For the latest updates please refer to our Firewall Best Practices guide for the latest IP address ranges and services.


Connecting to the UDM Pro

In order to connect the UDM Pro to the network:

  • Ensure the modem or other ISP-provided equipment is in bridge mode. Anyone familiar with the local network setup will be able to assist with this.
  • Note: If the IP address is static, it will be necessary to load this information into the UDM Pro.
  • Connect the router to the modem provided by the ISP, ensuring that it is the only device connected. All other devices will connect to the router or a switch connected to the router.
  • In most cases, the router can be accessed locally at or

Traffic Management

The Unifi product line offers an easy way to configure firewall rules with less confusion, this feature is known as "traffic management". When creating a new rule in traffic management it will automatically create the needed firewall rules automatically. 

  • Log into the Unifi dashboard and open the network app for the desired device. 
  • Navigate to the gear icon on the left side menu at the bottom. 


  • Select Traffic Management and then select create a new rule. 
  • The screen will transition to a rule creation screen.
    • Action - Allow
    • Category - IP Address
    • IP Address - See the table below. For the first 3 entries, you will want to select "Add IP Address range". The last entry uses the "Add IP Address" option. 
    • Target - What devices are allowed to use this rule, from the drop-down you can select individual devices or even all devices. For this example, we selected all devices. 
    • Schedule - Set to always 
    • Speed Limit- Leave unchecked


IP Addresses:  
Backup Register


Smart Queues

Unifi gateways have a bandwidth management feature known as "Smart Queues". These queues will limit bandwidth based on traffic identity/destination. It can help manage congestion at the gateway. 

  • Log into the Unifi dashboard and open the network app for the desired device. 
  • Navigate to the gear icon on the left side menu at the bottom. 
  • Select the Internet menu option and click on the WAN connection.


  • This will open up the WAN configuration menu.
  • Scroll down to the advanced section and turn it to "Manual"
  • Select the Check box to the right of the "Smart Queues" Option, then set the link bandwidth. 
  • Finally at the bottom select "apply changes" 


Note: different Unifi gateways have different performance capabilities, i.e. Dream router vs UDM Pro. Some hardware may not be able to effectively run smart queues for high throughput WANs such as Gigabit fiber. Refer to manufacturer documentation for additional details.



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