. If set to 0, automatic download will be disabled. Valid range is 5 to 4320. # Number: 5 - 4320 # Mandatory P8362 = 360 # Broadsoft Contacts Download Limit. Default is 100 # Number: 0-2000 # Mandatory P8464 = 100 # Broadsoft Contacts Search Limit. Default is 100 # Number: 0-2000 # Mandatory P8465 = 100 # XSI Authentication Type. 0 - Login Credentials, 1 - SIP Credentials, 2 - Account 1, 3 - Account 2, 4 - Account 3, 5 - Account 4, 6 - Account 5, 7 - Account 6. # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Default is 0. # Mandatory P22054 = 0 # Login Credentials # BroadSoft User ID # String P1593 = # Login Password # String P1594 = # SIP Credentials # SIP Authentication ID # String P6772 = # BroadSoft User ID # String P22034 = # SIP Authentication Password # String P6773 = # Sort Phonebook by. 0 - Last Name, 1 - First Name. Default is 0. # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P22131 = 0 ###################################################################################### # Network Directories ###################################################################################### ### Group Directory ### # Disabled/Enabled. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. # Number: 0, 1. Default is 0 # Mandatory P2971 = 0 # Name. # String P2972 = ### Enterprise Directory ### # Disabled/Enabled. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. # Number: 0, 1. Default is 0 # Mandatory P2973 = 0 # Name. # String P2974 = ### Group Common ### # Disabled/Enabled. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. # Number: 0, 1. Default is 0 # Mandatory P2975 = 0 # Name. # String P2976 = ### Enterprise Common ### # Disabled/Enabled. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. # Number: 0, 1. Default is 0 # Mandatory P2977 = 0 # Name. # String P2978 = ### Personal Directory ### # Disabled/Enabled. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. # Number: 0, 1. Default is 0 # Mandatory P2979 = 0 # Name. # String P2980 = ### Missed Call Log ### # Disabled/Enabled. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. # Number: 0, 1. Default is 0 # Mandatory P2981 = 0 # Name. # String P2982 = ### Placed Call Log ### # Disabled/Enabled. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. # Number: 0, 1. Default is 0 # Mandatory P2983 = 0 # Name. # String P2984 = ### Received Call Log ### # Disabled/Enabled. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. # Number: 0, 1. Default is 0 # Mandatory P2985 = 0 # Name. # String P2986 = ################################################################################################################# ## Broadsoft IM&P Broadsoft Instant Message and Presence GRP2614/GRP2615/GRP2616/GRP2624/GRP2634/GRP2670/GRP2650/GRP2636 ################################################################################################################# # Login Credentials # Server. # String P6006 = # Port. # Number. Default is 5222 P6005 = 5222 # Username. # String P2966 = # Password. # String P2967 = # IM&P Settings # Broadsoft IM&P. Default is 0. # Number: 0,1. 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled # Mandatory P2964 = 0 # Associated Broadsoft Account. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 5 : Account 1 - Account 6 # Mandatory P2965 = 0 # Auto Login. Default is 0. # 0 - No, 1 - Yes # Mandatory P2968 = 0 # Display Non XMPP Contacts. Default is 0. # 0 - No, 1 - Yes # Mandatory P2969 = 0 ############################################################################## ## Settings/External Service ############################################################################## ## Grandstream Door System ############################################################### # Order 1 ############################################################### # Service Type. -1 - None, 0 - GDS. Default is -1. # Number: -1, 0 # Mandatory: -1 P32000 = -1 # Account # 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory P32001 = 0 # System Identification # String P32002 = # System Number # String P32003 = # Access Password # String P32004 = ############################################################### # Order 2 ############################################################### # Service Type. -1 - None, 0 - GDS. Default is -1. # Number: -1, 0 # Mandatory: -1 P32005 = -1 # Account # 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory P32006 = 0 # System Identification # String P32007 = # System Number # String P32008 = # Access Password # String P32009 = ############################################################### # Order 3 ############################################################### # Service Type. -1 - None, 0 - GDS. Default is -1. # Number: -1, 0 # Mandatory: -1 P32010 = -1 # Account # 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory P32011 = 0 # System Identification # String P32012 = # System Number # String P32013 = # Access Password # String P32014 = ############################################################### # Order 4 ############################################################### # Service Type. -1 - None, 0 - GDS. Default is -1. # Number: -1, 0 # Mandatory: -1 P32015 = -1 # Account # 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory P32016 = 0 # System Identification # String P32017 = # System Number # String P32018 = # Access Password # String P32019 = ############################################################### # Order 5 ############################################################### # Service Type. -1 - None, 0 - GDS. Default is -1. # Number: -1, 0 # Mandatory: -1 P32020 = -1 # Account # 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory P32021 = 0 # System Identification # String P32022 = # System Number # String P32023 = # Access Password # String P32024 = ############################################################### # Order 6 ############################################################### # Service Type. -1 - None, 0 - GDS. Default is -1. # Number: -1, 0 # Mandatory: -1 P32025 = -1 # Account # 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory P32026 = 0 # System Identification # String P32027 = # System Number # String P32028 = # Access Password # String P32029 = ############################################################### # Order 7 ############################################################### # Service Type. -1 - None, 0 - GDS. Default is -1. # Number: -1, 0 # Mandatory: -1 P32030 = -1 # Account # 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory P32031 = 0 # System Identification # String P32032 = # System Number # String P32033 = # Access Password # String P32034 = ############################################################### # Order 8 ############################################################### # Service Type. -1 - None, 0 - GDS. Default is -1. # Number: -1, 0 # Mandatory: -1 P32035 = -1 # Account # 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory P32036 = 0 # System Identification # String P32037 = # System Number # String P32038 = # Access Password # String P32039 = ############################################################### # Order 9 ############################################################### # Service Type. -1 - None, 0 - GDS. Default is -1. # Number: -1, 0 # Mandatory: -1 P32040 = -1 # Account # 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory P32041 = 0 # System Identification # String P32042 = # System Number # String P32043 = # Access Password # String P32044 = ############################################################### # Order 10 ############################################################### # Service Type. -1 - None, 0 - GDS. Default is -1. # Number: -1, 0 # Mandatory: -1 P32045 = -1 # Account # 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory P32046 = 0 # System Identification # String P32047 = # System Number # String P32048 = # Access Password # String P32049 = ############################################################################## ## Settings/Call Features ############################################################################## # Preferred Default Account. # 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory P29612 = 0 # Select Account from LCD. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P22381 = 1 # Predictive Dialing Feature. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P22126 = 1 # Predictive Dialing Source # String: CallHistory,LocalPhonebook,RemotePhonebook,FeatureCode P8442 = CallHistory,LocalPhonebook,RemotePhonebook,FeatureCode # Contact Source Priority # String: LocalPhonebook,RemotePhonebook,LDAP,BroadSoftXsi,NetworkSignaling P22439 = LocalPhonebook,RemotePhonebook,LDAP,BroadSoftXsi,NetworkSignaling # Onhook Dial Barging. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8397 = 1 # Off-hook Auto Dial # String P71 = # Off-hook Auto Dial Delay # Number: 0 - 10 P8388 = 4 # Off-hook Timeout (in seconds). Default is 30 # Number: 10 - 60 # Mandatory P1485 = 30 # Enable Live Keypad. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8350 = 0 # Live Keypad Expiration. Default is 5 # Number: 2 - 15. # Mandatory P8351 = 5 # Last Call Forward Always. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 P32063 = 1 # Enable Auto Redial. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8353 = 0 # Auto Redial Times. Default is 10 # Number # Mandatory P8354 = 10 # Auto Redial Interval. Default is 10 # Number # Mandatory P8355 = 10 # Bypass Dial Plan Through Call History and Directories. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P6758 = 0 # Disable Call Waiting. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P91 = 0 # Disable Call Waiting Tone. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P186 = 0 # Ring for Call Waiting. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P22102 = 0 # Disable Busy Tone on Remote Disconnect. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P6762 = 0 # Disable Direct IP Call. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1310 = 0 # Use Quick IP Call Mode. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P184 = 0 # Disable Conference. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1311 = 0 # Disable in-call DTMF Display. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P338 = 0 # Enable Sending DTMF via specific MPKs. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1339 = 0 # GRP2614/15/16/24/34 only # Disable Active MPK Page. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 P6764 = 0 # Enable Active VPK Page. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P22134 = 0 # Enable Call Recording LCD Indicator. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1697 = 1 # Enable DND Feature. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8446 = 1 # Mute Key Functions While Idle. 0 - DND, 1 - Idle Mute, 2 - Disabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0,1,2 # Mandatory P1565 = 0 # Enable Auto Unmute. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 P8488 = 1 # DND Override. 0 - Off, 1 - Allow All, 2 - Allow Only Contacts, 3 - Allow Only Favourites. Default is 0 # Number: 0,1,2,3 # Mandatory P8372 = 0 # Disable Transfer. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1341 = 0 # In-call Dial Number on Pressing Transfer Key # String P1525 = # Attended Transfer Mode. 0 - Static, 1 - Dynamic. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1376 = 1 # Hold Call Before Completing Transfer. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 P8466 = 1 # Show On Hold Duration. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8503 = 1 # Do not Escape '#' as 23% in SIP URL. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1406 = 0 # Click-To-Dial Feature. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1561 = 0 # Enable Paging Call Mode. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P22278 = 0 # Default Call Log Type. 0 - Default, 1 - Broadsoft Call Log, 2 - Local Call Log. # Number: 0,1,2. Default is 0. # Mandatory P6765 = 0 # Return Code When Refusing Incoming Call. Default is 0 # Number: 0,1,2,3. 0 - Busy(486), 1 - Temporarily Unavailable(480), 2 - Not Found(404), 3 - Decline(603). # Mandatory P8360 = 0 # Return Code When Enable DND. Default is 1 # Number: 0,1,2,3. 0 - Busy(486), 1 - Temporarily Unavailable(480), 2 - Not Found(404), 3 - Decline(603). # Mandatory P8361 = 1 # Enable BLF Pickup Screen. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P9905 = 0 # Enable BLF Pickup Sound. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P9906 = 0 # BLF Pickup Sound List. 0 - All Except, 1 - Only Allow. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P9907 = 0 # BLF Pickup Sound Except List. # String P9908 = # Local Call Recording Feature. 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P6760 = 0 # Saved Local Call Recording Location. 0 - Internal Storage, 1 - USB. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P6761 = 0 # Replace the oldest call record. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8453 = 0 # Enable IM Popup. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8474 = 1 # Instant Message Popup Timeout # Number: 10 - 900 # Mandatory P26055 = 10 # Play Tone On Receiving IM. 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P26056 = 0 # Allow Incoming Call Before Ringing. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P29609 = 0 # User-Agent Prefix # String P8358 = # For GRP2614/GRP2616/GRP2634/GRP2636 Only # Auto Provision List Starting Point. 1 - VPK, 2 - MPK. # Mandatory P8349 = 1 # For GRP2615/GRP2624/GRP2670/GRP2650 Only # Auto Provision List Starting Point. 0 - Extension Boards, 1 - VPK. # Mandatory # P8349 = 1 # Hide BLF Remote Status. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8374 = 0 # Show SIP Error Response. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8376 = 1 # Enable Missed Call Notification. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8393 = 1 # Enable Call Completion Service. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8391 = 0 # Enable Incoming Call Popup. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8401 = 1 # Enable Enhanced Acoustic Echo Canceller. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P22175 = 1 # Auto Answer Delay # String P8486 = 0 ############################################################################## ## Settings/Multicast Paging ############################################################################## # Multicast Paging Function. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P22208 = 1 # Allowed in DND Mode. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8381 = 0 # Paging Barge. 0 - Disable, 1 - priority 1, 2 - priority 2, 3 - priority 3, # 4 - priority 4, 5 - priority 5, 6 - priority 6, 7 - priority 7, 8 - priority 8, # 9 - priority 9, 10 - priority 10. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 10 # Mandatory P1566 = 0 # Paging Priority Active. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1567 = 1 # Multicast Paging Codec. 18 - G.729A/B, 0 - PCMU, 8 - PCMA, 2 - G.726-32, 9 - G.722, 98 - iLBC, 4- G.723.1 # Number: 18, 0, 8, 2, 9, 98, 4. Default is 9. # Mandatory P1568 = 9 # Multicase Channel Number # Number: 0 - 50 (0 for normal RTP packets, 1-50 for Polycom multicast format packets). Default is 0 P8454 = 0 # Multicast Sender ID # String P8455 = # Multicast IGMP Interval # Number: 30-300. Default is 120 P22251 = 120 ### Multicast Listening ### # Priority 1 # Listening Address # String P1569 = # Label # String P1570 = # Priority 2 # Listening Address # String P1571 = # Label # String P1572 = # Priority 3 # Listening Address # String P1573 = # Label # String P1574 = # Priority 4 # Listening Address # String P1575 = # Label # String P1576 = # Priority 5 # Listening Address # String P1577 = # Label # String P1578 = # Priority 6 # Listening Address # String P1579 = # Label # String P1580 = # Priority 7 # Listening Address # String P1581 = # Label # String P1582 = # Priority 8 # Listening Address # String P1583 = # Label # String P1584 = # Priority 9 # Listening Address # String P1585 = # Label # String P1586 = # Priority 10 # Listening Address # String P1587 = # Label # String P1588 = ### Paging ### # Priority 1 # Listening Address # String P8540 = # Label # String P8541 = # Priority 2 # Listening Address # String P8542 = # Label # String P8543 = # Priority 3 # Listening Address # String P8544 = # Label # String P8545 = # Priority 4 # Listening Address # String P8546 = # Label # String P8547 = # Priority 5 # Listening Address # String P8548 = # Label # String P8549 = # Priority 6 # Listening Address # String P8550 = # Label # String P8551 = # Priority 7 # Listening Address # String P8552 = # Label # String P8553 = # Priority 8 # Listening Address # String P8554 = # Label # String P8555 = # Priority 9 # Listening Address # String P8556 = # Label # String P8557 = # Priority 10 # Listening Address # String P8558 = # Label # String P8559 = ############################################################################## ## Settings/Outbound Notification ############################################################################## ###################################################################################### # Action URL ###################################################################################### # Setup Completed. # String P8304 = # Registered. # String P8305 = # Unregistered. # String P8306 = # Off Hook. # String P8308 = # On Hook. # String P8309 = # Incoming Call. # String P8310 = # Outgoing Call # String P8311 = # Missed Call # String P8312 = # Established Call # String P8313 = # Terminated Call # String P8314 = # Open DND # String P8316 = # Close DND # String P8317 = # Open Forward # String P8318 = # Close Forward # String P8319 = # Blind Transfer # String P8320 = # Attended Transfer # String P8321 = # Hold Call # String P8324 = # UnHold Call # String P8325 = ###################################################################################### # Destination ###################################################################################### ###################################################################################### # Notification ###################################################################################### ############################################################################## ## Settings/Preferences ############################################################################## ############################################################################## ## Settings/Preferences / Audio Control ############################################################################## # Enable HAC 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P22485 = 0 # HEADSET Key Mode. 0 - Default Mode, 1 - Toggle Headset/Speaker. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1312 = 0 # Headset Type. 0 - Normal, 1 - Plantronics EHS. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P1487 = 0 # EHS Headset Ringtone. 0 - Normal, 1 - Plantronics EHS. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P6779 = 0 # Always Ring Speaker. 0 - No, 1 - Yes, both, 2 - Yes, speaker only. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P1439 = 0 # Headset Noise Shield 2.0. 0 - Disable, 1 - Medium, 2 - High, 3 - Low. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P8563 = 1 # Group Listen with Speaker 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P22163 = 0 # Headset TX gain(dB). 1 - -6, 0 - 0, 2 - +6. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P1301 = 0 # Headset RX gain(dB). 1 - -6, 0 - 0, 2 - +6. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P1302 = 0 # Handset Noise Shield 2.0. 0 - Disable, 1 - High, 2 - Low. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P8538 = 1 # Handset TX gain(dB). 1 - -6, 0 - 0, 2 - +6. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P1464 = 0 ############################################################################## ## Settings/Preferences / Date and Time ############################################################################## # NTP Server # String P30 = pool.ntp.org # Secondary NTP Server # String P8333 = # NTP Update Interval # String # Number: 5 - 1440, Default is 1440 P5005 = 1440 # Allow DHCP Option 42 to override NTP server. