Cytracom UCaaS: 10DLC information

Beginning September 30, 2024, All SMS and MMS messages sent to US phone numbers from unregistered 10DLC phone numbers will be blocked. We encourage registration as soon as possible.


This article discusses the 10DLC standard for A2P business messaging.


  • Cytracom UCaaS



What it is and why it matters

Mobile carriers now require registering your brand, campaign, and number assignments with The Campaign Registry (TCR) before enabling SMS. The TCR is the information hub that works with carriers, messaging companies, and industry partners to establish common standards for A2P 10DLC messaging. This registration is required regardless of how you currently use SMS.

Businesses must comply with legal and industry standards to combat text message spam. This involves monitoring and enforcing content, language, timing, and distribution policies.

Cytracom cannot assist in mitigating actions against messages that violate 10DLC requrements.

Forbidden messaging content

SMS operates within a tightly regulated framework, adhering to strict rules, regulations, and carrier specifications. Content that breaches guidelines is prohibited, leading wireless carriers to automatically reject SMS and MMS messages that violate these standards.

According to, Forbidden content includes:

  • High-risk financial services
  • Third-party lead generation
  • Debt collection and forgiveness
  • “Get rich quick” schemes or Multi-level marketing
  • Illegal substances, including substances only legal in some states.
  • Gambling
  • Sex, hate, alcohol, firearms, and tobacco (SHAFT)

For more information about forbidden content, see's informational page (external link)

Customer consent requirements

According to, customer consent  and the ability to opt out is required for all A2P messaging. The type and level of consent can vary depending on the messaging frequency and type. For more information on customer consent requirements, see's Customer Consent Requirements page (external link)

Who Is impacted?

This requirement impacts everyone who uses business text messaging, regardless of volume. If you send one or thousands of text messages, you must register with TCR. There are no exceptions. Messages from unregistered senders registration may not reach their intended recipients.

Not all business communications service providers assist end-user customers with registration, but our goal is to make registration as painless as possible.

Businesses that send outgoing text messages must understand that compliance with 10DLC SMS and MMS regulations is crucial, as non-compliance could disrupt service.

Industry terms and definitions

  • Business messaging: Text messages from businesses to their customers. These can be single texts or bulk messages (This is a general term, not Cytracom's Business Messaging product).  
  • SMS and MMS: SMS messages are traditional texts – under 160 characters with no attachments, pictures, videos, emojis, or other media. MMS are texts that have any of the above media.
  • TCR: The Campaign Registry (TCR) is the reputation authority for business messaging on 10DLC.  TCR acts as a central hub for Application-to-Person (A2P) 10 Digit Long Code (10DLC) messaging campaigns.
  • 10DLC phone numbers: 10-digit phone numbers used by businesses for text messaging. They help protect brand and reputation, as well as ensure messages are communicated in a consistent and effective way.
  • 10DLC messaging: A service that lets businesses send large volumes of text messages to customers more quickly, reliably, and accurately than standard short code messaging.
  • A2P: Application to Person (A2P) is the industry descriptor for the messaging type tused by businesses.

Benefits of 10DLC

  • Improved Delivery Rates: Because messages sent through 10DLC travel over dedicated A2P routes, 10DLC helps ensure SMS and MMS messages arrive quickly.
  • Enhanced Customer Engagement: By sending messages through 10DLC, businesses are able to keep their customers aware and up to date on upcoming products, services, and promotions. Brand awareness, customer loyalty, and engagement increase as a result.
  • Reduced Spam: The 10DLC solution features a range of anti-spam measures that help to ensure messages are only sent to users who have given their consent and have opted in. This helps reduce the numberof unsolicited messages sent out, improving the customer experience.
  • Compliance with Regulations: 10DLC helps businesses comply with industry standards and provides clear guidelines for how to send A2P messages. This helps ensure businesses are not at risk of non-compliance and maintains positive business practices.

What are the brand tiers and how do they affect my business?

  • Once a brand has been approved, carriers will place each brand in their own class or tier level based on their assessment of how trustworthy the brand is.
  • Class and Tier levels will have different throughput rates and surcharges. The higher the brand tier, the higher the throughput rates and lower the surcharge rates.
  • Repeated violations of spam or content policy can lead to lowering of the brand tier. This can drastically slow down the brand’s allowed throughput rates, as well as lead to more expensive surcharges.

Do I need to register for 10DLC?

Yes, you need to register 10DLC in order to send outbound SMS text messages to US-based numbers.

How do I register for 10DLC?

Register the brand

1. Navigate to as an Administrator.

2. Select PBX

3.Hover over the Phone Numbers tab to see the drop-down menu and select SMS Brand Registration in the dropdown that appears.

4. Fill out the form provided and submit. The process for verifying brands can take up to 24 hours to complete.

Complete the registration process

1. Once the brand is verified, hover over Phone Numbers and select SMS Campaign Registration in the drop-down menu.

2. Fill out the form provided for the Campaign Registration and submit. Note: A third party manually vets the campaign application and can take up to 20 days to complete.

What information do I need before registering?

To ensure a seamless registration process, have all documentation ready. The approval process can take up to 30 business days. By gathering everything you need and submitting the correct information, you’ll minimize your wait time for approval.

Required documentation

  • Verification letter—This letter will come from the IRS (U.S.) or the Canadian government and will contain the necessary information for your brand registration
  • Legal entity registered name and address
  • Country of registration 
  • EIN (US) / Business Number (Canada)
  • Organization type—If your company is publicly traded, have your stock symbol registration letter from the SEC
  • Company SMS phone numbers
  • Proof of customer consent
  • Website URL 
  • Messaging examples—Messaging examples include Consent, Opt-in, Opt-out, and Help


Cytracom covers the initial cost of registration submission of the brand and campaign. If The Campaign Registry rejects your brand or campaign, subsequent registration attempts are $20 per attempt. Once the campaign is registered, there is a $10 monthly recurring fee.

Additional References:

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