Cytracom ControlOne: Quick start: Step 1: Creating a Gateway


This article discusses how to assign a Gateway to your ControlOne Network as part of a new ControlOne deployment.


  • Cytracom ControlOne


Quick start article index

Follow this article series in order for a complete ControlOne deployment.

  1. Create the Gateway
  2. Assign the Bridge
  3. Set up your new Site
  4. Connect your Site to the internet
  5. Set up your LAN
  6. Add users to ControlOne
  7. Connect the ControlOne Bridge hardware

The first step in creating your customer tenant is to create a ControlOne Gateway. The Gateway is the cloud edge, between your tenant's ControlOne instance in the data center and the internet.

The ControlOne Gateway provides a static public IP address for that customer. By default, ControlOne will use this IP address for every Zone you create. Whether you are onsite behind a bridge or offsite running a ControlOne agent, you will be presenting this IP address to the internet.

  • The firewall and security residing in the regional data center is behind the Gateway
  • You can have more than one Gateway per region, or Gateways in multiple regions.


Create the Gateway

1. In the ControlOne Portal, select Network Map in the left-hand Navigation menu.


Figure 1: The Navigation menu (click to enlarge)

2, In the Network Map, use the Region drop-down menu in the top right-hand corner of the window to select the region closest to your ControlOne Bridge's physical location, then click the Add New button and select Gateway from the expanded options.


Figure 2: Region view selection and Add New button (click to enlarge)

3. Name the Gateway and use the Region drop-down menu to select the region closest to your ControlOne Bridge's physical location. 


Figure 3: Region selection (click to enlarge)

4. An object representing your newly-created Gateway will now appear in the Network Map. Click it to view its details, including its region and public static IP address.


Figure 4: Gateway details (click to enlarge)

Add the Service Address

Now that your Gateway is created within the closest geographic region, you must associate the IP address with a physical location. This is crucial for correct content delivery, ARIN registration, and any location-specific functionality. This address will serve as an "anchor address" for functions such as geolocation.

It may take some time for external providers to recognize a newly set location. 

1. In Gateway Details, scroll down to the Service Address section and click Add


Figure 5: Add Service Address (click to enlarge)

2. Type in the physical address. The system will provide an autocomplete as soon as it has a valid match.  When finished, click Save.


Figure 6: Service address entry (click to enlarge)

Next Step: Assign the ControlOne Bridge 

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