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # When set to Yes(1), it will override the configured NTP server # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P144 = 0 # Time Zone # Web GUI Option P Value # Automatic auto # GMT-12:00 (International Date Line West) TAZ+12 # GMT-11:00 (Midway Island, Samoa) TAB+11 # GMT-10:00 (US Hawaiian Time) HAW10 # GMT-9:00 (US Alaska Time) AKST9AKDT # GMT-8:00 (US Pacific Time, Los Angeles) PST8PDT # GMT-08:00 (Baja California) PST8PDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0 # GMT-07:00 (US Mountain Time, Denver) MST7MDT # GMT-07:00 (Mountain Time (Arizona, no DST)) MST7 # GMT-07:00 (Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan) MST7MDT,M4.1.0,M10.5.0 # GMT-06:00 (Central Time) CST6CDT # GMT-06:00 (Central America) CST+6 # GMT-06:00 (Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey) CST6CDT,M4.1.0,M10.5.0 # GMT-05:00 (Eastern Time) EST5EDT # GMT-05:00 (Eastern Time without daylight saving) EST5 # GMT-04:30 (Caracas) TZf+4:30 # GMT-04:00 (Atlantic Time) AST4ADT # GMT-04:00 (Atlantic Time (New Brunswick)) AST4ADT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0 # GMT-04:00 (Santiago, Chile) CLT4CLST,M9.1.6/24:00,M4.1.6/24:00 # GMT-03:30 (Newfoundland Time) NST+3:30NDT+2:30,M3.2.0/02:00:00,M11.1.0/02:00:00 # GMT-03:00 (Greenland) TZK+3 # GMT-03:00 (Brazil, Sao Paulo) BRST+3BRDT+2,M11.1.0,M2.3.0 # GMT-02:00 (Argentina) UTC+3 # GMT-02:00 (Mid-Atlantic) TZL+2 # GMT-01:00 (Azores, Cape Verdi Is.) TZM+1 # GMT (Azores, Portugal) TZM+1TZN+0,M3.4.6/24:00:00,M10.4.0/1:00:00 # GMT (Edinburgh, Casablanca, Monrovia) TZN+0 # GMT (London, Great Britain) GMT+0BST-1,M3.5.0/01:00:00,M10.5.0/02:00:00 # GMT (Lisbon, Portugal) WET-0WEST-1,M3.5.0/01:00:00,M10.5.0/02:00:00 # GMT (Dublin, Ireland) GMT+0IST-1,M3.5.0/01:00:00,M10.5.0/02:00:00 # GMT+01:00 (Paris, Vienna, Warsaw, Roma, Madrid, Prague, Berlin, Budapest, Amsterdam, Belgium) CET-1CEST-2,M3.5.0/02:00:00,M10.5.0/03:00:00 # GMT+02:00 (Cairo, Egypt) TZP-2 # GMT+02:00 (Israel) EET-2EEST-3,M3.4.5/02:00:00,M10.4.0/02:00:00 # GMT+02:00 (Helsinki, Athens, Tallinn, Bucharest) EET-2EEST-3,M3.5.0/03:00:00,M10.4.0/04:00:00 # GMT+02:00 (Kyiv, Ukraine) EET-2EEST,M3.5.0/3,M10.5.0/4 # GMT+03:00 (Kuwait, Baghdad, Istanbul, Nairobi) TZQ-3 # GMT+03:00 (Moscow, Russia) MSK-3 # GMT+03:00 (Tehran) IRST-3:30IRDT-4:30,M3.3.5/24:00:00,M9.3.0/24:00:00 # GMT+04:00 (Abu Dhabi, Baku) TZR-4 # GMT+05:00 (Islamabad, Ekaterinburg, Karachi, Tashkent)TZS-5 # GMT+05:30 (Chennai, New Delhi, Mumbai) TZT-5:30 # GMT+05:45 (Kathmandu) TZU-5:45 # GMT+06:00 (Almaty, Astana, Dhaka, Novosibirsk) TZV-6 # GMT+06:30 (Rangoon) TZW-6:30 # GMT+07:00 (Bankok, Hanoi, Krasnoyarsk) TZX-7 # GMT+07:00 (Jakarta) WIB-7 # GMT+08:00 (Beijing, Taipei, Kuala Lumpur, Irkutsk) TZY-8 # GMT+08:00 (Singapore) SGT-8 # GMT+08:00 (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia) ULAT-8 # GMT+08:00 (Perth) WST-8 # GMT+09:00 (Japan, Korea, Yakutsk) TZZ-9 # GMT+09:30 (Adelaide) CST-9:30CDT-10:30,M10.1.0/02:00:00,M4.1.0/03:00:00 # GMT+09:30 (Darwin) CST-9:30 # GMT+10:00 (Guam) TZb-10 # GMT+10:00 (Hobart) EST-10EDT-11,M10.1.0/02:00:00,M4.1.0/03:00:00 # GMT+10:00 (Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra) EST-10EDT-11,M10.1.0/02:00:00,M4.1.0/03:00:00 # GMT+10:00 (Brisbane) EST-10 # GMT+11:00 (Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia) TZc-11 # GMT+12:00 (Auckland, Wellington) NZST-12NZDT-13,M9.4.0/02:00:00,M4.1.0/03:00:00 # GMT+12:00 (Fiji) FJT-12FJST-13,M11.2.0/02:00:00,M1.2.0/03:00:00 # GMT+13:00 (Nuku'alofa) TZe-13 # Self-Defined Time Zone customize # String # Mandatory P64 = auto # Allow DHCP Option 2 to Override Time Zone Setting # Number: 0, 1 P143 = 1 # Self Defined Time Zone. Max length allowed is 64 characters # String # Mandatory P246 = MTZ+6MDT+5,M4.1.0,M11.1.0 # Date Display Format # 0: yyyy-mm-dd eg. 2011-10-31 # 1: mm-dd-yyyy eg. 10-31-2011 # 2: dd-mm-yyyy eg. 31-10-2011 # 3: dddd, MMMM dd eg. Monday, October 31 # 4: MMMM dd, dddd eg. October 31, Monday # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 # Mandatory P102 = 0 # Time Display Format. 0 - 12 Hour, 1 - 24 Hour # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P122 = 0 # Show Date On Status Bar. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8387 = 0 ############################################################################## ## Settings/Preferences / Office Hour ############################################################################## # Office Hours # String: "|" separates hours in day of the week and , separate hours within the day # e.g. |9-12,13-17||||| means 9-12 and 13-17 on Tuesday # Mandatory P22360 = |||||| ############################################################################## ## System Settings/Energy Saving ############################################################################## # Office Hours. Default is Standard. # 0 - Standard, 1 - Maximum Energy Saving, 2 - Customized Energy Saving P1000 = 0 # Non-Office Hours. Default is Standard. # 0 - Standard, 1 - Maximum Energy Saving, 2 - Customized Energy Saving P1001 = 0 # Override Backlight Brightness Active. Default is 80. # Number: 10 - 100 P1006 = 80 # Override Backlight Brightness Idle. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 100 P1002 = 0 # Override Active Backlight Timeout. Default is 1. # Number: 0 - 90 P1003 = 1 # Override Blank Screen Timeout. Default is 1. # Number: 0 - 90 P1004 = 1 # Override Enable Missed Call Backlight. Default is No. # 0 - Yes, 1 - No, 2 - No, but flash MWI LED P1005 = 0 # Override Enable IEEE 802.3az EEE(Energy Efficient Ethernet). Default is Yes. # 0 - No, 1 - Yes P8499 = 0 ############################################################################## ## Settings/Preferences/Language ############################################################################## # Display Language. Default is auto # ar - Arabic, cz - Czech, de - Deutsh # en - English, es - Spanish, fr - Francais # he - Hebrew, hr - Hrvatski, hu - Magyar # it - Italiano, ja - japanese, ko - korean, lv - latvian # nl - Dutch, pl - Polski, pt - Portugue # ru - Russian, sl - Slovenian, se - Svenska, tr - Turkish # zh-tw - traditional chinese, zh - simplified chinese, auto - Automatic # Downloaded Language # String # Mandatory P1362 = auto # Default Input Selection. Default is Multi-Tap. # 0 - Multi-Tap, 1 - Shiftable P2920 = 0 # Auto language download. 1 - Yes, 0 - No. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2961 = 0 ############################################################################## ## System Settings/Input Method ############################################################################## # Input Method for Contacts. Default is 123. # 0 - 123, 1 - abc, 2 - ABC, 3 - 1Bc P22465 = 0 # Input Method for LDAP. Default is 123. # 0 - 123, 1 - abc, 2 - ABC, 3 - 1Bc P22466 = 0 ############################################################################## ## Settings/Preferences / LCD Display ############################################################################## # Backlight Brightness. # Active. Default is 100. # Number: 10 - 100 # Mandatory P334 = 100 # Idle. Default is 60. # Number: 0 - 100 # Mandatory P335 = 60 # Active Backlight Timeout. Default is 1 # Number: 0 - 90 # Mandatory P8356 = 1 # Power Saving Timeout. Default is 0 # Number: 0 - 90 # Mandatory P22361 = 0 # Disable Missed Call Backlight. 0 - No, 1 - Yes, 2 - Yes, but flash MWI LED. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P351 = 0 # Wallpaper Settings # Wallpaper Source. 0 - Default, 1 - Download, 2 - USB, 3 - Uploaded, 4 - Color Background # Number: 0-4 # Mandatory P2916 = 0 # Wallpaper Server Path # String P2917 = # Color Background. Default is #000000. # String P2921 = #000000 # Screensaver Settings # Screensaver. 0 - No, 1 - Yes, 2 - On if no VPK is active. Default is 2 # Mandatory P2918 = 2 # Use Programmable Keys in Screensaver. 0 - No, 1 - Yes, 2 - LED Only. # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P22363 = 0 # Screensaver Source. 0 - Default, 1 - USB, 2 - Download. Default is 0. # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P6759 = 0 # Show Date and Time. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8441 = 1 # Screensaver Timeout. Minutes. # Number: 3 - 60 # Mandatory P2919 = 3 # Screensaver Server Path. # String P934 = Screensaver XML Download Interval # Number: 5 - 720. Default is 0 (disable auto downloading) # Mandatory P935= 0 ############################################################################## ## For GRP2614/GRP2616 Only ## Settings/Preferences / MPK LCD Settings ############################################################################## # MPK LCD Display Order. 0 - Sequential, 1 - Alternating. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 P8456 = 0 # Display Contact on MPK LCD. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 P8461 = 0 # Wallpaper Source for MPK LCD. 0 - Default, 3 - Uploaded. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 3 P2938 = 0 ############################################################################## ## Settings/Preferences / LED Control ############################################################################## # BLF LED Pattern. 0 - Default, 1 - Analog, 2 - Directional, 3 - Reserved(Red), 4 - Reserved(Green), 5 - Inverse. Default is 0 # Number: 0 - 5 # Mandatory P6766 = 0 # Disable VM/MSG power light flash. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8371 = 0 # Line LED Color Scheme. 0 - Default, 1 - Light up. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P22362 = 0 ############################################################################## ## Settings/Preferences / Ring Tone ############################################################################## ### Call Progress Tones ### # Syntax: f1=val,f2=val[,c=on1/off1[-on2/off2[-on3/off3]]]; # (Frequencies are in Hz and cadence on and off are in 10ms) # System Ringtone # String # Mandatory P345 = f1=440,f2=480,c=200/400; # Dial Tone # String # Mandatory P343 = f1=350,f2=440; # Second Dial Tone # String # Mandatory P2909 = f1=350,f2=440; # Message Waiting # String # Mandatory P344 = f1=350,f2=440,c=10/10; # Ring Back Tone # String # Mandatory P346 = f1=440,f2=480,c=200/400; # Call-Waiting Tone # String # Mandatory P347 = f1=440,f2=440,c=25/525; # Call-Waiting Tone Gain. 0 - Low, 1 - Medium, 2 - High. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P1555 = 0 # Busy Tone # String # Mandatory P348 = f1=480,f2=620,c=50/50; # Reorder Tone # String # Mandatory P349 = f1=480,f2=620,c=25/25; # Speaker Ring Volume # Number: 0-7. Default is 5. # Mandatory P8352 = 5 # Notification Tone Volume # Number: 0-7. Default is 5. # Mandatory P8399 = 5 # Call Tone Volume # Number: (-15)-15. Default is 0. # Mandatory P22370 = 0 # Lock Speaker Volume. 0 - No, 1 - Ring, 2 - Talk, 3 - Both. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P8392 = 0 # Default Ring Tone. 0 - system ring tone, 1 - custom ring tone 1, 2 - custom ring tone 2, 3 - custom ring tone 3, 4 - silent, 6 - custom ring tone 4 # , 7 - custom ring tone 5, 8 - custom ring tone 6, 9 - custom ring tone 7, 10 - custom ring tone 8, 11 - custom ring tone 9, 12 - custom ring tone 10. Default is 0 # Number: 0-12 # Mandatory P8398 = 0 # Total Number of Custom Ringtone Update # Number: 0-10. Default is 3. # Mandatory P8509 = 5 ############################################################################## ## Settings/Web Service ############################################################################## # Weather Update # Use Auto Location Service. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8338 = 1 ############################################################################## ## Settings/XML Applications ############################################################################## # Server Path # String P337 = # Softkey Label # String P352 = XMLApp # Default Background Color # String P8367 = # Block Call Screen. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8368 = 0 # Enable XML Application Auto Launch. 0 - No, 1 - On Incoming Call, 2 - On Boot Up, 3 - When No Account Configured. Default is 0 # Number: 0 - 3 # Mandatory P8533 = 0 ############################################################################## ## Settings/Voice Monitoring ############################################################################## # VQ RTCP-XR Session Report. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 P8489 = 0 # VQ RTCP-XR Interval Report. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 P8490 = 0 # VQ RTCP-XR Interval Report Period. 1 - 5, 2 - 10, 3 - 15, 4 - 20. Default is 4 # Number: 1, 2, 3, 4 P8491 = 4 # Warning Threshold for Moslq # String P8492 = 0 # Critical Threshold for Moslq # String P8493 = 0 # Warning Threshold for Delay # String P8494 = 0 # Critical Threshold for Delay # String P8495 = 0 # Display Report on Web UI. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 P8496 = 0 # Display Report on LCD. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 P8497 = 0 # Custom Display Layout on LCD # String P8507 = StartTime,StopTime,LocalUser,RemoteUser,LocalIP,RemoteIP,LocalCodec,RemoteCodec,Jitter,JitterBufferMax,PacketLost,PacketLostRate,MosLQ,MosCQ,RoundTripDelay,EndSysDelay,SymmOneWayDelay ############################################################################## ## Settings/E911 Service ############################################################################## # Enable E911. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 P8565 = 0 # HELD Protocol. 0 - HTTP, 1 - HTTPS. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 P8566 = 0 # HELD Synchronization Interval(m). Default is 0 # Number: 0, 30-1440 P8567 = 0 # Location Server # String P8568 = # Location Server Username # String P8569 = # Location Server Password # String P8570 = # Secondary Location Server # String P8571 = # Secondary Location Server Username # String P8572 = # Secondary Location Server Password # String P8573 = # HELD Location Types # String: Geodetic,civic,locationURI P8574 = # HELD Use LLDP Information. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 P8575 = 0 # HELD NAI. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 P8576 = 0 # HELD Identity 1 # String P8577 = # HELD Identity 1 Value # String P8578 = # HELD Identity 2 # String P8579 = # HELD Identity 2 Value # String P8580 = # HELD Identity 3 # String P8581 = # HELD Identity 3 Value # String P8582 = # HELD Identity 4 # String P8583 = # HELD Identity 4 Value # String P8584 = # HELD Identity 5 # String P8585 = # HELD Identity 5 Value # String P8586 = # HELD Identity 6 # String P8587 = # HELD Identity 6 Value # String P8588 = # HELD Identity 7 # String P8589 = # HELD Identity 7 Value # String P8590 = # HELD Identity 8 # String P8591 = # HELD Identity 8 Value # String P8592 = # HELD Identity 9 # String P8593 = # HELD Identity 9 Value # String P8594 = # HELD Identity 10 # String P8595 = # HELD Identity 10 Value # String P8596 = # E911 Emergency Numbers # String P8597 = 911 # Geolocation-Routing Header. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 P8598 = 0 # Priority Header. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 P8599 = 0 ############################################################################## ## Settings/Programmable Keys ############################################################################## ############################################################################## ## Settings/Programmable Keys / Virtual Multi-Purpose Keys Settings ############################################################################## # Use Long Label. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8346 = 1 # Call Screen Settings # Key Mode. 1 - Line Mode, 2 - Account Mode. Default is 2 # Number: 1, 2 # Mandatory P8369 = 2 # Transfer Mode via VPK. 0 - Blind Transfer, 1 - Attended Transfer, 2 - New Call. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P8390 = 0 # Enable transfer via non-Transfer MPK. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P22162 = 0 # Show Keys Label. 0 - Toggle, 1 - Show, 2 - Hide. Default is 1 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P8386 = 1 ############################################################################## ## Settings/Programmable Keys/Virtual Multi-Purpose Keys ############################################################################## ###################################################################################### # Virtual Multi-Purpose Keys (VPKs) # Note: 1. Fixed VPKs can only be edited. Adding or deleting Fixed VPK is not allowed. # 2. Even if a Dynamic VPK has mode set to None, it should be added in sequence. Skipping one will remove everything after that VPK. ###################################################################################### ###################################################################################### ############################ For GRP2650 ####################################### ###################################################################################### # VPK 1- Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1363 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.Default is 0. # Mandatory # P1364 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1465 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1466 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23968 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 2- Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1365 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.Default is 1. # Mandatory # P1366 = 1 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1467 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1468 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23969 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 3 - Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1367 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.Default is 2. # Mandatory # P1368 = 2 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1469 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1470 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23970 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 4 - Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # Mandatory # P1369 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.Default is 3. # Mandatory # P1370 = 3 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1471 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1472 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23971 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 5 - Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # Mandatory # P1371 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.Default is 4. # Mandatory # P1372 = 4 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1473 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1474 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23972 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 6 - Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1373 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P1374 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1475 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1476 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23973 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 7- Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23800 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23801 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23802 = # Value. # String. # P23803 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23974 = 0 ##################################################################################### # VPK 8- Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23804 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23805 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23806 = # Value. # String. # P23807 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23975 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 9- Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23808 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23809 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23810 = # Value. # String. # P23811 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23976 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 10- Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23812 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23813 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23814 = # Value. # String. # P23815 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23977 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 11- Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23816 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23817 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23818 = # Value. # String. # P23819 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23978 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 12- Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23820 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23821 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23822 = # Value. # String. # P23823 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23979 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 13-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23824 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23825 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23826 = # Value. # String. # P23827 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 14-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23828 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23829 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23830 = # Value. # String. # P23831 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 15-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23832 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23833 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23834 = # Value. # String. # P23835 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 16-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23836 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23837 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23838 = # Value. # String. # P23839 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 17-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23840 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23841 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23842 = # Value. # String. # P23843 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 18-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23844 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23845 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23846 = # Value. # String. # P23847 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 19-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23848 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23849 