Cytracom UCaaS: Setting up Microsoft Teams Direct Routing for use with Cytracom


This article explains how to set up the Microsoft Teams Direct Routing for use with Cytracom. 


  • Microsoft Teams Direct Routing


Microsoft Teams Direct Routing enables configured users to make and receive calls with their Cytracom phone number from within the Teams apps.

Note: Teams is not available in Marketplace on the Cytracom app and must be managed and used in MS Teams.

Supported features

Cytracom supports the following key call functionality: Direct Call Routing and Call Transfer.

Other features like Call Parking, Auto Attendant, Teams Call Center, Audio Conferencing, Click to Dial, and Call Queues are supported within the Cytracom infrastructure and will not be integrated with Microsoft’s PBX infrastructure. Please contact Cytracom Support for any feature requests.

Setup Procedure

Before you start

  • This procedure requires you to log into the Microsoft 365 Admin Center and the Cytracom portal. As part of this workflow, you will associate a subdomain operated by Cytracom to the Microsoft account. 
  • Make sure your users have the Teams Phone license from Microsoft. 
  • Make sure you have the Direct Routing PSTN connectivity option. 

Prepare the Microsoft account

1. Log into with your administrative Microsoft account credentials.

2. Select Admin from the side panel. 

3. In the Admin Center menu, click Settings, then select Domains from the expanded options. 

Add the Cytracom domains

1. Log into the Cytracom portal. 

2. Click the plus sign icon on the right-hand side of the screen, then select MS Teams from the expanded options.

The system will prompt you to add two domains: and , where the "zzzzzzz" prefix is unique to your customer. These are the domains Microsoft will use to communicate with the Cytracom voice system. 

3. Click the following link: Log into the M365 Admin portal if prompted.

4. Copy the first domain name and paste it in the space provided, then click the Use this domain button. 

5. On the next page, choose Add a text file to the domain website.

6. Download the file named "me<some numbers>.txt," then drag it to the drag and drop field on the screen. This file contains a challenge from Microsoft to Cytracom that you will use to validate the domain. 

Validate the domains

In this step, you will upload the file you downloaded in step 6 above to Cytracom's system. The filename must match the filename that Microsoft provided.

1. In the Microsoft 365 Admin Center, click Add a text file to the domain's website

2. Follow the instructions in the Cytracom PBX to save and upload this file to Cytracom. The filename must match the filename that Microsoft provides. Wait a few seconds for Cytracom to sync that file to the server, then click the Verify button. Microsoft will contact the Cytracom server to check the challenge. 

3. The Connection Options screen will appear, displaying the question, "How do you want to connect to your domain? Select Skip and do this later, then click the Continue button.

4. In the Cytracom portal, close the dialog and activate the secondary domain. Domain setup is now complete. 

Associate users with the SBC domains

Microsoft requires users to be associated with both SBC domains before considering those domains registered. To do this, you can change existing users' email address domains and licenses or create new temporary users with their own licenses.


Option #1: Modifying existing users

Warning! Changing an existing user's email domain will log them out of all sessions and may cause a loss of access to emails and other O365 apps on that domain until the change is reverted.

Changing your own admin user email domain will terminate your admin portal session and may prevent you from logging back in. Ensure another admin can revert your email user domain after changing it. 


Option #2: Creating temporary users

Create a temporary user for each of the Cytracom SBC domains. These users must have a Microsoft Teams Phone license, which also requires the following:

  • You must have a Microsoft 365 Business/Enterprise license
  • The Microsoft Teams App must be enabled. If you did not enable the Microsoft Teams app, you will see the alert shown in Figure X below:


Once the domains are successfully validated, they will appear in the Email Domain drop-down menu. 

Complete the integration setup

1. On any Windows computer, run PowerShell as an administrator.

2. Install the Microsoft Teams Powershell Module if not already installed. The install commands are:
Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force -AllowClobber Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -Force -AllowClobber

3. Load the PowerShell module and log into Microsoft Teams with your admin credentials:

Import-Module MicrosoftTeams


If you see the error below, set a less restrictive execution policy for this Powershell session.


After activating the domains, the Cytracom PBX Portal will generate additional PowerShell commands that you must execute for each user you add. After completing these steps, your integration setup will be finished. 

Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity {MS Teams User Email Address} -PhoneNumberType DirectRouting -PhoneNumber +1{User Assigned DID in Cytracom}
Grant-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy -Identity {MS Teams User Email Address} -PolicyName "cytracom"

Note: Replace MS Teams User Email Address with the Email of the MS Teams user and User Assigned DID In Cytracom with the DID that is assigned to the respective user in the PBX. Also, be sure to remove the curly braces {} in the commands.

  • If you get the error below when running the New-CsOnlineVoiceRoute command, ensure you have completed domain registration and associated a user as described above:
  • If you get the following error when adding users with the Set-CsUser command, ensure you have the Teams Phone license active for each of your users in Office365:

Additional Resources

Still have questions? Click here to learn how to contact Cytracom Technical Support or open a ticket.

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