Cytracom Desktop: Business Messaging


This article discusses business messaging with Cytracom Desktop.


  • Cytracom Desktop



The purpose of business messaging is to enable and facilitate conversations which are  implemented across Cytracom apps as:

  • Rooms  - an ongoing topic of conversation that allows the owner to add or remove members
  • Direct Messages  - ad hoc conversations grouped by the specific members and delineated based on the type of members:
    • Blue avatar indicates all members are using Cytracom Apps
    • Green avatar indicates some members are using SMS

The members within each conversation are added when the conversation is created. For Rooms, the members are selected from the contact list. For Direct Messages, the members are either selected from the contact list, or by simply entering a phone number for a desired recipient that is using SMS.

The conversations are the forum where the members simply send and receive messages. These messages may be as short as "Hello", or as vast as a file with a quarterly financial report. Familiar messaging capabilities from personal consumer products are now available for business. Some advanced messaging features such as editing a message is not available for SMS.

The messaging simplicity allows the user to always control the conversations which they are participating:

  • Presence - decide if a colleague is available for messaging 
  • Edit - change own message within Rooms and internal (blue) conversations
  • Delete - delete own message within Rooms and internal (blue) conversations
  • Mute - disable notifications for a specific conversation
  • Hide - a specific Direct Message will no longer appear in the user's list
  • Archive - an owner's Room will no longer appear in any member's list
  • Avatar - optionally upload a picture/image to personalize presence

Refer to the Business Messaging Terminology  for complete list of definitions.

General Requirements

Cytracom Business Messaging is an advanced feature of Cytracom apps available to customers who have chosen the C2 service plan. These users are allowed to enjoy all the messaging features to communicate internally with colleagues using Cytracom apps. Refer to Cytracom App Access Prerequisites for details.

To expand a user's capability to include SMS messaging, it simply requires the user to have their own assigned phone number. Refer to the article Assign a User to a Phone Number to Enable SMS.

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