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23850 = # Value. # String. # P23851 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 20-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23852 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23853 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23854 = # Value. # String. # P23855 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 21-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23856 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23857 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23858 = # Value. # String. # P23859 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 22-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23860 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23861 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23862 = # Value. # String. # P23863 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 23-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23864 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23865 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23866 = # Value. # String. # P23867 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 24-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23868 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23869 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23870 = # Value. # String. # P23871 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 25-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23872 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23873 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23874 = # Value. # String. # P23875 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 26-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23876 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23877 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23878 = # Value. # String. # P23879 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 27-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23880 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23881 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23882 = # Value. # String. # P23883 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 28-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23884 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23885 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23886 = # Value. # String. # P23887 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 29-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23888 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23889 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23890 = # Value. # String. # P23891 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 30-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23892 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23893 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23894 = # Value. # String. # P23895 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 31-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23896 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23897 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23898 = # Value. # String. # P23899 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 32-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23900 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23901 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23902 = # Value. # String. # P23903 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 33-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23904 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23905 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23906 = # Value. # String. # P23907 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 34-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23908 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23909 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23910 = # Value. # String. # P23911 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 35-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23912 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23913 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23914 = # Value. # String. # P23915 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 36-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23916 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23917 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23918 = # Value. # String. #P23919 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 37-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23920 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23921 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23922 = # Value. # String. # P23923 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 38-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23924 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23925 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23926 = # Value. # String. # P23927 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 39-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23928 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23929 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23930 = # Value. # String. # P23931 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 40-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23932 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23933 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23934 = # Value. # String. # P23935 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 41-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23936 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23937 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23938 = # Value. # String. # P23939 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 42-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23940 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23941 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23942 = # Value. # String. # P23943 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 43-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23944 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23945 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23946 = # Value. # String. # P23947 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 44-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23948 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23949 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23950 = # Value. # String. # P23951 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 45-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23952 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23953 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23954 = # Value. # String. # P23955 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 46-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23956 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23957 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23958 = # Value. # String. # P23959 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 47-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23960 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23961 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23962 = # Value. # String. # P23963 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 48-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23964 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23965 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23966 = # Value. # String. # P23967 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 49-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P33800 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P33801 = 0 # Description. # String. # P33802 = # Value. # String. # P33803 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 50-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P33804 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P33805 = 0 # Description. # String. # P33806 = # Value. # String. # P33807 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 51-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P33808 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P33809 = 0 # Description. # String. # P33810 = # Value. # String. # P33811 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 52-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P33812 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P33813 = 0 # Description. # String. # P33814 = # Value. # String. # P33815 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 53-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P33816 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P33817 = 0 # Description. # String. # P33818 = # Value. # String. # P33819 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 54-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P33820 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P33821 = 0 # Description. # String. # P33822 = # Value. # String. # P33823 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 55-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P33824 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P33825 = 0 # Description. # String. # P33826 = # Value. # String. # P33827 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 56-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P33828 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P33829 = 0 # Description. # String. # P33830 = # Value. # String. # P33831 = ###################################################################################### ############################ For GRP2670/GRP2636 ########################################### ###################################################################################### # VPK 1- Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1363 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.Default is 0. # Mandatory # P1364 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1465 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1466 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23968 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 2- Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1365 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.Default is 1. # Mandatory # P1366 = 1 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1467 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1468 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23969 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 3 - Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1367 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.Default is 2. # Mandatory # P1368 = 2 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1469 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1470 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23970 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 4 - Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # Mandatory # P1369 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.Default is 3. # Mandatory # P1370 = 3 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1471 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1472 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23971 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 5 - Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # Mandatory # P1371 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.Default is 4. # Mandatory # P1372 = 4 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1473 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1474 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23972 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 6 - Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1373 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P1374 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1475 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1476 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23973 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 7- Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23800 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23801 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23802 = # Value. # String. # P23803 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23974 = 0 ##################################################################################### # VPK 8- Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23804 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23805 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23806 = # Value. # String. # P23807 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23975 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 9- Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23808 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23809 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23810 = # Value. # String. # P23811 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23976 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 10- Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23812 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23813 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23814 = # Value. # String. # P23815 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23977 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 11- Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23816 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23817 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23818 = # Value. # String. # P23819 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23978 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 12- Fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Fixed VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23820 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23821 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23822 = # Value. # String. # P23823 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23979 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 13-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23824 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23825 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23826 = # Value. # String. # P23827 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 14-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23828 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23829 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23830 = # Value. # String. # P23831 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 15-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23832 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23833 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23834 = # Value. # String. # P23835 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 16-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23836 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23837 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23838 = # Value. # String. # P23839 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 17-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23840 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23841 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23842 = # Value. # String. # P23843 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 18-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23844 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23845 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23846 = # Value. # String. # P23847 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 19-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23848 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23849 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23850 = # Value. # String. # P23851 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 20-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23852 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23853 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23854 = # Value. # String. # P23855 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 21-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23856 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23857 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23858 = # Value. # String. # P23859 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 22-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23860 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23861 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23862 = # Value. # String. # P23863 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 23-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23864 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23865 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23866 = # Value. # String. # P23867 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 24-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23868 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23869 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23870 = # Value. # String. # P23871 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 25-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23872 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23873 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23874 = # Value. # String. # P23875 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 26-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23876 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23877 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23878 = # Value. # String. # P23879 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 27-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23880 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23881 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23882 = # Value. # String. # P23883 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 28-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23884 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23885 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23886 = # Value. # String. # P23887 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 29-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23888 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23889 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23890 = # Value. # String. # P23891 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 30-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23892 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23893 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23894 = # Value. # String. # P23895 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 31-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23896 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23897 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23898 = # Value. # String. # P23899 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 32-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23900 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23901 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23902 = # Value. # String. # P23903 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 33-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23904 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23905 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23906 = # Value. # String. # P23907 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 34-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23908 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23909 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23910 = # Value. # String. # P23911 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 35-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23912 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23913 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23914 = # Value. # String. # P23915 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 36-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23916 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23917 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23918 = # Value. # String. #P23919 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 37-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23920 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23921 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23922 = # Value. # String. # P23923 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 38-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23924 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23925 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23926 = # Value. # String. # P23927 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 39-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23928 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23929 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23930 = # Value. # String. # P23931 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 40-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23932 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23933 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23934 = # Value. # String. # P23935 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 41-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23936 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23937 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23938 = # Value. # String. # P23939 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 42-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23940 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23941 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23942 = # Value. # String. # P23943 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 43-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23944 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23945 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23946 = # Value. # String. # P23947 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 44-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23948 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23949 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23950 = # Value. # String. # P23951 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 45-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23952 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23953 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23954 = # Value. # String. # P23955 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 46-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23956 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23957 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23958 = # Value. # String. # P23959 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 47-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23960 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23961 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23962 = # Value. # String. # P23963 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 48-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23964 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. # Mandatory # P23965 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23966 = # Value. # String. # P23967 = ###################################################################################### ############################ For GRP2624/34 #################################### ###################################################################################### # VPK 1- fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1363 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3.Default is 0. # Mandatory # P1364 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1465 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1466 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23968 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 2- fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1365 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3.Default is 1. # Mandatory # P1366 = 1 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1467 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1468 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23969 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 3 - fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1367 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3.Default is 2. # Mandatory # P1368 = 2 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1469 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1470 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23970 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 4 - fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # Mandatory # P1369 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3.Default is 3. # Mandatory # P1370 = 3 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1471 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1472 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23971 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 5 - Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # Mandatory # P1371 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3.Default is 4. # Mandatory # P1372 = 4 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1473 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1474 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23972 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 6 -Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1373 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P1374 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1475 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1476 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 7-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23800 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23801 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23802 = # Value. # String. # P23803 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 8-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23804 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23805 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23806 = # Value. # String. # P23807 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 9-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23808 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23809 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23810 = # Value. # String. # P23811 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 10-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23812 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23813 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23814 = # Value. # String. # P23815 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 11-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23816 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23817 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23818 = # Value. # String. # P23819 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 12-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23820 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23821 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23822 = # Value. # String. # P23823 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 13-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23824 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23825 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23826 = # Value. # String. # P23827 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 14-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23828 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23829 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23830 = # Value. # String. # P23831 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 15-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23832 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23833 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23834 = # Value. # String. # P23835 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 16-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23836 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23837 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23838 = # Value. # String. # P23839 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 17-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23840 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23841 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23842 = # Value. # String. # P23843 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 18-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23844 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23845 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23846 = # Value. # String. # P23847 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 19-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23848 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23849 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23850 = # Value. # String. # P23851 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 20-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23852 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23853 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23854 = # Value. # String. # P23855 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 21-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23856 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23857 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23858 = # Value. # String. # P23859 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 22-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23860 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23861 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23862 = # Value. # String. # P23863 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 23-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23864 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23865 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23866 = # Value. # String. # P23867 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 24-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23868 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23869 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23870 = # Value. # String. # P23871 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 25-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23872 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23873 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23874 = # Value. # String. # P23875 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 26-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23876 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23877 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23878 = # Value. # String. # P23879 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 27-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23880 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23881 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23882 = # Value. # String. # P23883 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 28-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23884 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23885 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23886 = # Value. # String. # P23887 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 29-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23888 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23889 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23890 = # Value. # String. # P23891 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 30-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23892 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23893 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23894 = # Value. # String. # P23895 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 31-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23896 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23897 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23898 = # Value. # String. # P23899 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 32-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23900 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23901 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23902 = # Value. # String. # P23903 = ###################################################################################### ############################ For GRP2616 ########################################### ###################################################################################### # VPK 1- fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1363 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P1364 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1465 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1466 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23968 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 2- fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1365 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P1366 = 1 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1467 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1468 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23969 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 3 - fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1367 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P1368 = 2 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1469 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1470 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23970 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 4 - fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is -1. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1369 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P1370 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1471 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1472 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23971 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 5 - fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for default VPK. Default is -1. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1371 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P1372 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1473 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1474 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23972 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 6 - fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is -1. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1373 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P1374 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1475 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1476 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23973 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 7-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23800 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P23801 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23802 = # Value. # String. # P23803 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 8-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23804 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P23805 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23806 = # Value. # String. # P23807 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 9-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23808 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P23809 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23810 = # Value. # String. # P23811 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 10-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23812 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P23813 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23814 = # Value. # String. # P23815 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 11-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23816 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P23817 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23818 = # Value. # String. # P23819 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 12-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23820 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P23821 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23822 = # Value. # String. # P23823 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 13-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23824 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P23825 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23826 = # Value. # String. # P23827 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 14-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23828 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P23829 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23830 = # Value. # String. # P23831 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 15-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23832 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P23833 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23834 = # Value. # String. # P23835 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 16-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23836 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P23837 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23838 = # Value. # String. # P23839 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 17-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23840 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P23841 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23842 = # Value. # String. # P23843 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 18-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23844 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P23845 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23846 = # Value. # String. # P23847 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 19-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23848 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P23849 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23850 = # Value. # String. # P23851 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 20-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23852 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P23853 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23854 = # Value. # String. # P23855 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 21-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23856 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P23857 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23858 = # Value. # String. # P23859 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 22-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23860 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P23861 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23862 = # Value. # String. # P23863 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 23-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23864 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P23865 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23866 = # Value. # String. # P23867 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 24-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23868 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P23869 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23870 = # Value. # String. # P23871 = ###################################################################################### ############################ For GRP2615 ########################################### ###################################################################################### # VPK 1- fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1363 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P1364 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1465 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1466 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23968 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 2- fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1365 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. Default is 1. # Mandatory # P1366 = 1 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1467 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1468 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23969 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 3 - fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1367 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. Default is 2. # Mandatory # P1368 = 2 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1469 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1470 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23970 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 4 - fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # Mandatory # P1369 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. Default is 3. # Mandatory # P1370 = 3 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1471 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1472 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23971 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 5 - fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # Mandatory # P1371 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. Default is 4. # Mandatory # P1372 = 4 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1473 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1474 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23972 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 6 -Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1373 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P1374 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1475 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1476 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 7-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23800 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23801 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23802 = # Value. # String. # P23803 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 8-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23804 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23805 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23806 = # Value. # String. # P23807 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 9-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23808 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23809 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23810 = # Value. # String. # P23811 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 10-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23812 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23813 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23814 = # Value. # String. # P23815 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 11-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23816 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23817 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23818 = # Value. # String. # P23819 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 12-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23820 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23821 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23822 = # Value. # String. # P23823 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 13-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23824 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23825 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23826 = # Value. # String. # P23827 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 14-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23828 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23829 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23830 = # Value. # String. # P23831 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 15-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23832 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23833 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23834 = # Value. # String. # P23835 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 16-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23836 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23837 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23838 = # Value. # String. # P23839 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 17-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23840 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23841 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23842 = # Value. # String. # P23843 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 18-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23844 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23845 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23846 = # Value. # String. # P23847 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 19-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23848 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23849 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23850 = # Value. # String. # P23851 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 20-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23852 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23853 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23854 = # Value. # String. # P23855 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 21-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23856 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23857 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23858 = # Value. # String. # P23859 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 22-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23860 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23861 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23862 = # Value. # String. # P23863 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 23-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23864 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23865 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23866 = # Value. # String. # P23867 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 24-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23868 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23869 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23870 = # Value. # String. # P23871 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 25-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23872 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23873 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23874 = # Value. # String. # P23875 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 26-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23876 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23877 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23878 = # Value. # String. # P23879 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 27-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23880 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23881 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23882 = # Value. # String. # P23883 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 28-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23884 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23885 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23886 = # Value. # String. # P23887 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 29-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23888 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23889 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23890 = # Value. # String. # P23891 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 30-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23892 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23893 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23894 = # Value. # String. # P23895 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 31-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23896 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23897 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23898 = # Value. # String. # P23899 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 32-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23900 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23901 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23902 = # Value. # String. # P23903 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 33-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23904 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23905 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23906 = # Value. # String. # P23907 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 34-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23908 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23909 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23910 = # Value. # String. # P23911 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 35-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23912 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23913 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23914 = # Value. # String. # P23915 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 36-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23916 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23917 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23918 = # Value. # String. #P23919 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 37-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23920 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23921 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23922 = # Value. # String. # P23923 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 38-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23924 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23925 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23926 = # Value. # String. # P23927 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 39-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23928 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23929 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23930 = # Value. # String. # P23931 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 40-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23932 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. # Mandatory # P23933 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23934 = # Value. # String. # P23935 = ###################################################################################### ############################ For GRP2614 ########################################### ###################################################################################### # VPK 1- fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1363 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P1364 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1465 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1466 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23968 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 2- fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1365 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. Default is 1. # Mandatory # P1366 = 1 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1467 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1468 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23969 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 3 - fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1367 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. Default is 2. # Mandatory # P1368 = 2 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1469 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1470 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23970 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 4 - fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # Mandatory # P1369 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. Default is 3. # Mandatory # P1370 = 3 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1471 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1472 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23971 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 5 -Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1371 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P1372 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1473 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1474 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 6 -Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1373 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P1374 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1475 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1476 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 7-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23800 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23801 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23802 = # Value. # String. # P23803 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 8-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23804 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23805 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23806 = # Value. # String. # P23807 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 9-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23808 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23809 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23810 = # Value. # String. # P23811 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 10-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23812 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23813 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23814 = # Value. # String. # P23815 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 11-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23816 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23817 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23818 = # Value. # String. # P23819 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 12-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23820 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23821 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23822 = # Value. # String. # P23823 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 13-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23824 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23825 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23826 = # Value. # String. # P23827 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 14-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23828 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23829 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23830 = # Value. # String. # P23831 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 15-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23832 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23833 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23834 = # Value. # String. # P23835 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 16-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23836 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. # Mandatory # P23837 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23838 = # Value. # String. # P23839 = ###################################################################################### ############################ For GRP2613 ########################################### ###################################################################################### # VPK 1- fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1363 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P1364 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1465 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1466 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23968 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 2- fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1365 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. Default is 1. # Mandatory # P1366 = 1 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1467 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1468 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23969 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 3 - fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1367 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3. Default is 2. # Mandatory # P1368 = 2 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1469 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1470 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23970 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 4 - fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is -1. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1369 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2. Default is 0. # Mandatory # P1370 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1471 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1472 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23971 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 5 - fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for default VPK. Default is -1. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1371 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2. # Mandatory # P1372 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1473 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1474 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23972 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 6 - fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is -1. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1373 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2. # Mandatory # P1374 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1475 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1476 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23973 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 7-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23800 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2. # Mandatory # P23801 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23802 = # Value. # String. # P23803 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 8-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23804 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2. # Mandatory # P23805 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23806 = # Value. # String. # P23807 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 9-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23808 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2. # Mandatory # P23809 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23810 = # Value. # String. # P23811 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 10-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23812 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2. # Mandatory # P23813 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23814 = # Value. # String. # P23815 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 11-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23816 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2. # Mandatory # P23817 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23818 = # Value. # String. # P23819 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 12-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23820 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2. # Mandatory # P23821 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23822 = # Value. # String. # P23823 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 13-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23824 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2. # Mandatory # P23825 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23826 = # Value. # String. # P23827 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 14-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23828 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2. # Mandatory # P23829 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23830 = # Value. # String. # P23831 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 15-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23832 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2. # Mandatory # P23833 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23834 = # Value. # String. # P23835 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 16-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23836 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2. # Mandatory # P23837 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23838 = # Value. # String. # P23839 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 17-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23840 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2. # Mandatory # P23841 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23842 = # Value. # String. # P23843 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 18-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23844 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2. # Mandatory # P23845 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23846 = # Value. # String. # P23847 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 19-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23848 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2. # Mandatory # P23849 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23850 = # Value. # String. # P23851 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 20-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23852 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2. # Mandatory # P23853 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23854 = # Value. # String. # P23855 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 21-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23856 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2. # Mandatory # P23857 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23858 = # Value. # String. # P23859 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 22-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23860 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2. # Mandatory # P23861 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23862 = # Value. # String. # P23863 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 23-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23864 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2. # Mandatory # P23865 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23866 = # Value. # String. # P23867 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 24-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23868 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3 # Number: 0, 1, 2. # Mandatory # P23869 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23870 = # Value. # String. # P23871 = ###################################################################################### ############################ For GRP2612 ########################################### ###################################################################################### # VPK 1- fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1363 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory # P1364 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1465 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1466 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23968 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 2- fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is 31. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1365 = 31 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2 # Number: 0, 1. Default is 1. # Mandatory # P1366 = 1 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1467 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1468 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23969 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 3 - fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is -1. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1367 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2 # Number: 0, 1. # Mandatory # P1368 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1469 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1470 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23970 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 4 - fixed VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for line VPK. Default is -1. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Line (31), SharedLine (32), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, line, shared, sharedline, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1369 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2 # Number: 0, 1. # Mandatory # P1370 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1471 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1472 = # Locked: 0 - uncheck, 1 - check. Default is 0 # Mandatory # Number: 0, 1 # P23971 = 0 ###################################################################################### # VPK 5 -Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1371 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2 # Number: 0, 1. # Mandatory # P1372 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1473 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1474 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 6 -Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P1373 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2 # Number: 0, 1. # Mandatory # P1374 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 32 characters. # String # P1475 = # Value. Max length allowed is 64 characters. # String # P1476 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 7-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23800 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2 # Number: 0, 1. # Mandatory # P23801 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23802 = # Value. # String. # P23803 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 8-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23804 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2 # Number: 0, 1. # Mandatory # P23805 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23806 = # Value. # String. # P23807 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 9-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23808 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2 # Number: 0, 1. # Mandatory # P23809 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23810 = # Value. # String. # P23811 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 10-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23812 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2 # Number: 0, 1. # Mandatory # P23813 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23814 = # Value. # String. # P23815 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 11-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23816 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2 # Number: 0, 1. # Mandatory # P23817 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23818 = # Value. # String. # P23819 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 12-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23820 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2 # Number: 0, 1. # Mandatory # P23821 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23822 = # Value. # String. # P23823 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 13-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23824 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory # P23825 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23826 = # Value. # String. # P23827 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 14-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23828 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory # P23829 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23830 = # Value. # String. # P23831 = ###################################################################################### # VPK 15-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23832 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory # P23833 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23834 = # Value. # String. # P23835 = ##################################################################################### # VPK 16-Dynamic VPK ###################################################################################### # Key Mode for Dynamic VPK. Default is 0. # Number: 0 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message, forward, dnd # redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision, phonebook, paging # P23836 = 0 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory # P23837 = 0 # Description. # String. # P23838 = # Value. # String. # P23839 = ###################################################################################### ## Programmable Keys/Physical Multi-Purpose Keys - GRP2634 only ###################################################################################### # MPK 1 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P323 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P301 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P302 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P303 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 2 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P324 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P304 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P305 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P306 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 3 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P325 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P307 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P308 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P309 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 4 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P326 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P310 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P311 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P312 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 5 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P327 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P313 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P314 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P315 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 6 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P328 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P316 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P317 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P318 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 7 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P329 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P319 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P320 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P321 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 8 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P353 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P354 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P355 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P356 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 9 - MPK 24 - GRP2614/GRP2616 only ###################################################################################### # MPK 9 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P357 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P358 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P359 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P360 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 10 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P361 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P362 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P363 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P364 = ###################################################################################### ## Programmable Keys/Physical Multi-Purpose Keys - GRP2614/GRP2616/GRP2636 only ###################################################################################### # MPK 1 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P323 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P301 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P302 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P303 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 2 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P324 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P304 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P305 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P306 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 3 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P325 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P307 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P308 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P309 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 4 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P326 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P310 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P311 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P312 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 5 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P327 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P313 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P314 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P315 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 6 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P328 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P316 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P317 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P318 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 7 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P329 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P319 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P320 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P321 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 8 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P353 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P354 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P355 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P356 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 9 - MPK 24 - GRP2614/GRP2616/GRP2636 only ###################################################################################### # MPK 9 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P357 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P358 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P359 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P360 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 10 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P361 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P362 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P363 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P364 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 11 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P365 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P366 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P367 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P368 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 12 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P369 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P370 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P371 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P372 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 13 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P373 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P374 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P375 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P376 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 14 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P377 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P378 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P379 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P380 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 15 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P381 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P382 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P383 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P384 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 16 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P385 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P386 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P387 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P388 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 17 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P389 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P390 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P391 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P392 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 18 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P393 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P394 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P395 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P396 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 19 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P1440 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P1441 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P1442 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P1443 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 20 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P1444 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P1445 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P1446 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P1447 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 21 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P1448 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P1449 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P1450 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P1451 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 22 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P1452 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P1453 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P1454 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P1455 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 23 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P1456 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P1457 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P1458 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P1459 = ###################################################################################### # MPK 24 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), BLF (1), PresenceWatcher (2), EventlistBLF (3), SpeedDialViaActiveAccount (4) # DialDTMF (5), VoiceMail (6), CallReturn (7), Transfer (8), CallPark (9), Intercom (10), LDAPSearch (11) # Conference (12), MulticastPaging (13), Record (14), CallLog (15), MonitoredCallPark (16), Menu (17) # XMLApplication (18), Information (19), Message (20), Forward (21), DND (22), Redial (23), InstantMessages (24) # MulticastListenAddress (25), KeypadLock (26), GDSOpenDoor (27), EventListPresence (28), Provision (29) # Phonebook(30), Paging(33), HTTPCommand(34), SilentCall(35)(v2 only) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, blf, presencewatcher, eventlistblf, speeddialaa, dialdtmf # voicemail, callreturn, transfer, callpark, intercom, ldapsearch, conference, multicastpaging # record, calllog, monitoredcp, moniteredcp(backward compatible version), menu, xmlapp, information, message # forward, dnd, redial, instantmessage, multicastlistenaddress, keypadlock, gdsopendoor, presenceeventlist, provision # phonebook P1460 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P1461 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P1462 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P1463 = ############################################################################## ## Programmable Keys / USB MPK Key ############################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1,0,35 # None (-1), SpeedDial (0), Silent Call(35) # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, silentcall P8640 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 # Mandatory P8641 = 0 # Description. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P8642 = # Value. Max length allowed is 256 characters. # String P8643 = ############################################################################## ## Settings/Programmable Keys / Softkeys Settings ############################################################################## # More Softkey Display Mode # Number: 0, 1. Default is 0 # 0 - Menu, 1 - Toggle # Mandatory P2934 = 0 # Show Target Softkey # Number: 0, 1. Default is 1 # 0 - No, 1 - Yes # Mandatory P8377 = 1 # Softkey Layout # Custom Idle Screen Softkey Layout. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2939 = 0 # Custom Softkey Layout. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2923 = 0 # Enforce Softkey Layout Position. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P2924 = 0 # Hide System Softkey on Idle Page. # String: Next, History, ForwardAll, Redial P8348 = # Idle Screen # String: History,ForwardAll,Redial,Menu,Contacts,DND,Custom1,Custom2,Custom3 P2940 = History,ForwardAll,Redial ## Custom Call Screen Softkey Layout ## # Softkey layout in dialing state # String: BTPhonebook,BTOnOff,EndCall,ReConf,ConfRoom,Redial,Dial,Backspace,PickUp,Target,Custom1,Custom2,Custom3 P2925 = BTPhonebook,BTOnOff,EndCall,ReConf,ConfRoom,Redial,Dial,Backspace,PickUp,Target # Softkey Layout in Onhook Dialing State # String: BTPhonebook,DirectIP,Onhook,Cancel,Dial,Backspace,Target,Custom1,Custom2,Custom3 P2935 = BTPhonebook,DirectIP,Onhook,Cancel,Dial,Backspace,Target # Softkey Layout in Ringing State # String: Answer, Reject, Forward, ReConf,Custom-Silence,Custom1,Custom2,Custom3 P2926 = Answer,Reject,Forward,ReConf # Softkey Layout in Calling State # String: BTOnOff,Cancel,EndCall,ReConf,ConfRoom,ConfCall,Custom1,Custom2,Custom3 P2927 = BTOnOff,Cancel,EndCall,ReConf,ConfRoom,ConfCall # Softkey Layout in Call Connected State # String: BTPhonebook,BTOnOff,EndCall,ReConf,ConfRoom,Custom-Confcall,Cancel,NewCall,Swap,Transfer,Trnf>VM,DialDTMF,BSCCenter,URecord,Record,UCallPark,PrivateHold,CallPark, # Custom-Hold,Custom-Conference,Custom-Mute,Custom1,Custom2,Custom3 P2928 = BTPhonebook,BTOnOff,EndCall,ReConf,ConfRoom,Custom-Confcall,Cancel,NewCall,Swap,Transfer,Trnf>VM,DialDTMF,BSCCenter,URecord,Record,UCallPark,PrivateHold,CallPark # Softkey Layout in Conference Connected State # String: BTOnOff,EndCall,Kick,NewCall,Trnf>VM,DialDTMF,BSCCenter,URecord,Record,ConfRoom,Add,Custom-Hold,Custom-Split,Custom-Mute,Custom1,Custom2,Custom3 P2933 = BTOnOff,EndCall,Kick,NewCall,Trnf>VM,DialDTMF,BSCCenter,URecord,Record,ConfRoom,Add # Softkey Layout in Onhold State # String: ReConf,Resume,HoldTrnf,ConfCall,Add,Custom-NewCall,Custom-EndCall,Custom1,Custom2,Custom3 P2929 = ReConf,Resume,HoldTrnf,ConfCall,Add # Softkey Layout in Call Failed State # String: EndCall,ReCOnf,ConfRoom,Custom-NewCall,Custom1,Custom2,Custom3 P2930 = EndCall,ReConf,ConfRoom # Softkey Layout in Transfer State # String: BTOnOff,Cancel,BlindTrnf,AttTrnf,Backspace,Target,Custom1,Custom2,Custom3 P2931 = BTOnOff,Cancel,BlindTrnf,AttTrnf,Backspace,Target # Softkey Layout in Conference State # String: BTOnOff,Cancel,Dial,Backspace,Target,Custom1,Custom2,Custom3 P2932 = BTOnOff,Cancel,Dial,Backspace,Target ###################################################################################### ## Programmable Keys/Idle Screen Settings ###################################################################################### # Softkey 1 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # -1 - Default, 0 - Speed Dial, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 6 - Voicemail, # 7 - CallReturn, 10 - Intercom, 11 - LDAP Search, 15 - Call Log, 17 - Menu, 19 - Information, 20 - Message # Number: 0,4,6,7,10,11,15,17,19,20 # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # default, speeddial, speeddialaa, voicemail, callreturn, intercom, ldapsearch, calllog, menu, information, message P2987 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P2988 = 0 # Description. # String. # P2989 = # Value. # String. # P2990 = ###################################################################################### # Softkey 2 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # -1 - Default, 0 - Speed Dial, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 6 - Voicemail, # 7 - CallReturn, 10 - Intercom, 11 - LDAP Search, 15 - Call Log, 17 - Menu, 19 - Information, 20 - Message # Number: 0,4,6,7,10,11,15,17,19,20 # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, speeddialaa, voicemail, callreturn, intercom, ldapsearch, calllog, menu, information, message P2991 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P2992 = 0 # Description. # String. # P2993 = # Value. # String. # P2994 = ###################################################################################### # Softkey 3 For GRP2615/16 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # -1 - Default, 0 - Speed Dial, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 6 - Voicemail, # 7 - CallReturn, 10 - Intercom, 11 - LDAP Search, 15 - Call Log, 17 - Menu, 19 - Information, 20 - Message # Number: 0,4,6,7,10,11,15,17,19,20 # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, speeddialaa, voicemail, callreturn, intercom, ldapsearch, calllog, menu, information, message P2995 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0, 1, 2, 3 # Mandatory P2996 = 0 # Description. # String. # P2997 = # Value. # String. # P2998 = ###################################################################################### ## Programmable Keys/Call Screen Settings ###################################################################################### ###################################################################################### # Softkey 1 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # -1 - Default, 0 - Speed Dial, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 6 - Voicemail, # 7 - CallReturn, 10 - Intercom, 11 - LDAP Search, 15 - Call Log, 17 - Menu, 19 - Information, 20 - Message # Number: 0,4,6,7,10,11,15,17,19,20 # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, speeddialaa, voicemail, callreturn, intercom, ldapsearch, calllog, menu, information, message P8475 = -1 # Description. # String. # P8476 = # Value. # String. # P8477 = ###################################################################################### # Softkey 2 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # -1 - Default, 0 - Speed Dial, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 6 - Voicemail, # 7 - CallReturn, 10 - Intercom, 11 - LDAP Search, 15 - Call Log, 17 - Menu, 19 - Information, 20 - Message # Number: 0,4,6,7,10,11,15,17,19,20 # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, speeddialaa, voicemail, callreturn, intercom, ldapsearch, calllog, menu, information, message P8478 = -1 # Description. # String. # P8479 = # Value. # String. # P8480 = ###################################################################################### # Softkey 3 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # -1 - Default, 0 - Speed Dial, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 6 - Voicemail, # 7 - CallReturn, 10 - Intercom, 11 - LDAP Search, 15 - Call Log, 17 - Menu, 19 - Information, 20 - Message # Number: 0,4,6,7,10,11,15,17,19,20 # Please note string format is also accepted, here is the full list for the mode options strings, the string for the mode is case-insensitive. # none, speeddial, speeddialaa, voicemail, callreturn, intercom, ldapsearch, calllog, menu, information, message P8481 = -1 # Description. # String. # P8482 = # Value. # String. # P8483 = ###################################################################################### ## Programmable Keys/EXT Setting For GRP2615/GRP2624/GRP2670/GRP2650 Only ###################################################################################### # One Page Display Mode. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. # Number: 0, 1. Default is 0 # Mandatory P8357 = 0 # Sync Backlight with LCD. 0 - No, 1 - Yes. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1 # Mandatory P8400 = 0 # Font Size on Extension Board. 0 - Normal, 1 - Small, 2 - Large. Default is 0 # Number: 0, 1, 2 # Mandatory P8639 = 0 ###################################################################################### # FOR GRP2615/GRP2624/GRP2670/GRP2650 only ###################################################################################### ###################################################################################### # Extension Boards/EXT 1 ###################################################################################### ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 1 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23000 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23001 = 0 # Description # String P23002 = # Value # String P23003 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 2 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23005 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23006 = 0 # Description # String P23007 = # Value # String P23008 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 3 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # Mandatory P23010 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23011 = 0 # Description # String P23012 = # Value # String P23013 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 4 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23015 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23016 = 0 # Description # String P23017 = # Value # String P23018 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 5 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23020 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23021 = 0 # Description # String P23022 = # Value # String P23023 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 6 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23025 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23026 = 0 # Description # String P23027 = # Value # String P23028 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 7 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23030 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23031 = 0 # Description # String P23032 = # Value # String P23033 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 8 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23035 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23036 = 0 # Description # String P23037 = # Value # String P23038 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 9 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23040 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23041 = 0 # Description # String P23042 = # Value # String P23043 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 10 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23045 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23046 = 0 # Description # String P23047 = # Value # String P23048 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 11 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23050 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23051 = 0 # Description # String P23052 = # Value # String P23053 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 12 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23055 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23056 = 0 # Description # String P23057 = # Value # String P23058 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 13 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23060 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23061 = 0 # Description # String P23062 = # Value # String P23063 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 14 ####################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23065 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23066 = 0 # Description # String P23067 = # Value # String P23068 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 15 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23070 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23071 = 0 # Description # String P23072 = # Value # String P23073 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 16 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23075 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23076 = 0 # Description # String P23077 = # Value # String P23078 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 17 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23080 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23081 = 0 # Description # String P23082 = # Value # String P23083 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 18 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23085 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23086 = 0 # Description # String P23087 = # Value # String P23088 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 19 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23090 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23091 = 0 # Description # String P23092 = # Value # String P23093 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 20 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23095 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23096 = 0 # Description # String P23097 = # Value # String P23098 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 21 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23100 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23101 = 0 # Description # String P23102 = # Value # String P23103 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 22 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23105 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23106 = 0 # Description # String P23107 = # Value # String P23108 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 23 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23110 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23111 = 0 # Description # String P23112 = # Value # String P23113 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 24 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23115 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23116 = 0 # Description # String P23117 = # Value # String P23118 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 25 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23120 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23121 = 0 # Description # String P23122 = # Value # String P23123 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 26 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23125 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23126 = 0 # Description # String P23127 = # Value # String P23128 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 27 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23130 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23131 = 0 # Description # String P23132 = # Value # String P23133 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 28 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23135 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23136 = 0 # Description # String P23137 = # Value # String P23138 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 29 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23140 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23141 = 0 # Description # String P23142 = # Value # String P23143 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 30 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23145 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23146 = 0 # Description # String P23147 = # Value # String P23148 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 31 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23150 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23151 = 0 # Description # String P23152 = # Value # String P23153 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 32 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23155 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23156 = 0 # Description # String P23157 = # Value # String P23158 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 33 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23160 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23161 = 0 # Description # String P23162 = # Value # String P23163 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 34 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23165 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23166 = 0 # Description # String P23167 = # Value # String P23168 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 35 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23170 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23171 = 0 # Description # String P23172 = # Value # String P23173 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 36 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23175 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23176 = 0 # Description # String P23177 = # Value # String P23178 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 37 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23180 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23181 = 0 # Description # String P23182 = # Value # String P23183 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 38 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23185 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23186 = 0 # Description # String P23187 = # Value # String P23188 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 39 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23190 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23191 = 0 # Description # String P23192 = # Value # String P23193 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 40 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23195 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23196 = 0 # Description # String P23197 = # Value # String P23198 = ######################################################################## # Extension Boards/EXT 2 ######################################################################## ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 41 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23200 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23201 = 0 # Description # String P23202 = # Value # String P23203 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 42 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23205 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23206 = 0 # Description # String P23207 = # Value # String P23208 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 43 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23210 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23211 = 0 # Description # String P23212 = # Value # String P23213 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 44 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23215 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23216 = 0 # Description # String P23217 = # Value # String P23218 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 45 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23220 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23221 = 0 # Description # String P23222 = # Value # String P23223 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 46 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23225 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23226 = 0 # Description # String P23227 = # Value # String P23228 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 47 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23230 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23231 = 0 # Description # String P23232 = # Value # String P23233 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 48 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23235 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23236 = 0 # Description # String P23237 = # Value # String P23238 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 49 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23240 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23241 = 0 # Description # String P23242 = # Value # String P23243 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 50 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23245 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23246 = 0 # Description # String P23247 = # Value # String P23248 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 51 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23250 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23251 = 0 # Description # String P23252 = # Value # String P23253 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 52 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23255 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23256 = 0 # Description # String P23257 = # Value # String P23258 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 53 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23260 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23261 = 0 # Description # String P23262 = # Value # String P23263 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 54 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23265 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23266 = 0 # Description # String P23267 = # Value # String P23268 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 55 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23270 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23271 = 0 # Description # String P23272 = # Value # String P23273 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 56 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23275 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23276 = 0 # Description # String P23277 = # Value # String P23278 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 57 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23280 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23281 = 0 # Description # String P23282 = # Value # String P23283 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 58 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23285 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23286 = 0 # Description # String P23287 = # Value # String P23288 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 59 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23290 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23291 = 0 # Description # String P23292 = # Value # String P23293 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 60 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23295 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23296 = 0 # Description # String P23297 = # Value # String P23298 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 61 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23300 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23301 = 0 # Description # String P23302 = # Value # String P23303 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 62 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23305 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23306 = 0 # Description # String P23307 = # Value # String P23308 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 63 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23310 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23311 = 0 # Description # String P23312 = # Value # String P23313 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 64 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23315 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23316 = 0 # Description # String P23317 = # Value # String P23318 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 65 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23320 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23321 = 0 # Description # String P23322 = # Value # String P23323 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 66 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23325 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23326 = 0 # Description # String P23327 = # Value # String P23328 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 67 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23330 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23331 = 0 # Description # String P23332 = # Value # String P23333 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 68 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23335 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23336 = 0 # Description # String P23337 = # Value # String P23338 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 69 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23340 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23341 = 0 # Description # String P23342 = # Value # String P23343 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 70 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23345 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23346 = 0 # Description # String P23347 = # Value # String P23348 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 71 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23350 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23351 = 0 # Description # String P23352 = # Value # String P23353 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 72 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23355 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23356 = 0 # Description # String P23357 = # Value # String P23358 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 73 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23360 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23361 = 0 # Description # String P23362 = # Value # String P23363 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 74 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23365 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23366 = 0 # Description # String P23367 = # Value # String P23368 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 75 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23370 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23371 = 0 # Description # String P23372 = # Value # String P23373 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 76 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23375 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23376 = 0 # Description # String P23377 = # Value # String P23378 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 77 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23380 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23381 = 0 # Description # String P23382 = # Value # String P23383 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 78 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23385 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23386 = 0 # Description # String P23387 = # Value # String P23388 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 79 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23390 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23391 = 0 # Description # String P23392 = # Value # String P23393 = ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 80 ###################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23395 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23396 = 0 # Description # String P23397 = # Value # String P23398 = ######################################################################## # Extension Boards/EXT 3 ######################################################################## ###################################################################################### # EXT MPK 81 ####################################################################################### # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23400 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23401 = 0 # Description # String P23402 = # Value # String P23403 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 82 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23405 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23406 = 0 # Description # String P23407 = # Value # String P23408 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 83 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23410 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23411 = 0 # Description # String P23412 = # Value # String P23413 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 84 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23415 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23416 = 0 # Description # String P23417 = # Value # String P23418 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 85 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23420 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23421 = 0 # Description # String P23422 = # Value # String P23423 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 86 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23425 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23426 = 0 # Description # String P23427 = # Value # String P23428 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 87 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23430 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23431 = 0 # Description # String P23432 = # Value # String P23433 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 88 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23435 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23436 = 0 # Description # String P23437 = # Value # String P23438 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 89 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23440 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23441 = 0 # Description # String P23442 = # Value # String P23443 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 90 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23445 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23446 = 0 # Description # String P23447 = # Value # String P23448 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 91 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23450 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23451 = 0 # Description # String P23452 = # Value # String P23453 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 92 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23455 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23456 = 0 # Description # String P23457 = # Value # String P23458 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 93 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23460 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23461 = 0 # Description # String P23462 = # Value # String P23463 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 94 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23465 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23466 = 0 # Description # String P23467 = # Value # String P23468 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 95 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23470 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23471 = 0 # Description # String P23472 = # Value # String P23473 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 96 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23475 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23476 = 0 # Description # String P23477 = # Value # String P23478 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 97 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23480 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23481 = 0 # Description # String P23482 = # Value # String P23483 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 98 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23485 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23486 = 0 # Description # String P23487 = # Value # String P23488 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 99 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23490 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23491 = 0 # Description # String P23492 = # Value # String P23493 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 100 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23495 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23496 = 0 # Description # String P23497 = # Value # String P23498 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 101 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23500 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23501 = 0 # Description # String P23502 = # Value # String P23503 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 102 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23505 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23506 = 0 # Description # String P23507 = # Value # String P23508 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 103 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23510 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23511 = 0 # Description # String P23512 = # Value # String P23513 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 104 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23515 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23516 = 0 # Description # String P23517 = # Value # String P23518 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 105 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23520 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23521 = 0 # Description # String P23522 = # Value # String P23523 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 106 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23525 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23526 = 0 # Description # String P23527 = # Value # String P23528 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 107 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23530 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23531 = 0 # Description # String P23532 = # Value # String P23533 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 108 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23535 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23536 = 0 # Description # String P23537 = # Value # String P23538 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 109 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23540 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23541 = 0 # Description # String P23542 = # Value # String P23543 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 110 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23545 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23546 = 0 # Description # String P23547 = # Value # String P23548 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 111 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23550 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23551 = 0 # Description # String P23552 = # Value # String P23553 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 112 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23555 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23556 = 0 # Description # String P23557 = # Value # String P23558 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 113 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23560 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23561 = 0 # Description # String P23562 = # Value # String P23563 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 114 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23565 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23566 = 0 # Description # String P23567 = # Value # String P23568 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 115 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23570 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23571 = 0 # Description # String P23572 = # Value # String P23573 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 116 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23575 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23576 = 0 # Description # String P23577 = # Value # String P23578 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 117 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23580 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23581 = 0 # Description # String P23582 = # Value # String P23583 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 118 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23585 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23586 = 0 # Description # String P23587 = # Value # String P23588 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 119 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23590 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23591 = 0 # Description # String P23592 = # Value # String P23593 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 120 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23595 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23596 = 0 # Description # String P23597 = # Value # String P23598 = ######################################################################## # Extension Boards/EXT 4# ######################################################################## ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 121 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23600 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23601 = 0 # Description # String P23602 = # Value # String P23603 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 122 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23605 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23606 = 0 # Description # String P23607 = # Value # String P23608 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 123 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23610 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23611 = 0 # Description # String P23612 = # Value # String P23613 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 124 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23615 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23616 = 0 # Description # String P23617 = # Value # String P23618 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 125 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23620 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23621 = 0 # Description # String P23622 = # Value # String P23623 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 126 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23625 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23626 = 0 # Description # String P23627 = # Value # String P23628 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 127 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23630 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23631 = 0 # Description # String P23632 = # Value # String P23633 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 128 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23635 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23636 = 0 # Description # String P23637 = # Value # String P23638 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 129 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23640 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23641 = 0 # Description # String P23642 = # Value # String P23643 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 130 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23645 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23646 = 0 # Description # String P23647 = # Value # String P23648 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 131 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23650 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23651 = 0 # Description # String P23652 = # Value # String P23653 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 132 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23655 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23656 = 0 # Description # String P23657 = # Value # String P23658 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 133 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23660 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23661 = 0 # Description # String P23662 = # Value # String P23663 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 134 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23665 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23666 = 0 # Description # String P23667 = # Value # String P23668 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 135 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23670 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23671 = 0 # Description # String P23672 = # Value # String P23673 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 136 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23675 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23676 = 0 # Description # String P23677 = # Value # String P23678 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 137 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23680 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23681 = 0 # Description # String P23682 = # Value # String P23683 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 138 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23685 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23686 = 0 # Description # String P23687 = # Value # String P23688 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 139 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23690 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23691 = 0 # Description # String P23692 = # Value # String P23693 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 140 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23695 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23696 = 0 # Description # String P23697 = # Value # String P23698 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 141 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23700 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23701 = 0 # Description # String P23702 = # Value # String P23703 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 142 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23705 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23706 = 0 # Description # String P23707 = # Value # String P23708 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 143 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23710 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23711 = 0 # Description # String P23712 = # Value # String P23713 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 144 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23715 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23716 = 0 # Description # String P23717 = # Value # String P23718 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 145 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23720 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23721 = 0 # Description # String P23722 = # Value # String P23723 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 146 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23725 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23726 = 0 # Description # String P23727 = # Value # String P23728 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 147 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23730 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23731 = 0 # Description # String P23732 = # Value # String P23733 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 148 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23735 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23736 = 0 # Description # String P23737 = # Value # String P23738 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 149 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23740 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23741 = 0 # Description # String P23742 = # Value # String P23743 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 150 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23745 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23746 = 0 # Description # String P23747 = # Value # String P23748 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 151 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23750 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23751 = 0 # Description # String P23752 = # Value # String P23753 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 152 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23755 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23756 = 0 # Description # String P23757 = # Value # String P23758 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 153 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23760 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23761 = 0 # Description # String P23762 = # Value # String P23763 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 154 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23765 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23766 = 0 # Description # String P23767 = # Value # String P23768 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 155 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23770 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23771 = 0 # Description # String P23772 = # Value # String P23773 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 156 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23775 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23776 = 0 # Description # String P23777 = # Value # String P23778 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 157 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23780 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23781 = 0 # Description # String P23782 = # Value # String P23783 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 158 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23785 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23786 = 0 # Description # String P23787 = # Value # String P23788 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 159 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23790 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23791 = 0 # Description # String P23792 = # Value # String P23793 = ################################################################################################## # EXT MPK 160 ################################################################################################## # Key Mode. # Number: -1 - 35 # -1 - None, 0 - Speed Dial, 1 - BLF, 2 - Presence Watcher # 3 - Eventlist BLF, 4 - Speed Dial via active account, 5 - Dial DTMF # 6 - Voice Mail, 7 - Call Return, 8 - Transfer, 9 - Call Park, 10 - Intercom # 11 - LDAP Search, 12 - Conference, 13 - Multicast Paging, 14 - Record, 15 - Call Log # 16 - Monitored Call Park, 17 - Menu 18- XML Application,19 - Information, 20 - Message # 21 - Forward, 22 - DND, 23 - Redial, 24 - Instant Messages, 25 - Multicast Listen Address # 26 - Keypad Lock, 27 - GDS OpenDoor, 28 - Presence Eventlist, 29 - Provision, 30 - Phonebook # 33 - Paging, 34 - HTTP Command, 35 - Silent Call # Mandatory P23795 = -1 # Account. 0 - Account 1, 1 - Account 2, 2 - Account 3, 3 - Account 4, 4 - Account 5, 5 - Account 6 # Number: 0 - 5 P23796 = 0 # Description # String P23797 = # Value # String P23798 =